Implementation of Data Quality Management Application Architecture
Aji Nur Laksono
, Tien Fabrianti Kusumasari
and Muhammad Azani Hasibuan
Telkom University, Information System Departement, Jl. Telekomunikasi 01, Bandung, Indonesia
data profiling, data cleansing, data quality, monitoring, data quality management, architecture.
Data is a precious aspect, especially for an organization. Data must have good and guaranteed quality because
data can provide business value as a decision-maker. However, today many companies do not have useful
quality data in their management. Large organizations data requirements often cause this can be very diverse.
At the departmental and division level, each requires a different business process and IT system, so it directs
to create a specific application system with various platforms. This situation causes the amount of data to
repeat and become inconsistent. To overcome this problem, the architecture is needed to carry out quality
management data that can carry out data transformation paths such as profiling data and data cleansing. In this
study, the researchers developed a data quality application architecture by applying the principle of quality
management data that includes the process of profiling data, data cleansing, and monitoring data. The results
of this study will be compared with similar applications to find out which features can be superior in the data
quality management process.
In the current era of information technology, data is
a critical aspect for an organization, whether profit
or non-profit. The data is facts and figures that are
processed every day. Processed data can be valuable
information that can influence the decisions taken.
Also, data must have good quality, which is a vital
determinant in terms of the effectiveness of an orga-
nization to provide business value (Taleb et al., 2018).
Data with higher data quality results in increas-
ingly accurate decisions. Determining the relation-
ship between data quality dimensions and business
processes helps organizations to make better deci-
sions (Panahy et al., 2014). In enterprise organiza-
tions, data requirements are very diverse. Each de-
partment and division in an enterprise has different
business processes. This directs the department or di-
vision to create a specific application system with var-
ious platforms. The business process in each part still
requires the same data.
Weak quality data will affect data governance in
a company. Data governance is planning, supervi-
sion, and control of data management and use of data
and data sources related to data (International, 2017).
Based on the concept of data governance, there are ten
(10) data management functions, including the Qual-
ity Management Data is one of the functions (Inter-
national, 2017). Data Quality Management (DQM) is
the management of data quality in order to maintain
the consistency of data to conform to the standards
and strategies applied to the organization or company
(Sabtiana et al., 2018). DQM is expected to be able to
measurably improve the quality of data so that busi-
ness objectives can be achieved. Data quality process-
ing has several processes such as data profiling, data
cleansing, data monitoring, and data integration Data
Profiling is the first step in data quality management
to understand all the feasibility of data sources and
the quality of each current data source (Abedjan, et
al., 2016). Data cleansing is a solution that can be
used to overcome data problems that generally occur
in enterprise-scale companies. The data cleansing is
improving the quality of data by transforming data to
fit the rules of business (Juddoo, 2015). Data mon-
itoring stages are used to monitor data quality and
measure data quality by business rules (International,
Previous research conducted by Febri (Dwiandri-
ani et al., 2017), focus on designing a single column
profiling algorithm, which is a process for performing
data quality using the open-source Pentaho Data Inte-
gration (PDI). The results of the research are expected
to be developed, which can later be arranged in inte-
grated application architecture to carry out the DQM
This research focuses on utilizing and refining
previous research to create a web-based application
Laksono, A., Kusumasari, T. and Hasibuan, M.
Implementation of Data Quality Management Application Architecture.
DOI: 10.5220/0009868302680274
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism and Information Management (ICCETIM 2019) - Creativity and Innovation Developments for Global
Competitiveness and Sustainability, pages 268-274
ISBN: 978-989-758-451-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved