3. Monitor planning by policies and performance.
To support e-Learning governance that is not cov-
ered by the Khan framework, it is necessary
to adopt a still common governance framework,
namely the COBIT 5 and ISO / IEC 38500 frame-
work which will produce an e-Learning gover-
nance framework. Based on the explanation of
the framework and research on e-Learning above,
the researchers conducted a combination design by
adopting Khan framework(Khan, 2003)(Elameer and
Idrus, 2010), ISO/IEC 38500(Alaeddini and Kardan,
2010)(Ahuja and Chan, 2015)(Harris, 2010)(Mo-
hamad and Toomey, 2016), and 3 main domains
on the COBIT 5 framework that has similarities to
ISO/IEC 38500, namely the EDM (evaluate, direct,
monitor) which can be applied on IT governance.
This combination aims to make the e-Learning gover-
nance framework appropriate for the governance re-
quirements of the e-Learning system used by Univer-
sities, especially in Indonesia.
In Figure 3.1 there is a combination of Khan’s
framework, ISO/IEC 38500, business processes on e-
Learning, and 3 main domains of COBIT 5 which
have similar domains with ISO/IEC 38500, namely
evaluate, direct and monitor. implementation of the
suitability of the e-Learning system by identifying ex-
isting problems in the scope of dimensions carried
out in the e-Learning business process. the explana-
tion of each dimension is specifically based on sub-
dimensions in the framework khan. The e-Learning
business process, including learning planning & cur-
ricula design, content development, learning delivery
& learner coaching as well as assessment, evaluation
& credentialing. dimensions and sub-dimensions that
have been grouped will be adjusted to the phases that
exist in the e-Learning business process. This will
create new possibilities for each stage, dimensions
will be able to have more than one stage topic, even
with different sub-dimensions. From 8 dimensions,
only 7 dimensions are used in adopting a new frame-
work, namely the ethical dimension. The ethical di-
mension is not used because it does not include the
supporting criteria in terms of the sub-dimensions de-
scribed in Table 2.1. For governance requirements in
the e-Learning environment applied, the ethnical di-
mension cannot be used .
In the adoption process, the 3 main domain cy-
cles, namely evaluate, direct and monitor support
each other and have their respective roles in one goal
for the use of e-Learning within the scope of gover-
nance. this is clarified by the 4 phases that exist in the
business processes in e-Learning to guide implemen-
tation. At the e-Learning business process stage con-
sists of the dimensions of the Khan framework with
sub-dimensions adopted based on conformity with the
stages to be carried out to obtain maximum results,
although there are similarities between dimensions
and different stages, the contents of sub-dimensions
at each stage are also different, according to the con-
ditions at this stage with the support of additional sub-
dimensions and references from previous studies. The
stages of business processes in e-Learning are divided
into 4 stages and are grouped in Table 3.1 and sub-
dimensions are showed in Table 3.2.
Stage 1. Learning planning & curricula design, this
stage consists of 7 dimensions that help evaluate e-
Learning governance, including technological, ped-
agogical, resource support, interface design, insti-
tutional, management, evaluation. Each dimension
has additional sub-dimensions that help complete the
stages of the e-Learning business process.
Stage 2. Content development, this stage con-
sists of 6 dimensions, namely technological, peda-
gogical, resource support, interface design, manage-
ment, evaluation. Each dimension has additional
sub-dimensions that help complete the stages of e-
Learning business processes.
Stage 3. Learning delivery & learner coaching,
this stage consists of 5 dimensions that help evaluate
e-Learning governance, among others: technological,
pedagogical, resource support, management, evalua-
tion. Each of these dimensions also has additional
sub-dimensions that help complete the stages of e-
Learning business processes.
Stage 4. Assessment, evaluation, & creden-
tialling, this stage consists of 3 dimensions that help
evaluate e-Learning governance, including techno-
logical, pedagogical, management. Each dimension
has additional sub-dimensions that help complete the
stages of e-Learning business processes.
E-Learning governance is a system management that
is crucial in creating an effective and efficient distance
learning process in order to gain more knowledge.
factors that can be known can support the readiness
of the system to realize the performance of the best
quality and quantity in improving governance in e-
Learning systems. For maximum results, an evalua-
tion process with a suitable framework with a com-
prehensive understanding of the needs and problems
in improving the governance of the e-Learning sys-
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management