significant difference between the length of stay
with the incidence of VAP (p-value: 0.002).
The results of the study by Kahlil (2017) found
that the length of stay in the ICU was around 7-54
days. According to the study, VAP is an infection in
a hospital that has an impact on the length of stay,
increased hospital costs and a greater risk of death.
Turkovic (2017) also found that VAP patients
were treated longer in the ICU than patients without
VAP. Several studies report that patients with VAP
have increased the length of stay and hospital costs
(Safdar, 2005). Warren et al. (2003) reported that the
cost of hospitalization for patients with VAP was
significantly higher than for patients without VAP ($
70,568 vs. $ 21,620). Rello (2002) found the average
hospital bill for VAP patients to be $ 104,983 ± $
91,080. Which is significantly bigger.
In addition Rello (2002) also found that patients
with VAP had a significantly longer hospital length
of stay (25.5 ± 22.8 days, p <0.001) and a greater
number of ICU days (11.7 ± 11.0 days, p <0.001).
The number of days of treatment for patients with
VAP is longer than for patients without VAP. 9.6
days longer due to mechanical ventilation, 6.1 days
longer in the ICU, and 11.5 days longer in the
hospital. And the average hospital bill cost of VAP
patients is $ 40,000, which is significantly higher
than patients without VAP.
VAP study was as much as 3.1%. The onset of VAP
found within 5 days 66.6%, it is expected that the
prognosis will be better. This study showed that risk
factors for pulmonary disease history were only
33.3% but were significantly associated with the
incidence of VAP (p-value = 0.04, RR = 8.2 (1.6-
40.1)). VAP occurrencewere significantly related
with length of stay for patients in the ICU (p-value =
0.002), with a median of 12.5 (7-36) days.
From this study we concluded that VAP needs
more attention to prevent its occurrence. As once
diagnosed, it usually increases ICUs mortality rates
and its potentially substantial attributable moretality
Appreciation goes to Arifin Achmad General
Hospital and staff of the ICU and infection
prevention and control committee who helped us in
conducting this study.
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