"opening the road" so that after the door is opened
wide it requires more advanced and focused research
there is a portion of the space behind the open door.
Drinks are "Is a liquid which is specifically prepared
for human consumption. In additional to filling a
basic human need, links from part of the culture of
human society ". From this opinion can be
interpreted, "Drinks are special liquids prepared for
human consumption. In addition to meeting basic
human needs, drinks are part of the culture of the
According to the third edition of the Big
Indonesian Dictionary in 2005, a drink means a
According to the above understanding, it can be
concluded that drinks are anything that contains
liquids which in general can eliminate thirst and are
safe for consumption by humans by mouth, except
for drugs, soups, and harmful liquids.
Katsigris (2006: 59), Beverages is a liquid which
is specifically prepared for human consumption. In
addition to felling a basic human need, beverages
from part of the culture of human society.
According to Imtima: 2007 the traditional
meaning is a habit that originated from an ancestor
which was passed down from generation to
generation and is widely practiced by society today.
M Abed Al Jabri 2000 Traditional definition is
anything that is inherited by a child from his parents,
be it position, inheritance or nobility.
So according to the above understanding it can
be concluded that traditionally is everything that was
passed down by the ancestors from generation to
generation in the form of recipes, things. dance,
song, position, treasure and nobility that we can also
bequeath to the next generation
Sunaryo (2015) explains that according to the
experience of the ancestors from the ancestors, the
use of all types of plants in the environment to
maintain health. Ancestors since ancient times have
mixed various leaves, roots, flowers, wood, to the
tubers of spice plants to maintain physical fitness
and cure various health complaints. Of the various
natural materials are processed in such a way as to
be able to maintain health.
In https://id.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ek exploration
(accessed on 18 May 2018), it is explained that
exploration is also called exploration or searching,
exploration is the act of searching or exploring with
the aim of finding something, for example unknown
areas, including space (space exploration),
petroleum, natural gas, coal, minerals, water or
information. Although exploration has occurred
since the beginning of human existence, exploration
is considered to have reached its peak at the time of
the colonial era, when European seafarers roamed all
over the world to discover new areas and cultures.
According to Koesoemandinata, 2000
"exploration is a scientific technical activity to find
out areas, regions, conditions, spaces previously
unknown in their contents. Scientific exploration
will contribute to the treasury of science.
Exploration is not only carried out in an area, it can
also be in the depths of the sea that has never been
explored at all, space, even insight of the mind
(exploration of the mind). , aerial photography,
satellite imagery and indirect survey methods
identify prospective anomial areas for further
investigation (2) general prospecting, this stage is
intended to narrow the area to be used as a place of
Bompard and Kostemans (1985) state that
exploration is carried out in stages by relying on
sources, both directly from the primary information
giver and from library data. Thus, in connection with
this research, this exploration can be interpreted as a
source of a thorough investigation and exploration of
traditional Balinese drinks in order to find, collect,
document and types sourced from the main
information providers and literature for scientific
So from the above understanding in terms of
exploration is also called explorative, which is one
of the three forms of research objectives, while the
other objectives are depiction (descriptive) and
explanation (explanatory). In this case, exploration
or exploratory is an attempt to form a general and
initial understanding of something. Exploration
consists of an initial exploration stage and an
advanced exploration phase where the exploration
aims to obtain more detailed data from the initial
The preference test is also called the hedonic
test. Panelists were asked their personal responses
about likes or dislikes. Besides the panelists
expressing their happy, like or reverse responses,
they also expressed their liking. These favorite
levels are called the hedonic scale. For example, in
terms of "like" it can have a hedonic scale such as:
very, very like, very like, like, rather like.
Conversely, if the response is "dislike", it can have a
hedonic scale such as like and rather like, there is a
response that is referred to as neutral, ie neither like
nor dislike.