Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) Impact on Management
Baderisang Mohamed
,Shaira Ismail
and Dahlan Abdullah
Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Artificial Intelligent, Machine Learning, Big Data Analysis, Decision Making, Management.
Industry 4.0 refers to the development processes that took place in industries primarily in the manufacturing
and chain production departments. The managerial decisions made by executives in industry 4.0 setting has
significant impacts on various areas such as technology, data management and analytics, data security, risk
management, regulatory compliance, validation, and human resource practices. The fourth industrial revolu-
tion will see a massive application of Artificial Intelligence, sensors, enterprise-level solution platforms, and
Machine Learning. It is also projected that the volume of external and internal Internet of Things (IoT) data
will increase in industry 4.0 and will see a dramatic transformation to information. The IR4.0 will lead to
an excess flow of data to quality professionals in real-time and this data will emerge from multiple sources
simultaneously calling for intelligent use to enable quick and efficient decision making. The managers and
quality management personnel need to make appropriate decisions that will see a smooth transition to digital
technology to improve the efficiency and quality of produced goods and services.The fourth industrial revolu-
tion will make it compulsory for companies to implement effective risk management strategies with the aim of
improving product quality and operational efficiency by allowing machine learning and AI to provide the best
services. For that reason, the risk management team needs to draw plans that will see the proper implementa-
tion of these strategies. Moreover, the quality managers need to ensure effective implementation of Quality 4.0
or EQMS 4.O that will go hand in hand with the fourth industrial revolution. Previous studies on how industry
4.0 influences managerial decisions have been insufficient and unsatisfactory. Therefore, the paper aims at
providing a comprehensive discussion of the impacts of the fourth industrial revolution on management.
The fourth industrial revolution, also known as Indus-
try 4.0 (IR4.0), refers to the development processes
that took place in manufacturing industries and chain
production. The term was initially coined in 2011
with the name “industrie 4.0” with the aim of en-
hancing the competitiveness of German in the man-
ufacturing industry. Its pioneers came from diversi-
fied fields including business, academia, and politics.
The federal government of German embraced the idea
in its High-Tech Strategy for 2020. Despite industry
4.0 being poised to bring significant changes in vari-
ous areas of quality management, many professionals
still have no idea of how the concept will impact the
different things they do. However, it’s evident that
many organizational executives are monitoring this
paradigm-shifting strategy to garner sufficient infor-
mation on the direction the change should take. Like-
wise, quality professionals should be well involved in
the monitoring process since they form a pivotal com-
ponent of Industry 4.0 dialogue for their respective
companies. As quality professionals embark into this
new era, it’s essential to have a plethora of informa-
tion regarding understanding the aspects and premises
of Industry 4.0 and its impacts on production, quality
management system, and the supply chain.
This paper will focus on the Industry 4.0 concept
aiming at specific tools for managers that is manage-
ment. Background of the concept, development plan
and current state will be addressed. Some software
technological background issues, which reflect essen-
tial aspects of Industry 4.0 concept, will be presented.
The paper is structured as follows. The second sec-
tion presents the core idea of Industry 4.0, its origin,
goals and elements as well as the adoption of technol-
ogy in industrial revolution development. Also IoT
application/software support delicate balance of digi-
tal trust to ensure the privacy of data and transparency
of information is addressed in the third section.
In the fourth section the challenges of data secu-
Mohamed, B., Ismail, S. and Abdullah, D.
Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) Impact on Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0009865501040109
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism and Information Management (ICCETIM 2019) - Creativity and Innovation Developments for Global
Competitiveness and Sustainability, pages 104-109
ISBN: 978-989-758-451-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
rity faces by companies for adoption of Industry 4.0 is
discussed and in the fifth section, the question of regu-
latory compliance as Industry 4.0 is different from the
current norms of the industry. In the sixth section, the
question of risk management arises as the whole way
of doing things are different with the aim of improv-
ing product quality and operational efficiency. The
seventh section looks at the needs for new appropriate
strategies. In the eight sections, the various activities
of Human resources that need to be modified in order
to compliment the application of Industry 4.0 in the
industries. Lastly, the final sections are where conclu-
sions are drawn and general topics are discussed. The
paper comprehensively reviews the effects of Industry
4.0 on management.
Proper implementation of Industry 4.0 will mean that
all industrial processes and products will undergo
intelligent networking to improve quality and effi-
ciency. Fraunhofer Institute conducted a study in
2013 to review the potential for growth and expan-
sion of companies using IR4 technologies. The find-
ings of the survey indicated ve main technologies
areas that affect this growth. These include embed-
ded systems, strong networks, IT security, smart fac-
tories, and cloud computing (Nagy et al., 2018). A
similar study by (R
ußmann et al., 2015), established
nine technologies that will mark complete transfor-
mation into the industry 4.0. These included auto-
mated robots, integrated horizontal and vertical sys-
tems, cyber security, 3D printing (additive produc-
tion), big data analysis, simulation, industrial IoT,
cloud-based services, and augmented reality.
