(Santoso B, 2015; Maria YS, 2011; Othman HA et
al, 2017).
This retrospective study had several limitations.
First, this study was conducted in a single medical
center and there may have been patient selection
bias. Second, this study was a retrospective survey,
which not only resulted in incomplete data for some
patients. Third, the disproportion of the samples in
the collecting stage. This disproportion may result in
different findings from others, including age,
duration of ventilator used and smoking habits.
VAP remains an important nosocomial infection
especially among the critically ill patients admitted
to the ICU in our setting. Further study involving
more detailed risk factors, diagnosis at admission,
and presence of high-risk microorganisms need to be
conducted to determine the risk factor for this event.
1 The risk factor that has no significant related
with VAP infection in ICU patient at Haji
Adam Malik General hospital Medan are age
(OR= 0.688, 95% CI 0.168-2.695, P=0.542)
2 There was no significant association between
duration of ventilator used with VAP incidence
but the duration of ventilator used more than 5
days are more 1.592 at risk for VAP than ≤ 5
days OR 0.592, 95% CI 0.465-5.573, P=0.405)
3 There was no significant association between
smoking habits with VAP incidence. The risk
value cannot be assessed because the group of
cases exposed and the control group exposed to
the same number. (OR=1, 95% CI 0.322-3.109,
4 There are seven bacteria cause VAP found in
this study: Klebsiella pneumonia, Acinetobacter
baumanii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacter cloacae,
Elizabethkinqia meni, and Staphylococcus
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Amikacin, Ertapenem, Meropenem,
Ceftazidime Amoxycillin/Clavulanic acid,
Levofloxacin, Tetracycline, Tigecycline and
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Meropenem, Polymixin B, Ceftazidime,
Ciprofloxacin, and Piperacillin/Tazobactam.
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Ceftazidime, Amikacin, Ceftriaxone,
Meropenem, Ertapenem, Cefazoline, Cefixime,
Ciprofloxacin, and Aztreonam.
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