
the majority of Islamic bank financing is murabahah
which requires banks to first buy goods in full, so that
the rising and falling percentage of inflation does not
affect the inefficiency of Islamic banks. This shows
that the rise and fall of inflation does not affect the
level of efficiency of the bank. Inefficiency has a neg-
ative and significant effect on bank profit with a co-
efficient of -0.92 with a significance of ¡0.01. Based
on the results of this study, it can be seen that bank
inefficiencies affect bank profits, the higher bank in-
efficiencies it will reduce bank profits.
The main of this study was to examine the effect of
Non-Performing Finance (NPF), bank size, and in-
flation on Islamic banking industry inefficiencies and
the effect of Islamic banking industry inefficiencies
on profitability. Overall, the results of this study indi-
cate that non-performing finance internal factors and
bank size have a significant effect on Islamic bank-
ing industry inefficiency, although this study also re-
vealed that inflation external factors have no signifi-
cant effect on inefficiencies. Other results reveal that
inefficiency has a significant effect on the profitability
of Islamic banking industry.
This research shows that every bank needs to
know the steps so that the Islamic banking industry in
Indonesia remains efficient in carrying out bank op-
erations. Islamic Banking needs to reduce the level
of Non-Performing Finance (NPF) respectively, and
control asset variables to be efficient. Although the
results show that inflation does not have a significant
effect on the efficiency of Islamic banking industry,
Islamic banking industry management must remain
vigilant against various other external variables.
This study has several limitations. First, the vari-
ables that affect profitability in this study are only
one variable, namely the inefficiency indicated by the
BOPO percentage. For further research other vari-
ables that can affect profitability can be added, so that
a comparison of which variables can have a greater
impact on the Islamic banking industry can be made.
Second, further research is recommended to add vari-
ables that have not been studied in this study and add
internal factors and other external factors that influ-
ence inefficiencies, such as exchange rates, Islamic
finance, and overhead costs.
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