of -1.14 with a significance of < 0.01. As for Is-
lamic banks, the result shows a coefficient of -0.30
with a significance of < 0.01. It means that H5
is accepted; credit risk has a negative effect on
the profitability of both conventional and Islamic
4.2 Discussion
The test result on the effect of asset quality on credit
risk in conventional banks shows a coefficient of 0.98
and significance of < 0.01. Whereas in Islamic banks,
the test result shows a coefficient of 0.99 and signifi-
cance of < 0.01. It means that H1 is accepted; asset
quality has a positive and significant effect on credit
risk in both conventional and Islamic banks. The re-
sults of this study are not in accordance with (Trad
et al., 2017) but in line with the theory put forward
by (Fitrianto and Mawardi, 2006) who stated that the
assessment of asset quality is conducted to see the
condition of bank assets to face the risk of loss by
maintaining the quality of its productive assets. Ac-
cordingly with (Ariyanti, 2010) who stated that most
of the fund placements in productive assets are in the
form of loans which may cause risk. The higher the
placement of funds in productive assets, the bigger
chance to increase credit risk. Therefore, it is still im-
portant for banks to maintain asset quality in order to
reduce credit risk.
The test result of the effect of capital on credit risk
in conventional banks shows a coefficient of 0.02 and
a significance of 0.37. Whereas in Islamic banks, the
test result shows a coefficient of -0.00 and a signifi-
cance of 0.50. So, it means H2 is rejected; the capital
has no impact on credit risk in both conventional and
Islamic banks. The results of this study indicate that
conventional and Islamic banks capital are not used
for risk-bearing loans. It is confirmed by (Ismail et al.,
2018) who states that capital is used to support assets
that contain or cause risks such as financing. Thus,
banks have the freedom to use capital because it will
not affect their credit risk.
The test result of the effect of asset quality on
profitability in conventional banks shows a coefficient
of 0.49 and a significance of < 0.01. Whereas in
Islamic banks, the test result shows a coefficient of
-0.58 and a significance of < 0.01. Asset quality
has a positive and significant effect on the profitabil-
ity of conventional banks while in Islamic banks it
has a negative and significant effect. It shows that
conventional banks are far better at managing asset
quality. This result is in accordance with (Zarrouk
et al., 2016). Meanwhile, Islamic banks must focus
more on credit risk, because if the improvement on
asset qualityis not accompanied with good manage-
ment on credit risk, it will increase costs and reduce
bank profitability (Wasiuzzaman and Tarmizi, 2010).
The results are in accordance with (Wasiuzzaman and
Tarmizi, 2010), (Mun and Thaker, 2016), (Siahaan
and Asandimitra, 2018).
The test result of the effect of capital on profitabil-
ity in conventional banks shows a coefficient of 0.19
and a significance of ¡0.01. Whereas in Islamic banks,
the result shows a coefficient of 0.13 and a signifi-
cance of 0.11. Capital has a positive and significant
effect on the profitability of conventional banks. It is
in accordance with (Trad et al., 2017) (Akhtar et al.,
2011), (Zarrouk et al., 2016). Meanwhile in Islamic
banks, capital does not have a significant effect on
profitability and it is in accordance with (Akhtar et al.,
2011). Capital condition in Islamic banks during the
eight years of observation was very good, which av-
eraged 25.19%. This condition reflects that Islamic
banks rely more on financing as a source of income
and do not use the potential of capital to increase prof-
itability (Hutagalung et al., 2013). This statement is
reinforced by (Sangmi and Nazir, 2010) in their re-
search in banks in India which shows that high capital
indicates that the bank is conservative and does not
use all potential capital. It also shows that Islamic
banks are lack of product development by using ex-
isting capital to obtain profitability.
The test result of the effect of credit risk on prof-
itability in conventional banks shows a coefficient of
-1.14 with a significance of < 0.01. As for Islamic
banks, the result shows a coefficient of -0.30 with a
significance of < 0.01. It means that H5 is accepted;
credit risk has a negative effect on the profitability of
both conventional and Islamic banks. The results of
this study are in accordance with(Dodi et al., ), (Ali
et al., 2011) (Trad et al., 2017). The higher the credit
risk, the higher the bank’s capacity to absorb loan
losses (Fayed, 2013). It will give impact on bank pro-
ductivity and will have a negative effect on bank prof-
itability. Then the bank must maintain a high level of
credit risk so as to reduce profits.
The magnitude of the effect of asset quality and
capital on credit risk is 98%, while the magnitude of
the influence of asset quality, capital, and credit risk
on profitability is 40%. The magnitude of the effect of
asset quality and capital on credit risk is 98%, while
the magnitude of the influence of asset quality, capi-
tal, and credit risk on profitability is 82%. The impli-
cation of this research is the understanding that man-
aging asset quality well is very important because it
will affect credit risk. High asset quality will affect
profitability, but the it must be managed properly so as
not to cause losses. Increased asset quality is poorly
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management