The document review conducted at the time of the
study obtained data related to the number of reports
received by the Si Slamet PSC 119 from 2015 to
May 2018. The event data received by the Si Slamet
PSC 119 from 2015 to May 2018 were used by the
researchers to differentiate the number of
occurrences before and after the Si Slamet PSC 119
with a dependent T-test. The T-test was used to
measure the difference in the number of events
before and after the Si Slamet PSC 119 because the
data obtained were numeric, the data distribution
was normal, and both groups could be paired.
Table 3. Effect of the Si Slamet PSC 119 Service
Innovation on the Number of Incident Reports in Batang
Regency in 2018(15)
In 2015 4,6 4.3
In 2016 6.1 3.9
In 2016 6.1 3.9 0.002
In 2017 28.6 18.5
The table 3 shows that the Si Slamet PSC 119
service innovation increased the number of
emergency incident reports by 2.5 in 2015–2016,
from 4.6 cases (2015) to 6.1 cases (2016), and by
22.5 in 2016–2017, from 6.1 cases (2016) to 28.6
cases (2017). The T-test results on the number of
reports in 2015 to 2016 obtained a p-value of 0.4,
which means that there is no significant difference in
the number of emergency incident reports between
2015 and 2016. By contrast, the T-test results on the
number of reports in 2016 to 2017 obtained a p-
value of 0.002, which means that there is a
significant difference between the number of reports
of emergency cases in 2015 to 2016.
The implementation of this program is in accordance
with the Presidential Instruction No. 4 of 2013,
namely, all districts/cities in Indonesia must
establish an public service center. This innovation
uses the motto “Saving life and limb”, which
involves the community, medical officers, and
ambulances in its implementation. This innovation
also involves other sectors related to the smooth
running of the PSC, such as firefighters, Indonesian
Cross Red (PMI), police, BPBD, health universities,
corporations, BPJS, and hospitals. However, this
program still does not have a memorandum of
understanding and SOP implementation procedures,
which are the complaints of the stakeholders.
Further development is needed to interconnect this
system to all stakeholders and foster its
implementation for not only in other regions of
Indonesia, but also in other developing countries
This study was supported by Directorate for
Research and Community Services, University of
Indonesia (DRPM-UI). We thank to several parties
which consisted of: University of Indonesia (UI),
The Batang Local Government, and University of
Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka (UHAMKA).
The authors declare no potential conflict of interests.
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