Pregnant Women Participation in HIV Test in Blang Mangat
Primary Health Care, Lhokseumawe
, Putri Chairani Eyanoer
Blang Mangat Primary Health Care, Lhokseumawe
Department of Preventive and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara
Keywords: Pregnant Women, Support of HIV Test, Primary Health Care
Abstract: The numbers of pregnant women performing HIV test in Blang Mangat Primary Health Care remain low at
25%. This situation is caused by several factors including lack of knowledge about HIV test, attitude
towards HIV and lack of family support. A cross-sectional design with a total of 101 pregnant women with
consecutive sampling technique was performed. The variable examined namely age, educational
background, knowledge, attitude, husband's and health officer's support. Data were analyzed using the Chi-
Square test and multiple logistic regression to identify the variable that has the greatest impact on the
participation of the pregnant women for HIV test. We found that pregnant women were generally lacking of
knowledge (57.4%) and with a positive attitude (60.4%). Women with support from the husband were
found as many as 61 people (60.4%) and support from the health officer (58.4%). However, most pregnant
women did not want to participate in HIV testing (51.5%). This study found that knowledge and husband's
support are variable with the greatest impact on the participation of pregnant women for HIV testing.
WHO studies in several Asia Pacific countries show
that HIV screening of pregnant women conducted in
antenatal care is really cost-effective to prevent
mother-to-child HIV transmission (Kemenkes,
2015). In 2016, new cases of HIV infection in
Indonesia were as many as 48,000 with the
incidence of 0.19%. The total population living with
HIV is 620,000, while the case of pregnant women
in antiretroviral treatment is 14% (UNAIDS, 2017).
More than 90% of the HIV infected child cases
contracted the disease through mother-to-child
infection (Kemenkes 2015).
The implementation of screening among
pregnant women by using the voluntary and
confidential test service (VCT) has risen in all over
Indonesia. However, the knowledge of the existence
of this service is still limited. This corresponds with
a study that showed 16 out of 27 respondents
(59.3%) with low knowledge did not perform VCT
test. Statistically, there is a correlation between the
level of knowledge with the participation of VCT
test in pregnant women (Nurhayati,2016).
People with a higher economy level found to
have better information on VCT service, as well as
on HIV prevention programs (Unicef, 2012). In
Blang Mangat Primary Health Care, only around
25% of pregnant women perform HIV test in the
VCT service. The low utilization of VCT service is
caused by many factors. One of which is the health
officer's support. A study found that those who
perform the VCT receive support from the health
officer (70.8%) (Khoiriyah, 2016). Another study
showed that husband's support is correlated
significantly with VCT test in Public Health Care
(Handayani,2017). This study will look on to several
factors that influenced the willingness of pregnant
women to perform HIV test at the VCT service in
Blang Mangat Primary Health Care.
This research applied an analytic method with a
cross-sectional design. The population in this study
is all pregnant women in Blang Mangat
Lhokseumawe area, Aceh Province, Indonesia.
Based on sample size computation, a total of 101
pregnant women were then recruited based on their
inclusion criteria
Mardiana, . and Eyanoer, P.
Pregnant Women Participation in HIV Test in Blang Mangat Primary Health Care, Lhokseumawe.
DOI: 10.5220/0009862601670170
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease (ICTROMI 2019), pages 167-170
ISBN: 978-989-758-469-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Structured interviews were done using a
validated questionnaire to collect primary data from
pregnant women. Meanwhile, secondary data was
obtained from the Health Office of Lhokseumawe,
village office, health, and other related institutions.
The questionnaire is divided into 2 categories,
namely category A and category B. Category A
contains common information such as
respondent’sage, education and occupation.
Category B contains specific data such as
knowledge, attitude, husband's support, and health
officer's support.
Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis
were done. The univariate analysis aims to describe
the frequency distribution of pregnant women based
on their characteristics such as age and education.
Bivariate analysis in the form of a Chi-square test
was done to see the correlation between independent
variables with the dependent variable. The
multivariate analysis aims to determine the most
influential independent variables by using multiple
logistic regression.
