Influence of Side Effect and Medication Adherence to Incidence of Tb
Drug Resistance in RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan 2018
Evi Sriwahyuni
, Rahayu Lubis
, and Fazidah Aguslina Siregar
Department of Epidemiology, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Jl. Universitas No. 21 Kampus USU, Medan 20155, Indonesia
Keywords: side effects, medication adherence, TB drug resistance
Abstract: TB drug resistance is a condition where the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria can no longer be killed
with one or more anti-TB drugs. The study aims to analyze side effect and medication adherence with TB
patients on the incidence of TB drug resistance in RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan 2018. This type of
research is analytic observation research with case-control research design with a total sample of 82 people
obtained by Purposive Sampling. Data were obtained through interviews with questionnaires and medical
record. Based on the results of multivariate analysis showed that side effect and medication adherence affect
the incidence of TB drug resistance. Information related to the risk of TB drug resistance as a side effect and
medication adherence was expected to reduce TB drug resistance.
In 2013, there were 6,800 new cases of TB with
Multi-Drug Resistance (MDR TB) in Indonesia. It
was stated that 2% of new TB cases and 12% of TB
cases were re-treated as MDR TB cases. More than
55% of MDR TB patients have not been diagnosed
or received the good and correct treatment. MDR TB
cases in Indonesia tend to increase from 2009 to
2014 (Ministry of Health, 2015).
MDR TB is a disease with ongoing treatment.
Treatment of MDR TB patients is more difficult to
treat with a success rate of around 50% and the cost
of treatment for patients with MDR TB can be up to
100 times more expensive than ordinary TB
(Aditama, 2000). An adult TB patient is estimated to
lose an average working time of 3 to 4 months and
can result in a loss of annual household income of
20-30%. If the person dies, they can lose around 15
years of income (Ministry of Health, 2011).
In 2015, there were 10.4 million new cases of TB
cases in the world with 480,000 multidrug-resistant
cases (World Health Organization [WHO], 2016).
Based on the WHO 2017 Global Report
Tuberculosis, in 2016 there were 600,000 new cases
resistant to rifampicin OAT, which is an OAT that is
very effective in TB treatment, and there is an
increase in cases of MDR TB to 490,000 cases
(WHO, 2017). In 2017, there were 10 million new
cases of TB cases in the world with 558,000 cases of
MDR TB (WHO, 2018).
The results of the study by Cahyaningtyas,
Perwiraningtyas and Sulasmini (2018) conducted at
the Medical Center for Lung Disease, Purwokerto,
stated that the risk factors for MDR TB were
disorderly treatment with OR = 2.3, which means
that patients who are irregularly treated have a 2.3
times chance suffer from MDR TB compared to
patients who regularly seek treatment.
The research conducted by Fauziah and Sudaryo
(2013) conducted in RSUP Persahabatan in 2013
found that the factors that influence the incidence of
MDR TB were age (OR 1.7), alcohol consumption
(OR 1.5), contact history TB (OR 2, 1), medication
compliance (OR 10.8), and diabetes mellitus (OR
2.1). Fauziah and Sudaryo (2013) said that to
support the DOTS program, TB patients should
continue to be monitored and controlled during their
treatment, especially in terms of medication
One of the factors that cause MDR TB is a factor
that is caused by patients, namely the low
compliance with taking medication which is often
caused by drug side effects (Ministry of Health,
2015). Research results of Cahyaningtyas et al.
(2018) state that there is a correlation between OAT
side effects on TB patient adherence in TB
Based on the report of the H. Adam Malik
Hospital Medan Medical Record Installation in
2019, there were 41 people with MDR TB in 2018
with 6 deaths in 2017.
Sriwahyuni, E., Lubis, R. and Siregar, F.
Influence of Side Effect and Medication Adherence to Incidence of Tb Drug Resistance in RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan 2018.
DOI: 10.5220/0009861100940096
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease (ICTROMI 2019), pages 94-96
ISBN: 978-989-758-469-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This type of research is analytic observation
research with case-control research design. The
sample in this study consisted of cases, namely
patients who had been diagnosed as TB drug
resistance patients and controls, namely patients who
had been declared cured based on data in the
medical record of 41 cases and 41 controls taken by
purposive sampling based on inclusion criteria
determined by the researcher.
The method of data collection is done by
collecting primary data obtained directly from the
sample using a questionnaire as a research
instrument and secondary data obtained from
documents in the form of medical records or TB
patient status at H. Adam Malik Hospital Medan.
Data analysis was carried out by univariate,
bivariate and multivariate analysis. Univariate
analysis was carried out to see the frequency
distribution of side effect, medication adherence,
and TB drug resistance. Whereas bivariate analysis
was carried out using the chi-square test, to see the
relationship between side effect, medication
adherence with TB drug resistance. Multivariate
analysis was carried out using logistic regression
tests to see the factors that influence TB drug
resistance with the terms p <0,25 and the most
dominant factors influencing.
H Adam Malik General Hospital Medan is a
drug-resistant Tuberculosis service implementing
hospital in Indonesia regulated in the Decree of the
Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia
Number HK.01.07 / Menkes / 350/2017.