The graph below shows some of the industrial
transformations from the first to the fourth industrial
Figure 1: The Industrial Transformations
The above graph implies that the fourth industrial
revolution requires machines to be connected as a col-
laborative community in an industrial setting. It also
demands the application of advanced prediction tools
to enable systematic processing of data into informa-
tion to explain uncertainties hence helping in making
of informed decisions (Nagy et al., 2018),. Most or-
ganizations will demand upgrading of some platforms
on quality management systems (QMS) and supply
chain to convert the industry into a smart factory that
will have the capacity of meeting the requirements of
the sector 4.0. Some of the technological changes
include substituting old equipment with modernized
ones, Artificial Intelligence (AI), implementation of
sensors, enterprise-level solution platforms, and Ma-
chine Learning (ML). It is also projected that the vol-
ume of external and internal IoT data will increase
and will see a dramatic transformation to informa-
tion. Furthermore, IR4 will lead to innovation of pre-
dictive analytics that will enhance prevention, and the
daily norm will be continuous learning and improve-
ment (Nagy et al., 2018). Therefore, the mangers and
quality management personnel need to make appro-
priate decisions that will see smooth transition to dig-
ital technology to improve efficiency and quality of
produced goods and services.
Figure 2: List of URLs for digital resources used in the
course (partial list.) Source : (Nagy et al., 2018).
It’s important to embed data and processes to form
an integral part of the ecosystem for the QMS and
the employees to succeed and make significant con-
tributions to the bottom-line benefits of the company.
The Industry 4.0 will lead to an excess flow of data
to quality professionals in real-time and this data will
emerge from multiple sources simultaneously calling
for intelligent use to enable quick and efficient de-
cision making. The quality management personnel
need to derive effective methods of embracing inter-
nal and external data and technology and utilize them
to cultivate a culture of innovation while enhanc-
ing the overall quality (Nagy et al., 2018).The last
few years have recorded immense transformations in
the IT and telecommunications leading to networking
Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) Impact on Management
of electronic devices, also known as the internet of
things (IoT) (Wielki, 2017). A study conducted by
(Nagy et al., 2018) to determine the application of In-
ternet of Things (IoT) in industries came up with the
following prevalence rates at Figure 2.
Industry 4.0 is projected to result in production of vast
volumes of data and information. As a result, it is cru-
cial to ensure the integrity of the data to protect the in-
tellectual property of the company. The healthcare in-
dustry will mark a new milestone in producing smart
products that have the ability to send and accept data
between the machine and human beings (Shrouf et al.,
2014). It is thus imperative to ensure that the incom-
ing data is harmless to the device as this guarantees
patient safety. The challenge goes back to the manu-
facturer who is supposed to implement the necessary
strategies to ensure the device transmits the right data
and information without exposing the IP and details
of the patient. This equally calls for a delicate bal-
ance of digital trust to ensure the privacy of data and
transparency of information (Shrouf et al., 2014).
Data security is an area of concern for organi-
zational leaders since it determines the uniqueness
and the competitiveness of the product. The qual-
ity management staff must come up with appropriate
decisions that will ensure controlled access of data
through proper encryption and enhancing the secu-
rity of networks, sensors, and devices (Hossain and
Muhammad, 2016). It is possible for new entrants
to evade the market with smart products and other
services hence implementing and innovating a more
modern form of customer-centric business model that
extends the industrial boundaries is of importance.
The big question arises on the most appropriate time
for taking the plunge. This is because if a specific
company waits for too long, the new entrants and the
existing competitors get an opportunity to tailor the
market and seek to benefit from the learning process
(Tesch et al., 2017). As a consequence, the manage-
ment team needs to make strategic decisions to avoid
unnecessary competitions.
Many industries are working diligently to examine
how machine learning, and artificial knowledge can
be leveraged deeply in their daily operations. How-
ever, the executive is well aware that this is a chal-
lenging task as it is entirely different from the current
norm in industries. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one
of the technologies that can be potentially useful es-
pecially in industry 4.0 setting because it is capable of
enhancing deep learning, and thus can help comput-
ers to run multiple scenarios at a neck-breaking speed
(Moeuf et al., 2018). It can lead to the electric gen-
eration and access to vast amounts of data, and this
can be easily availed to the broader industry thanks
to the cloud storage technology. AI-powered digi-
tal twins are useful in detecting anomalies and devi-
ations, as well as simulation and prediction. Digital
twin technology is capable of utilizing sensor data to
create a digital representation of the existing assets,
and then apply specific conditions to learn from the
outcomes. Some of these conditions in the health-
care industry include how different sizes of drugs im-
pact the breakdown schedules or the probability of a
client developing specific drug adverse effects. The
digital twins can then be applied to learn and adapt
during this process of discovering new information
ınez et al., 2018).