Factors correlated with the participation of pregnant
women for HIV testing at the Blang Mangat Health
Center of Lhoksumawe are listed in Table 1. It
shows that the majority of respondents are between
20-35 years old (n=53, 52.5%), in which the one
with the middle educational level was found in 43
people (42.6%) and mostly worked as a housewife in
68 people (67.3%).
Based on Table 1, it shows that respondents
below 20 years who did not want to participate in
the HIV test were as many as 8 people (7.9%), while
those who took the HIV test were 9 (8.9%). Among
the 20-35 years group, 27 people (26.7%) did not
want to participate and those who participated in the
HIV test were lower (n=26, 25.7%). There was no
association between maternal age and their
participation in HIV testing (P=0.870).
Of 101 pregnant women with elementary education,
there were only 13 people (12.9%) who did not want
to participate in HIV test and the one willing to
participate in HIV test were as many as 9 people
(8.9%). While pregnant women with higher
education who did not participate in HIV test were
only 16 people (15.8%), and those who took the HIV
test were 20 people (19.8%) There was no
association between education and pregnant women
participation in HIV testing (P=0.524).
In terms of knowledge, women with higher
awareness of HIV were more willing to undertake
the test (n=30, 29.7%) compared to the number of
the mother who had less information on HIV (n=19,
18.8%). There was a strong association between
knowledge and the participation of pregnant women
in HIV testing (P<0.001).
Table 1: The Association of Age, Knowledge, Attitude,
Husband’s Support, and Health Officer’s Support with the
Participation of Pregnant Women in HIV Test at
BlangMangat Health Centre 2018.
HIV Test on VCT service
Do not
n % n %
< 20 years 8 7,9 9 8,9
20-35 years 27 26,7 26 25,7
> 35 years 17 16,8 14 13,9
Educational Level
Elementary School 13 12,9 9 8,9
High School 23 22,8 20 19,8
College 16 15,8 20 19,8
Less 39 38,6 19 18,8
More 13 12,9 30 29,7
Negative 25 24,8 23 12,9
Positive 27 26,7 36 35,6
Husband’s Support
Less 29 28,7 11 10,9
Good 23 22,8 38 37,6
Health Officer’s Support
Less 27 26,7 15 14,9
Good 25 24,8 34 33,7
Pregnant women with a negative attitude but
willing to participate in HIV test were as many as 23
people (12.9%), lower than those with a positive
attitude and participated in HIV test (n=36, 35.6%).
There was an association between knowledge and
the participation of pregnant women in HIV testing
Pregnant women with good husband support and
participated in HIV testing were as many as 38
people (37.6%), more than those with less support
from the husband but willing to participate in HIV
testing (n=11, 10.9%). The statistic test result shows
that there was an association between knowledge
and the participation of pregnant women in HIV
testing (P=0.025).
Pregnant women with good health care support
and participated in the HIV test were as many as 34
ICTROMI 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
people (33.7%), more than those with less
knowledge and participated in the HIV test as many
as 15 people (14.9%). There was an association
between knowledge and the participation of
pregnant women in HIV testing (P=0.030).
Table 2. Analysis in Knowledge, Attitude, Husband’s
Support, and Health Officer’s Support, with The
Participation of Pregnant Women in HIV Test at
BlangMangat Health Centre 2018.
Variable B SE Sig OR
Step: 1
Knowledge 1,55 0,43 0,000 4,730
Constant -2,27 0,65
2 log likelihood:126,0 Overall Percentage: 68,3
Step: 2
Knowledge 1,36 0,45 0,003 3,925
1,26 0,46 0,007 3,532
Constant -4,04
2 log likelihood:118,3 Overall Percentage: 67,3
Multivariate analysis shows that both knowledge
and husband's support is the most influential
variables in the participation of HIV test among
pregnant women, with an odds ratio of 3.925 and
3.532, respectively. This finding suggests that
pregnant women with less knowledge and or less
husband's support will have the risk of not
participating in HIV testing as much as 3.9 and or
3.5 times higher than pregnant women with good
knowledge or good support. This model showed a
contribution as high as 67.3% and it is statistically
significant with P<0.05.