According to the frequency distribution on table
1 showed that 15 patient (36,6%) with TB drug
resistance has a side effect when they consumpt the
anti-TB drugs and 35 patient (85,6%) with TB drug
resistance disobedient to consumption the anti-TB
Table 1: Frequency Distribution of Side Effect and
Medication Adherence
Control Case
n % n %
Side Effect
No 34 82,9 26 63,4
Yes 7 17,1 15 36,6
Amount 41 50,0 41 50,0
Medication Adherence
Obedient 33 80,5 6 14,6
Disobedient 8 19,5 35 85,6
Amount 41 50,0 41 50,0
The result
of the bivariate analysis showed that
there is a relationship between a side effect and
medication adherence with TB drug resistance and
each p values of these variables are 0,046 and
Table 2: Relationship between Side Effect and Medication
Adherence with TB drug resistance
TB drug resistance
P Value
Control Case
n % n %
Side Effect
No 34 82,9 26 63,4 0,046 1,78
Yes 7 17,1 15 36,6
Amount 41 50,0 41 50,0
Medication Adherence
Obedient 33 80,5 6 14,6 < 0,001 4,55
Disobedient 8 19,5 35 85,6
Amount 41 50,0 41 50,0
Based on the results of multivariate
analysis on table 3 it can be seen that the factors that
influence the incidence of TB drugs resistance are
side effect (p=0,047) and medication adherence (p
<0,001), where the dominant factor influencing is
medication adherence with a regression coefficient
of 4,700, which means that TB patients who
disobedient taking drugs had a risk of 4,700 times
for TB drug resistance compared to those who
adhered to take the drug.
Table 3: Multivariate Analysis
Variable B Sig. Lower Upper
Side Effect -2,234 0,047 0,102 0,967
4,700 <0,001 12,33 981,55
The results of this study are in accordance with
the research conducted by Cahyaningtyas et al.
(2018) conducted at the Medical Center for Lung
Disease, Purwokerto. the possibility of 2.3 times
suffering from MDR TB compared to patients who
regularly seek treatment.
The results of research by Waokicho, Kassahun,
and Alemseged (2017) were conducted at St.
Hospital. Peter Khusus TB, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,
said that the factors at risk of influencing MDR TB
Influence of Side Effect and Medication Adherence to Incidence of Tb Drug Resistance in RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan 2018
were age, the number of rooms in one house, history
of previous treatment and HIV infection.
Rumende (2018) stated that in 2014, as many as
190,000 MDR TB patients died due to lack of access
to effective treatment. The mechanism for the
occurrence of MDR TB can be caused by genetic
factors, previous treatment history and other factors
such as diabetes mellitus. Factors associated with
previous treatment are incomplete or inadequate
treatment and non-compliance in TB treatment.
One of the factors that cause MDR TB is a factor
that is caused by patients, namely the low
compliance with taking medication which is often
caused by drug side effects (Ministry of Health,
2015). Management of TB-resistant patients Good
drugs uses appropriate treatment strategies with
second-line OAT. To treat TB Resistance Drug
patients, second-line OAT guidelines and first-line
lines that are still sensitive and quality are needed
with appropriate treatment guidelines. The more
complicated second-line OAT in management
includes the determination of drug guidelines,
dosage, method of administration, duration of
administration, calculation of needs, storage and so
on. In addition, the price of second-line OAT is far
more expensive, the potential possessed is lower,
side effects are more and more severe than the first-
line OAT.
Research results of Cahyaningtyas et al. (2018)
state that there is a correlation between OAT side
effects on TB patient adherence in TB treatment.
Based on the research that has been done, it can
be concluded that side effect and medication
adherence are related to the incidence of TB drug
resistance in H. Adam Malik Hospital Medan.
Factors that influence the incidence of TB drug
resistance are a side effect and medication
adherence, where the dominant factor influencing is
medication adherence.
Aditama, T.Y. (2000). Tuberkulosis, Terapi dan
masalahnya (Edisi ke-3). Jakarta : Lab Mikrobiologi
RSUP Persahabatan/WHO Center for Tuberculosis.
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(2018). Hubungan Efek Samping OAT terhadap
Kepatuhan Pasien TB dalam Pengobatan TB di Rumah
Sakit Panti Waluya Malang. Nursing News : Jurnal
Ilmiah Mahasiswa Keperawatan, 3(2).
Fauziah, L.A., & Sudaryo, M.K. (2013). Faktor-Faktor
yang Berpengaruh terhadap kejadian Tuberkulosis
Multidrug Resistant (TB-MDR) di RSUP
Persahabatan Tahun 2013 (Tesis, Universitas
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Pengendalian TB di Indonesia. Jakarta.
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Rumende, C.M. (2018). Risk Factors for Multidrug-
resistant Tuberculosis. Acta Medica Indonesiana,
50(1), 1-2.
Waokicho, A., Kassahun, W., & Alemseged, F. (2017).
Risk Factors for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis
among Tuberculosis Patients: a case-control study.
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ICTROMI 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease