people (33.7%), more than those with less
knowledge and participated in the HIV test as many
as 15 people (14.9%). There was an association
between knowledge and the participation of
pregnant women in HIV testing (P=0.030).
Table 2. Analysis in Knowledge, Attitude, Husband’s
Support, and Health Officer’s Support, with The
Participation of Pregnant Women in HIV Test at
BlangMangat Health Centre 2018.
Variable B SE Sig OR
Step: 1
Knowledge 1,55 0,43 0,000 4,730
Constant -2,27 0,65
2 log likelihood:126,0 Overall Percentage: 68,3
Step: 2
Knowledge 1,36 0,45 0,003 3,925
1,26 0,46 0,007 3,532
Constant -4,04
2 log likelihood:118,3 Overall Percentage: 67,3
Multivariate analysis shows that both knowledge
and husband's support is the most influential
variables in the participation of HIV test among
pregnant women, with an odds ratio of 3.925 and
3.532, respectively. This finding suggests that
pregnant women with less knowledge and or less
husband's support will have the risk of not
participating in HIV testing as much as 3.9 and or
3.5 times higher than pregnant women with good
knowledge or good support. This model showed a
contribution as high as 67.3% and it is statistically
significant with P<0.05.
The results of this study showed that the majority of
pregnant women were aged between 20 and 35 years
old. This is in accordance with a study that found
pregnant women who came to the VCT clinics were
women of the same age (Anggraini, 2017; Ernawati
et al, 2016; Nurmasari et al, 2015). Both studies
found that there was no association between age and
the willingness to participate in HIV test
Most pregnant women in this study were high
school graduates. This result is in accordance with a
study done previously where most pregnant women
who were recruited were high school graduates
(Olanrewaju et al, 2006; Anggarini, 2010).
Statistically, there was also no association between
level of education with the participation of pregnant
women in HIV test. This result is in accordance with
several studies done prior to this one (Halim et al.,
The analysis of the association between
knowledge and participation, however, is significant.
This result is supported by a similar study
(Nurhayati, 2016). Theory by Notoadmojo
mentioned that knowledge is a very important
domain for creating an action (Sari, 2014). Once a
pregnant woman understands the objectives and
benefits of VCT and where the VCT services can be
accessed, the willingness would then be higher
compared to those who still have no such
information. According to the behavioral theory of
Lawrence W. Green, there are several factors that
cause behavior in a person, such as predisposing
factors including level of education and knowledge.
The higher the education and the knowledge,
therefore, the more she will behave positively
(Notoatmodjo, 2012).
The statistical test result also shows that there
was an association between attitude and the
participation of pregnant women in HIV test. This is
harmonious with a study stating that there is a
correlation between attitude and behavior of HIV
test (Halim et al, 2016). However, another study
found no association between attitude and
willingness (Mujiati et al., 2014). The positive
attitude of the pregnant woman is affected by her
good knowledge of HIV/AIDS and VCT program
itself. Attitude is not yet action and/or activity,
however, it is a predisposition for an action/
practice. Attitude can be positive or negative
(Nuraini, et al, 2011). If the attitude of pregnant
women is positive towards the HIV test, then the
situation will likely to improve and the easier the
treatment process is to be given to prevent
transmission from mother to baby.
The statistical test result of husband support
variable shows that there is an association between
husband’s support with the participation of pregnant
woman in HIV test. This is in accordance with a
study that mentioned that there is a significant
correlation between husband support and VCT
examination (Handayani et al, 2017; Hikmah, 2015).
According to Friedman (2010), family support
consists of attitude, action, and acceptance of family
members. Husband as a role model in the family has
a responsibility to maintain and support and always
ready to provide help and assistance if necessary
from family members including providing support to
the wife in checking their health.
The analysis of health officer support shows that
there is an association between support of health
officer with the participation of pregnant women in