Good Corporate Governance, Earnings Management and Profit
Optimization to increase the Competitiveness of Sharia Commercial
Banks Industry
Bandung State Polytechnic, Bandung, Indonesia
Good Corporate Governance, Earnings Management, Profit.
This study was conducted to determine the effect of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) on earnings man-
agement and profit as an effort to improve the competitiveness of Islamic banks in Indonesia. The study was
conducted on 11 Islamic public banks registered with Financial Services Authority using data from the period
2013-2017. Methods of data analysis are using PLS-SEM with WrapPLS 6.0 statistical tools. The results
of the study showed that the GCG elements of the sharia supervisory board and the board of commissioners
did not affect earnings management, while the audit committee element affected earnings management. This
condition shows that the shariah supervisory board and board of commissioners have not optimally influenced
the practice of earnings management and supported the increase in the competitiveness of Islamic banks in
Indonesia, but the audit committee contributed to controlling the practice of earnings management. GCG ele-
ments of the sharia supervisory board and audit committee have no effect on the increase in company profits
while the board of commissioners has an influence on increasing corporate profits. This condition shows that
the shariah supervisory board and audit committee have not optimally influenced corporate profits to support
the increase in the competitiveness of Islamic banks in Indonesia while the board of commissioners contributes
to optimizing corporate profits. The test results also show that earnings management has a positive effect on
increasing corporate profits. The GCG element of the audit committee is able to play a role in encouraging
the implementation of earnings management so that it influences the increase in corporate profits. Profit op-
timization through increasing the role of GCG can increase the competitiveness of Sharia Commercial Banks
in Indonesia.
Today, the business world is increasingly dynamic.
The development of the company’s ability is very im-
portant in order to survive in the global market. So it
is not surprising that now companies are competing to
increase their competitiveness in various fields. One
of the company’s efforts to improve the quality of the
company is by implementing good corporate gover-
nance (Wicaksono and Raharja, 2014). The essence
of increasing the competitiveness of banking institu-
tions as reviewed by (Priyanto, 2006) is a decrease in
costs with indicators of increasing company profits.
Banking will also see it through market share indica-
tors because it is a reflection of customer confidence
in using banking services.
Earnings management and banking industry oper-
ational systems have been widely studied by various
parties. The study (Amertha, 2013) shows that profit
is an indicator of company management in managing
company assets. Profit functions as a tool to mea-
sure the operational effectiveness and performance of
business entities. According to (Fatimah et al., 2019)
profit is used by management to assess the company’s
operational and financial performance. Profit is used
as a reference for the use of resources and consider-
ation in financing assets. In practice, managers of-
ten take action on ’earnings management’ which is
related to the level of sales, assets, and share capi-
tal. According to (Healy and Wahlen, 1999) earnings
management occurs when managers manipulate com-
pany performance. Manipulation is done by chang-
ing contracts and accounting reports with the aim of
changing stakeholder perceptions of company perfor-
Earnings management seems to be something that
is usually practiced by several world companies in the
past decade (Agustina et al., 2018). Earnings manage-
Hilman, .
Good Corporate Governance, Earnings Management and Profit Optimization to Increase the Competitiveness of Sharia Commercial Banks Industry.
DOI: 10.5220/0009857800480053
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism and Information Management (ICCETIM 2019) - Creativity and Innovation Developments for Global
Competitiveness and Sustainability, pages 48-53
ISBN: 978-989-758-451-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ment is a phenomenon that is difficult to avoid as an
impact of the use of accrual basis in preparing finan-
cial statements. According to (Setiawati and Naim,
2001) deviations in the allocation of funds are a re-
sult of the manipulation of financial statements by
management. Earnings information is a major con-
cern for assessing management performance or per-
formance. Earnings management actions are known
to have raised several cases of accounting reporting
scandals widely, including Enron, Merck, WorldCom,
and the majority of other companies in the United
States (Tehranian et al., 2006). Some cases also oc-
cur in Indonesia, such as PT. Kimia Farma Tbk and
PT. Lippo Tbk also involve financial reporting starting
from the detection of engineering (Boediono, 2005).
In Islamic banking, the application of earnings
management is considered to be contrary to moral and
ethical values. Earnings management is the practice
of accounting information manipulation and Islamic
banks must avoid it (Bukhari et al., 2013). Study of
(Taktak, 2011) revealed that the practice of earnings
management in Islamic banks is done by manipulat-
ing the use of reserve funds to regulate the value of
their desired income. (Mujib, 2018) revealed that in
the 2013-2017 period there were earnings manage-
ment practices in several Islamic banks in Indone-
sia. Fraud conducted through earnings management
practices on Islamic banks has an impact on declining
profits and the competitiveness of companies. There
needs to be intervention from the government to im-
prove company performance, one of which is through
increasing the supervision and control processes both
externally and internally.
