mainly due to the females which are more sensitive to
the changes in life, especially towards the esthetic
problems. (Dewi, 2007).
In the research done by
Anosike et al also stated that there is a significant
difference between malocclusion and quality of life
based on gender. In their research showed that the
males were showing more attention about themselves
(22.3%), lower psychological condition towards the
malocclusion happened (17%) and more embarrassed
by their oral cavity (18.7%).
Based on the research by (De Paula et al., 2009)
regarding the Psychosocial Impact of Dental
Esthetics on Quality of Life in Adolescents from 301
adolescents with age ranged from 13 to 20 years old
from the public school in the city of Goiania, Brazil,
can be concluded that oral health condition not only
affecting the oral functions and appearance only but
also affecting from the psychology point of view. The
results of the research proved that there is a verbal
defect in the oral health problem which is the decline
in social interaction due to oral health is reported by
88% of the adolescents, 98.3% of the total subjects
showed a few stages of psychosocial effects and 72%
from the samples showed dissatisfaction with a few
parts of the body.(Deswita et al., 2013). The research
conducted by (Paula DF et al., 2011) showed that
PIDAQ score was the highest in the subjects with
high Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI) score, high smile
line and unsatisfactory with the appearance of the
In the research by (Bellot - Arcis et al., 2015) on
the adolescents aged 12-15 years old showed that
average total PIDAQ score was 32.2, with average
DSC (Dental Self-Confidence) score of 11.3, average
SI (Social Impact) score of 6.1, average PI
(Psychological Impact) score of 5.9, average AC
(Aesthetic Concern) score of 7.44. The highest
PIDAQ score was found in the subjects with large
overjet dan overbite, the disturbed eruption of the
tooth, and displacement teeth. The results also
showed that there is no difference in PIDAQ score
between the male and female besides that PI score
where the females have higher score compared to the
males. Therefore, they concluded that the higher the
severity of malocclusion in an individual, the higher
the effect towards the psychosocial status. (Bellot -
Arcis et al., 2015)
Based on the description above, malocclusion can
affect the psychosocial condition of the adolescents,
therefore the author is interested in determining the
effect of malocclusion towards the psychosocial
condition based on the Aesthetic Component and
PIDAQ among the senior high school adolescents in
SMAN 14 Medan.
This is descriptive analytical research with cross-
sectional design. Examination of malocclusion and
psychosocial condition was done on the senior high
school adolescents in SMAN 14 Medan. The total
sample was 100 people consists of 50 males and 50
females. Criteria of the sample in this research
include full permanent dentition except for the third
molar, having malocclusion, none or having
orthodontic treatment, no history of trauma in the face
and neck, no congenital disorder and compliance to
become respondents. Simple random sampling
method was used in obtaining samples.
This research was done by taking intraoral
photometry. First, cheek retractor was put on in the
mouth of the samples, then the patient was instructed
to gulp to achieve centric occlusion. Then a digital
camera was used to capture photos. Then the photo is
printed in 3R size on photo print paper with the
measurement of 7.5cm x 10.5 cm. The photo is
measured in accordance with the Aesthetic
Component (AC) scale. Then the author gives a brief
explanation to the subjects which fulfilled the
inclusion criteria about the procedures in filling the
questionnaire. Then the adolescents who were chosen
to be the subjects will fill the questionnaire on the data
sheet. Then, the author will begin the data collection
of the questionnaire. Analysis of the questionnaire
data will be done using the SPSS program. The data
collected will be presented in the table form with the
results presented in number form.
Table 1: Frequency Sample Distribution based on Gender
Gender Frequency (n) Percentage (%)
Male 50 50 %
Female 50 50 %
Total 100 100%
Table 1 shows total samples of 100 people where 50
people (50%) were males whereas 50 people (50%)
were females.