Based on resistance and safety issues of chemical
products, the efforts were turned to discover a new
compound of natural products derived from plantain
mosquito’s control. New botanical natural products
are believed to have following properties ie. effective,
environment-friendly, easily biodegradable,
inexpensive, and readily available in many areas of
the world, no ill effect on non-target organisms and
have novel modes of action. More than 2000 plant
species known to have bioactivities as an insecticide
(Sukumar et al. 1991; Su and Mulla, 1999;
Dehkordi et al. 2016).
S. polyanthum (Wight) leaf contained an alkaloid,
attire oil, flavonoid, steroid, triterpenoid, and saponin
(Mangoting et al, 2005; Widyawati, 2015). These
phytochemical compounds were potentially toxic to
insect. Alkaloids were reported can affect protein
kinases which play a role in signal transduction, cell
and tissue development, and acetylcholinesterase
inhibition. These compounds may damage the
midgut and gastric caecum of larvae so that the larvae
die (Ojha et al, 2013; Ni’mah et al, 2015; Velue et al,
2015). Temephos could inhibit the cholinesterase
enzyme, leading to impaired nerve activities due to
the accumulation of acetylcholine (Yulidar, 2014).
Thus, alkaloids, attire oil, saponin, and flavonoids
were also reported may damage the nervous and
respiratory system of larvae.
LC50 of EESP in the present study showed much
lower than methanol extract of S.polyanthum (213 vs
6576.68 ppm) as reported by Tinneke and Puput,
2015, while Dwijanti, 2017 showed that water extract
of S. polyanthum showed larvicidal activity at dose
2.5- 55%. The solvent used for the extraction process
of those different extracts affects the content of active
compounds that can kill larvae.
The present study showed that Syzygium polyanthum
(Wight) leaf ethanolic extract have larvicidal activity
on Aedes spp instar III-IV.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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The Effect of Syzygium polyanthum Wight Ethanolic Leaf Extract on Aedes spp Instar III-IV Larvae