Financial reporting quality of Islamic banks is ex-
pected to be able to be achieved properly if imple-
mented internal control over effective financial report-
ing. The implementation of internal control over ef-
fective financial reporting requires the application of
the role of the Sharia Supervisory Board, the Board
of Commissioners, and the Audit Committee. This
research was conducted to discuss Good Corporate
Governance, Earnings Management and Profit Op-
timization to increase the competitiveness of Sharia
Commercial Banks in Indonesia. Based on the prob-
lems faced by Islamic banks in Indonesia, the formu-
lation of the questions in this study is 1) How does
the role of the shariah supervisory board, board of
commissioners and audit committee influence earn-
ings management 2) How does the role of the shariah
supervisory board, board of commissioners and au-
dit committee affect profit 3) What is the effect of
earnings management on profits at Sharia Commer-
cial Banks in Indonesia.
In order to improve the performance and competitive-
ness of national banks, the government needs to in-
tervene. It is necessary to supervise banks with high
concentration to be able to control operational activi-
ties. Banks are expected to be more efficient towards
high competitiveness and avoid potential moral haz-
ard practices (Tobing et al., 2013). Good corporate
governance is a reference for companies to improve
the competitiveness of companies (national and inter-
national). Improving competitiveness increases mar-
ket confidence, encourages continuous investment
flows and national economic growth (Wicaksono and
Raharja, 2014).
Indonesia has experienced a financial crisis. Ac-
cording to (Solla et al., 2010), one of the factors
that triggered the financial crisis in Indonesia was
due to the weak factor of Good Corporate Gover-
nance (GCG). Financial reports fail to convey real
facts about the economic condition of the company
so that users of financial statements do not obtain real
information from company profits. According to (Sun
et al., 2010) Good Corporate Governance deals with
compensation received by the directors and managers.
The purpose of GCG is to provide motivation to man-
agers in determining the best attitude for shareholders
and management monitoring to reduce agency con-
The study from (Mujib, 2018) revealed that in the
2013-2017 period fraud occurred which was the prac-
tice of earnings management in Islamic banking.
Figure 1: Fraud in Sharia Banking year 2013-2017(Mujib,
Earnings management can make financial presen-
tations less transparent. In the Sharia Banking system,
the concept of earnings management is different from
the moral and ethical values on which this institution
Good Corporate Governance, Earnings Management and Profit Optimization to Increase the Competitiveness of Sharia Commercial Banks
is run based on Islamic sharia based on honesty and
transparency, therefore accounting manipulation and
other discretionary behaviors are considered unethi-
cal practices in Islam banks.
Earnings management is thought to appear or be
carried out by managers or financial statement makers
in the financial reporting process of an organization
because they expect a benefit from the actions they
take (Gumanti, 2000). In addition, earnings informa-
tion is also used by investors or interested parties as an
indicator of the ability to use funds that are embedded
in the company and manifested in the rate of return as
well as indicators for increasing welfare (Chariri and
Ghozali, 2007). With good Good Corporate Gover-
nance, it is expected that the quality of financial state-
ments will be properly assessed by investors. There-
fore, the relationship that arises from the existence of
strong Good Corporate Governance in a company is
thought to affect the relationship of earnings manage-
ment and earnings quality (Rifani, 2013).
Corporate governance is an attraction that has al-
ways been questioned by regulators, financial insti-
tutions, investors, and the media. governance prob-
lems arise from different incentives and asymmet-
ric information between shareholders and managers
(Niu, 2006), because the relationship between man-
agement, the board of directors, shareholders and cor-
porate stakeholders can be seen and realized through
the achievement of systematic corporate governance.
This is the scope of the rules and procedures that
must be followed through the stated company goals
(Ahmed, 2017).
In Islamic banking, the sharia supervisory board
(SSB), board of commissioners (BOC) and audit
committee (AC) play an important role to limit earn-
ings management practices. The Shariah Supervisory
Board is an entity that has the authority to provide
oversight of products or any form of implementation
of National Sharia Board Indonesia Ulema Coun-
cil decisions in Islamic financial institutions. SSB
can carry out its duties after being appointed / ap-
pointed through the SSGM (Sharia Supervisory Gen-
eral Meeting) after obtaining a recommendation from
the National Sharia Board, and can be dismissed in
carrying out its duties and authorities through the
SSGM after obtaining recommendations from the Na-
tional Sharia Board. This Sharia Supervisory Board is
located under the Sharia Supervisory General Meet-
ing or parallel to the Board of Commissioners in the
structure of a Sharia Bank or Islamic financial institu-
tion (Wisnumurti and YUYETTA, 2010).