Artificial intelligence could present an exciting
method of manufacturing medications by running po-
tential simulations and then utilizing the data to drive
development and design (Wagner et al., 2017). How-
ever, the technology comes with various potential is-
sues since the pharmaceutical industry has strict regu-
lations regarding the manufacture and distribution of
drugs. As a result, organizational management needs
to work on establishing new standards and procedures
to allow AI and other technologies to be adopted
(Wagner et al., 2017).
Risk management is the process of identifying, an-
alyzing, and responding to threats with the aim of
achieving the objectives of the project. Quality pro-
fessionals cannot deny the pressing needs to estab-
lish a fully functional quality risk management sys-
tem into every QMS process (Kirazli and Moetz,
2015). This is strongly evidenced by the most re-
cent standardization updates done by the EU MDR
and ISO 13485:2016 implying that effective risk man-
agement is pivotal in the current post-crisis economy
(Tupa et al., 2017). It is one of the nine knowledge
fields documented by the Project Management Insti-
tute (PMI) and is far by far the most complicated com-
ponent of project management.
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
Risk management helps organizations to under-
stand the meaning of risk, the people at risk, and risk
prevention strategies. If the techniques for preventing
risk are adequate, then the risk management personnel
need to employ sufficient measures to ensure the risks
are managed at reasonable and acceptable levels (Glas
and Kleemann, 2016). Nowadays, the law mandates
companiesespecially the largescale organizations to
implement proper systems of managing risks to en-
hance the safety of the employees. The fourth indus-
trial revolution will make it compulsory for compa-
nies to implement effective risk management strate-
gies with the aim of improving product quality and
operational efficiency by allowing machine learning
and AI to provide the best services. For that reason,
the risk management team needs to draw plans that
will see the proper implementation of these strategies
(Tupa et al., 2017).
Industry 4.0 has various impacts on the validation
of machine learning and artificial intelligence which
in turn impacts quality operations. Currently, the
validation philosophy states that companies should
always experience expected results, and the imple-
mented validation techniques and processes should
aim at demonstrating that they will attain the expected
outcome (Sanders et al., 2016). However, in the IR4
setting, industries should expect to experience unex-
pected results. The machine learning and artificial
intelligence algorithms function by learning, and it’s
not strange for them to learn something that was not
initially anticipated by the algorithm originator. Al-
though the digested results may be unexpected, the
available evidence indicates that they may be valid.
Therefore, the quality management personnel draw
appropriate strategies that will see the implementa-
tion of Quality 4.0 or EQMS 4.O that will go hand
in hand with the fourth industrial revolution (Sanders
et al., 2016).
A cultural shift is vital for successful implementation
of the industry 4.0. The change in cultural practices
calls for additional investment in both people and
change management. The human resource (HR) prac-
tices comprise one of the primary sources that can be
applied by companies in shaping the skills, behaviors,
attitudes, and abilities of the employees to achieve
the goals of the organization (Shamim et al., 2016).
The managers need to design effective HR practices
that will enhance the innovativeness, learning, and
knowledge management capacity among the employ-
ees. Some of these HR practices include staffing,
training, compensation, performance appraisal, and
job design (Prieto and P
erez-Santana, 2014).
8.1 Staffing: the hiring process on industry 4.0 set-
ting should be based on competence, skills, and het-
erogeneity of knowledge. Therefore, the recruiters
should subject individuals to extensive interviews to
assess these qualities before employing them. The
companies should spend considerable efforts in se-
lecting the appropriate candidates for each job utiliz-
ing comprehensive selection and recruitment proce-
dures (Prieto and P
erez-Santana, 2014).
For instance, to employ innovative candidates, the
recruiters should concentrate on identifying the qual-
ities that are crucial for innovation, e.g. being open
to experience, that can be examined by psychomet-
ric testing in the selection procedure. There are var-
ious characteristics of a candidate who is open to
new experience including active imagination, atten-
tiveness, intellectual curiosity, flexible thinking, in-
ner feeling, variety preferences, and interest. Further-
more, prospective candidates who are open to new ex-
perience will demonstrate a positive attitude towards
learning (Bonekamp and Sure, 2015). In the selec-
tion and recruitment process, employers should con-
sider the candidates with higher learning orientation
as this promotes learning and innovation aligning the
company goals with those of industry 4.0. Employ-
ees with top learning goal orientation are highly in-
terested in participating in challenging tasks, are al-
ways ready to improve, have a tendency of achieving
mastery, and are more than willing to develop a new
set of skills (Kim and Lee, 2013). The hiring man-
ager should also consider the future potential of the
candidate and how important he or she will be in con-
tributing to the achievement of the objectives of the
fourth industrial revolution.
