This quality assurance is held from November 1
November 10
, 2017 at the ICU of Budhi Asih
Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. Targets in this quality
assurance were paramedic, the doctor in charge, and
medical staff of the ICU. Study staff collected data
by observing the facility, and all 25 paramedics and
15 doctors who were in charge through the 3 weeks
of the study. Authors also analyzed the SOPs
(Kemenkes RI, 2010), program indicator and
achievement in the ICU (official webpage RSUD
Budhi Asih, 2019), and performed a deep interview
to find the problems that were not stated in the
SOPs. All data were then compared with national
and international standard. Problem identification
was created to list the problems. All of the problems
list formulated using a scoring system to determine
the priority issue.
The priority of problem is determined from the
calculation with several components, such as
importance (I), technical feasibility (T), and
resources availability (R) or IxTxR method
(Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Komunitas Fakultas
Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017). Problem
with the highest score is selected to be the priority of
the problem. Importance shows how important to
solve the problem. There are several components
that affect the value of importance; Prevalence (P)
which is determined from the exact prevalence of
the problem or gap between target indicator and
achievement, Severity (S) shows how bad is the
impact if the problem is not solved immediately.
Then, Rate of increased (RI) shows how fast the
problem would increase if the problem is not solved.
Degree of unmet need (DU) shows the magnitude of
the people desire that is not fulfilled if the problem
is not solved. Social benefit (SB) shows the
magnitude of benefits to society. Public concern
(PB) shows the magnitude of public concern or
interest in the problem if the problem is solved. The
last one is Political climate (PC) that shows the
current political condition that can be a support of
3.1 Quality Assurance
Based on the International Standard Organization
(ISO), the definition of quality assurance is “all
those planned and systematic actions necessary to
provide adequate confidence that a product and
service will satisfy given requirement for quality”.
Quality assurance is important to identify the
problem in quality services and find the available
resources with measurable implementation
(Departemen IKK FKUI, 2017).
The purpose and benefits of quality assurance are
to improve service quality and patient satisfaction
and also assisting the organization or institution of
the service provider through quality improvement.
The implementation of good quality assurance
requires the active participation of the parties service
providers. Assessment of output must be thorough,
objective and relevant. Thus, the result will give
significance to real change and perceived by the
providers. Ultimately, the evaluation of the target
implementation of the solution should also be
appraised appropriately (Departemen IKK FKUI,
The steps done in the process of making a quality
assurance are identification of the problems and list
the priority, look for the cause of the problems use
the fishbone diagram and determine the priority,
identify alternative solution and determine the
priority, conduct an intervention and evaluate
according to the target set (Departemen IKK FKUI,
3.2 Integrated Patient Development
Integrated patient development sheet is inner sheet
completeness of a status containing all patient
development records, which may be starting at the
inpatient room, ER, or outpatient clinic. This sheet is
filled by all health personnel involved in patient
care. Record of the progress of patients data (follow
up data) can be written by S-O-A-P method, namely:
S (subjective), O (objective), A (assessment), P
(planning) which contains the current complaints,
results of physical examination, analysis of the
problems or a diagnosis of the disease, and patient
care and management plans, respectively (Karniasih,
In addition to this method, there are also methods
namely ADIME (Assessment, Diagnosis,
Intervention, Monitoring, and Evaluation) and the
DART method (Description, Assessment, Response,
and Treatment) (Departemen IKK FKUI, 2017).
This sheet has a very important role as a media
bridging communication between the parties
involved in patient care. It also contains important
data to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy and
record any medical history received from the patient.