The board of commissioners has a certain influ-
ence on the performance of the company. In a lit-
erature, it is explained that the increasing number of
personnel who become board of commissioners can
result in the worse performance of the company. This
can be explained by the existence of agency problems,
which states that the more members of the board of
commissioners, the institution will experience diffi-
culties in carrying out its role, while the difficulties
that are intended include difficulties in communicat-
ing and coordinating the work of each member of the
board itself, difficulties in monitoring and controlling
the actions of management, as well as difficulties in
making decisions that are useful for the company (Na-
sution and Setiawan, 2007).
In carrying out its duties and responsibilities the
audit committee works independently. The audit
committee involved has at least three members from
independent commissioners and parties outside the
company. The audit committee is required to make a
report to the board of commissioners for the tasks as-
signed and make an annual report on the implementa-
tion of the activities of the audit committee’s activity
committee which are disclosed in the company’s an-
nual report. The existence of formal communication
between the audit committee, internal audit and exter-
nal audit will ensure that the internal and external au-
dit processes are carried out properly. A good internal
and external audit process will improve the accuracy
of financial statements and then increase confidence
in financial statements (Anderson et al., 2003).
Based on the literature review above and the prob-
lems that have been presented, the researcher presents
a framework that is poured into the model in Figure 2
Figure 2: Thinking Framework
The object of research used is the Sharia Commer-
cial Bank in Indonesia during the period 2013-2017.
Where in 2013 the number of Islamic public banks
was only 11 and had complete report data in 2017.
The sample is part of the number and characteris-
tics possessed by the population (Sugiyono, 2008).
The sampling technique was carried out by purpo-
sive sampling with the aim of getting a representa-
tive sample according to the specified criteria (Sugiy-
ono, 2008). Among others are as follows: Available
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
data is complete (overall data is available in the pub-
lication of Sharia Commercial Bank financial state-
ments for 2013-2017), both data on corporate gov-
ernance (Sharia Supervisory Board, Board of Com-
missioners, and Audit Committee) banking and data
needed for detect earnings management and profit op-
timization. Data measurement is calculated based on
surveys or observations used to collect primary data,
but calculations are also obtained from secondary
databases(Hair Jr et al., 2016).
The data analysis technique used in this study
is path analysis (analysis path) using the PLS-SEM
(Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling)
method with the WarpPLS 6.0 program. According
to (Santoso, 2011) that SEM is used to explain certain
phenomena involving two or more variables, either la-
tent or not. This method is applied because it is con-
sidered quite relevant and has been tested as a strong
method for predicting relationships between variables
with small samples when the data is not normally dis-
tributed (Hair Jr et al., 2016).
Based on the results of testing with WarpPLS 6.0, the
calculation of the fit model can be obtained which is
to evaluate whether the model fit is appropriate or sup-
ported by the following data:
Figure 3: Fit Model Analysis.
The output results show APC of 0.203 and ARS
of 0.224 and the criteria for the goodness of model fit
have been fulfilled which is significant (p value meets
the requirements <0.05). The AVIF value of 1.057
also fulfills the criteria of less than 5 which indicate
that there is no multicollinearity in the model.
Complete results of testing the hypothesis of di-
rect influence can be seen in Figure 4, below.
Figure 4: The Resume of the Direct Effect Hypothesis Test.
Furthermore, the results of the complete path anal-
ysis are also presented in the form of images as shown
in the following Figure 5,
In accordance with Figure 4 and Figure 5, we can
explain the results of testing the hypothesis of a direct
influence between variables as follows:
Figure 5: The Result of PLS-Path Analysis
1. Hypothesis 1 (H1) states that the shariah supervi-
sory board (SSB) (X1) has an effect on earnings
management (EM) (Y1). The test results show
path coefficients or path coefficients of -0.045 (p
= 0.368). This means that H1 is rejected or SSB
(X1) has no effect on EM (Y1).
2. Hypothesis 2 (H2) states that the shariah super-
visory board (SSB) (X1) has an effect on profit
(Y2). The test results show path coefficients or
path coefficients of 0.030 (p = 0.410). This means
that H2 is rejected or SSB (X1) does not affect
profit (Y2).
3. Hypothesis 3 (H3) states that the board of com-
missioners (BOC) (X2) influences earnings man-
agement (EM) (Y1). The test results show path
coefficients or path coefficients of 0.055 (p =
0.341). This means that H3 is rejected or BOC
(X2) has no effect on EM (Y1).