The results of this study showed that the majority of
pregnant women were aged between 20 and 35 years
old. This is in accordance with a study that found
pregnant women who came to the VCT clinics were
women of the same age (Anggraini, 2017; Ernawati
et al, 2016; Nurmasari et al, 2015). Both studies
found that there was no association between age and
the willingness to participate in HIV test
Most pregnant women in this study were high
school graduates. This result is in accordance with a
study done previously where most pregnant women
who were recruited were high school graduates
(Olanrewaju et al, 2006; Anggarini, 2010).
Statistically, there was also no association between
level of education with the participation of pregnant
women in HIV test. This result is in accordance with
several studies done prior to this one (Halim et al.,
The analysis of the association between
knowledge and participation, however, is significant.
This result is supported by a similar study
(Nurhayati, 2016). Theory by Notoadmojo
mentioned that knowledge is a very important
domain for creating an action (Sari, 2014). Once a
pregnant woman understands the objectives and
benefits of VCT and where the VCT services can be
accessed, the willingness would then be higher
compared to those who still have no such
information. According to the behavioral theory of
Lawrence W. Green, there are several factors that
cause behavior in a person, such as predisposing
factors including level of education and knowledge.
The higher the education and the knowledge,
therefore, the more she will behave positively
(Notoatmodjo, 2012).
The statistical test result also shows that there
was an association between attitude and the
participation of pregnant women in HIV test. This is
harmonious with a study stating that there is a
correlation between attitude and behavior of HIV
test (Halim et al, 2016). However, another study
found no association between attitude and
willingness (Mujiati et al., 2014). The positive
attitude of the pregnant woman is affected by her
good knowledge of HIV/AIDS and VCT program
itself. Attitude is not yet action and/or activity,
however, it is a predisposition for an action/
practice. Attitude can be positive or negative
(Nuraini, et al, 2011). If the attitude of pregnant
women is positive towards the HIV test, then the
situation will likely to improve and the easier the
treatment process is to be given to prevent
transmission from mother to baby.
The statistical test result of husband support
variable shows that there is an association between
husband’s support with the participation of pregnant
woman in HIV test. This is in accordance with a
study that mentioned that there is a significant
correlation between husband support and VCT
examination (Handayani et al, 2017; Hikmah, 2015).
According to Friedman (2010), family support
consists of attitude, action, and acceptance of family
members. Husband as a role model in the family has
a responsibility to maintain and support and always
ready to provide help and assistance if necessary
from family members including providing support to
the wife in checking their health.
The analysis of health officer support shows that
there is an association between support of health
officer with the participation of pregnant women in
Pregnant Women Participation in HIV Test in Blang Mangat Primary Health Care, Lhokseumawe
HIV test. This is in accordance with a previous study
by Halim and Kusumawti (2016). The role of health
workers is very influential because health officers
often interact with pregnant women so that pregnant
women have a sense of trust and accept the presence
of officers for themselves in utilizing the service of
antenatal care (Kemenkes, 2012).
In this study, we found the most dominant factor
related to pregnant women's participation in HIV
Test at Puskesmas Blang Mangat Kota
Lhokseumawe is the knowledge of pregnant women
which has an OR equal to 3.9. This means that a
pregnant mother with good knowledge has the
probability to check their HIV status as much as 3.9
times when compared to pregnant women with less
knowledge. Husband support had an OR equal to
3.5, means that pregnant women with good husband
support have a probability to check HIV status 3.5
times when compared with pregnant women without
husband support. This result is in accordance with a
study by Nurhayati (2016) that showed a pregnant
woman with good knowledge was 5.4 times more
likely to check their HIV status. Meanwhile,
pregnant women with husband support were 6.1
times more likely to check their HIV status.
Knowledge factor is an influential factor in applying
new behavior as well as in HIV testing, the higher a
person's knowledge the easier it is to apply new
We concluded that there was a significant
association between knowledge, attitude, husband's
support, and health officers' support with the
participation of pregnant women in HIV testing
(P<0.05). While there was no significant correlation
between age and education level with the
participation of pregnant mother in HIV test at
Blang Mangat Public Health Centre in
Lhokseumawe (P>0.05). The most dominant factors
associated with the participation of pregnant women
in HIV Test was knowledge with P=0.003 and
husband's support with P=0.007.
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ICTROMI 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease