meeting with the patient which aims to validate the
accuracy of the data and plans that have been made
in accordance with the current state of the patient. In
starting a relationship, the main task is to foster trust,
acceptance, understanding and opened
communication with patients [Nurhasanah, 2010].
Analysis result of nurse communication problems in
table 5 to table 7 also caused by the nurse violation
against the standards that have been determined by
RSU Bina Kasih internal regulations about effective
communication policy, giving information and
education policy, and the provisions of
communication standards by the National
Accreditation Standard of Hospital, the First Edition
2017 [Hospital Accreditation Commission,2017].
The orientation (interaction) stage is the
introductory stage between the nurse and the patient,
by introducing themselves to the patient means that
the nurse has been open to the patient and gives a
comfortable impression of the services provided to
the patient [Suryani, 2016]. With a good therapeutic
communication at the orientation (interaction) stage,
the nurse will find the easier way to dig outpatient
complaints (Reference).
Good attitudes and behaviors by nurses can often
cover deficiencies in terms of facilities and
infrastructure [4] it agrees with the statement from
the Chairman of RSU Bina Kasih Foundation “
management concept, human resources are a power,
include infrastructure, management system, yes but,
yaa that human resources. Yea if we sort between
hospital infrastructure, management, and human
resources, of course, human resources have the
greatest role, haaa..but, if we think more, among
human resources, so communication way of human
resources has the greatest role…”
Patient satisfaction of nurse communication in RSU
Bina Kasih inpatients ward is not in accordance with
the standard that has been determined by the Decree
of the Minister of Health of the Republic of
Indonesia number 129/Menkes/SK/II/2008 about
Minimal Standards Hospital Appendix II
Description Minimum Service Standards Inpatient
Services point 10 Inpatient Customer Satisfaction
where the specified standard is ≥ 90%.
Interaction stage of nurse communication is
becoming the main priority in this study as a source
of problems to patient satisfaction. There is a
relationship between the low quality of nurse
communication relates to the low level of patient
satisfaction and is often caused by:
Less mastering and lack of knowledge of
diagnosis, medical treatments among nurses in
the hospital
The assignment patient transfer done by nurses is
not in accordance with RSU Bina Kasih standard
operational procedure.
Lack of nurses’ confidence while communicating
with patient or patient’s family that makes
hesitation during services
Lack of experience or length of work, and nurse
communication training in the hospital
The increased quality of nurses' communication
to patients will have an impact on the quality of
hospital services and increased patient safety at
in hospitals.
Based on conclusions above, it is advisable for
nurses and hospital management to improve the
attitudes and behavior of nurses, especially raising
the level of awareness for communication to patients
or families of patients in hospitals professionally,
care about the rule of law, hospital accreditation
standard about communication to patients, always
improve the knowledge of the mostly founded
diagnosis in hospital, and always make internal or
external trainings about nurse communication
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