4. Hypothesis 4 (H4) states that the board of com-
missioners (BOC) (X2) has an effect on profit
(Y2). The test results show path coefficients or
path coefficients of -0,347 (p = 0,002). This
means that H4 is accepted or BOC (X2) has an ef-
fect on profit (Y2). The path coefficient value of
-0,347 indicates that BOC (X2) has a significant
negative effect on profit (Y2).
5. Hypothesis 5 (H5) states that the audit commit-
tee (AC) (X3) affects earnings management (EM)
(Y1). The test results show path coefficients or
path coefficients of -0,377 (p = 0.001). This
means that H5 is accepted or AC (X3) has an ef-
fect on EM (Y1). The path coefficient value of -
0,377 indicates that AC (X3) has a significant neg-
ative effect on EM (Y1).
6. Hypothesis 6 (H6) states that the audit committee
(AC) (X3) has an effect on profit (Y2). The test
results show path coefficients or path coefficients
of 0.151 (p = 0.121). This means that H6 is re-
jected or AC (X3) has no effect on profit (Y2).
7. Hypothesis 7 (H7) states that earnings manage-
ment (EM) (Y1) affects profit (Y2). The test re-
Good Corporate Governance, Earnings Management and Profit Optimization to Increase the Competitiveness of Sharia Commercial Banks
sults show path coefficients or path coefficients of
0.413 (p = ¡0.001). This means that H4 is ac-
cepted or EM (Y1) has an effect on profit (Y2).
The path coefficient value of 0.413 indicates that
EM (Y1) has a significant positive effect on Profit
The results of the study showed that the GCG ele-
ments of the sharia supervisory board and the board
of commissioners had no effect on earnings man-
agement. This is not in accordance with the re-
search(Mersni and Othman, 2016). Based on this
study, the shariah supervisory board and board of
commissioners have not optimally influenced the
practice of earnings management and support the im-
provement of the competitiveness of Islamic banks in
Indonesia. Audit committee GCG influences earn-
ings management. These results are consistent with
the research(Agustina et al., 2018) which shows that
audit committees contribute to controlling earnings
management practices that have an impact on corpo-
rate profits. GCG elements of the sharia supervisory
board and audit committee have no effect on increas-
ing company profits. The shariah supervisory board
and audit committee have not optimally influenced
corporate profits to support the increase in the com-
petitiveness of Islamic banks in Indonesia. This is not
in line with research (Sunarwan, 2015). However, in
his research it was revealed that the sharia supervisory
board had an effect when measured by the number of
sharia supervisory board meetings. Board of Com-
missioners’ GCG influences the increase in company
profits. This condition shows that the board of com-
missioners contributes to optimizing company profits.
The test results also show that earnings management
has a positive effect on increasing corporate profits.
This result is in accordance with the study (Salim,
2015) that the higher the practice of earnings man-
agement is carried out, the higher the value of corpo-
rate profits. The GCG element of the audit committee
is able to play a role in encouraging the implemen-
tation of earnings management so that it influences
the increase in corporate profits. Profit optimization
through increasing the role of GCG can increase the
competitiveness of Sharia Commercial Banks in In-
This study aims to determine the effect of good cor-
porate governance on earnings management and its
impact on profit optimization by using SEM-PLS.
Determinants of good corporate governance include
variable sharia supervisory boards, board of commis-
sioners, and audit committees. The specialty of us-
ing accrual accounting is to give management space
to inform their private information through earnings
management. However, if the application of earnings
management is too opportunistic, it will disrupt the
quality of financial statements. To achieve this goal,
the company is required to manage various resources
properly to grow the value added for the company it-
self. So that the better the company in managing re-
sources, the better the output will be. In addition to
financial aspects, the performance of a business entity
or business management is also seen based on the suc-
cess of a company implementing GCG and increas-
ing company profits to be able to compete with other
The results of this study have implications for
Sharia Commercial Banks. They are good at threat-
ening dismissals, threats of expropriation, and struc-
turing manager incentives. This is to prevent the con-
tract between Corporate Governance and agency the-
ory and earnings management. Because if there are
managers using valuation in financial reporting by
manipulating several stakeholders about the underly-
ing economic performance of the company or chang-
ing the outcome of the contract based on reported ac-
counting figures. Accountants are the most important
parties to overcome practices in the business world.
While earnings management is the most important
moral problem for the accounting profession.
Although this paper reveals several important
findings, this paper has limitations. First, due to lim-
ited access to data, the data used in this study were
only from 11 Islamic banks from 13 Islamic public
banks available in 2017. Second, it can be seen from
the factors that influence earnings management only
audit committees that influence earnings management
are therefore advised to enter or add new variables
that are identified as variables of good corporate gov-
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Good Corporate Governance, Earnings Management and Profit Optimization to Increase the Competitiveness of Sharia Commercial Banks