8.2 Training: in the industry 4.0 setting, organiza-
tions should design their training programs in a man-
ner that promotes learning and innovative capability.
The educational programs should be comprehensive
enough to enable employees to multitask which im-
prove the level of production. The training offered
does not need to be directly relevant to the employee’s
job but should be geared towards increasing the vari-
ety of skills (Marques et al., 2017).The training pro-
grams should be continuous with refresher courses to
remind the employees of their scope, roles, and re-
Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) Impact on Management
sponsibilities. They should also focus on building a
team and teamwork skills and manager should engage
in daily routine mentoring to increase efficiency in
production. Moreover, managers should ensure that
employees receive training to boost their problem-
solving skills (Shamim et al., 2016).
8.3 Compensation: in the industry 4.0 environ-
ment, the system of compensating employees should
be a reflection of the contributions of the employ-
ees towards the company. The organizations should
pay the employees based on their individual, group,
and organizational performance (Prieto and P
Santana, 2014). The managers should implement
strategies that will create a link between job perfor-
mance and the reward which includes payment of ad-
ditional incentives and profit sharing. Such a sys-
tem of compensation enhances a favorable environ-
ment for innovation and learning (Prieto and P
Santana, 2014).
8.4 Performance Appraisal: the best suitable per-
formance appraisal for industry 4.0 should focus on
improving results, behaviors, and the development
of employees. The employees should be updated
on their performance daily. Additionally, the per-
formance appraisal should be more of an objective
than subjective, and this implies that the performance
should be evaluated quantitatively by the use of ma-
trixes (Shamim et al., 2016). An ideal process of
performance appraisal should comprise of develop-
ment of performance standards, communicating the
expected results, evaluating the actual performance,
comparing the actual performance with the set stan-
dards, a discussion of the appraisal with the employ-
ees, and implementing corrective measures where
necessary. There are many methods of performance
appraisal, but management objectives (MBO) are the
most commonly used. MBO is a practical perfor-
mance approach that is compatible with the fourth in-
dustrial revolution (Shamim et al., 2016).
8.5 Job design: it is how an industry organizes
the tasks in a specific position including how and
when the tasks are accomplished and any other fac-
tors affecting work like the conditions and the order
in which the functions are to be completed. The job
design is an essential factor that enhances the climate
of learning and innovation and should be character-
ized by job rotation, extensive transfer of roles to the
employees, and flexible assignments in multiple ar-
eas. Moreover, the job design should cultivate a cul-
ture of teamwork and collaboration (Prieto and P
Santana, 2014). An industry 4.0 setting is character-
ized by learning and innovation, and as a result, a job
design can significantly help the company to adjust to
the business environment.
Industry 4.0 refers to the development processes that
took place in manufacturing industries and chain pro-
duction. The fourth industrial revolution is poised to
impact various areas of management including tech-
nology, data and analytics management, security of
data, regulatory compliance, risk management, val-
idation, and HR practices. The industry 4.0 envi-
ronment is characterized by learning and innovation
and influences various HR practices such as train-
ing, performance appraisal, compensation, staffing,
and job design. In staffing, innovativeness, learning,
and knowledge management capacity among the ap-
plicant is highly sought. Proper characteristics of a
candidate is the one who is open to new experience
including active imagination, attentiveness, intellec-
tual curiosity, flexible thinking, inner feeling, vari-
ety preferences, and interest. Employee training top
learning goal orientation are highly interested in par-
ticipating in challenging tasks, are always ready to
improve, have a tendency of achieving mastery, and
are more than willing to develop a new set of skills
and should be geared towards increasing the variety
of skills. And focus on building a team and teamwork
skills to increase efficiency in production. Moreover,
managers should implement strategies that will cre-
ate a link between job performance and the reward
which includes payment of additional incentives and
profit sharing. Performance appraisal should be more
of an objective than subjective, and this implies that
the performance should be evaluated quantitatively by
the use of matrixes. The last but not least, the job de-
sign is an essential factor that enhances the climate
of learning and innovation and should be character-
ized by job rotation, extensive transfer of roles to the
employees, and flexible assignments in multiple ar-
eas. Moreover, the job design should cultivate a cul-
ture of teamwork and collaboration. Therefore, the
managers should implement strategies that have pos-
itive impacts on these factors to facilitate the culture
of industry 4.0. The fourth industrial revolution will
increase the efficiency and quality of the produced
goods and services.
We would like to thanks Universiti Teknologi MARA,
Cawangan Pulau Pinang for the assistance and finan-
cial support rendered towards the production of this
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Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) Impact on Management