Bantul Krebet Wooden Batik Crafts as a Local Potential Area in a Study
of Intellectual Property Rights: Juridicial and Economic Insight
Dyah Permata Budi Asri
, Siti Rochmah Ika
, Sunarya Raharja
and Putri Ayu Clarita
Faculty of Law Janabadra University, Jalan Tentara Rakyat Mataram 55-57 Yogyakarta 55231 Indonesia
Departement of Accounting, Janabadra University, Jalan Tentara Rakyat Mataram 55-57 Yogyakarta 55231 Indonesia
Krebet Wood Batik, Local Potential, Intellectual Property Rights, Copyrights, Legal Protection.
This study aims to analyze the existence of the typical Krebet wood batik as a Local Area Potential where it
is reviewed by conducting judicial and economic reviews. This research is empirical juridical research with
descriptive analysis method by taking empirical data in Krebet Village, Bantul Regency, Special Province of
Yogyakarta. The results of this study indicate that there are local potentials in Krebet Bantul, namely Krebet
Wooden Batik which is an intellectual work of craftsmen in Krebet, where there is a distinctive characteristic
of Krebet wood batik motifs, which has the potential to apply for copyright registration on the wooden batik
motif. So far, legally the Krebet wooden batik has not been touched by IPR protection and the level of public
awareness in Krebet is very low to understand IPR due to various factors, namely education, community cul-
ture, bureaucracy and IPR registration fees and others. However, IPR assistance has been carried out so that
there has been a Certificate of Recording 2 (two) batik motifs, namely Colorful Batik Motifs and Red Black
Grompol Batik Motifs. From the economic aspect, registration of IPR has benefits for the community, espe-
cially the craftsmen community, to utilize their economic rights from the existence of these legal protections.
With the existence of legal protection, it will be possible for other parties who do not have the right to take
economic benefits, thus the creator can make maximum use of the economic benefits of the product of his
work, either for his own use or transferred to other parties.
Indonesia is an archipelago that has a diversity and
richness of art, culture, ethnicity, nation, and religion,
where diversity will provide a distinct identity for the
regions in Indonesia. One of the diversity of Indone-
sian arts and culture is batik,which in all corners of the
world has its own motives in accordance with the dis-
tinctive characteristics of each region. Krebet Bantul
area is the area of the Wood Batik Craft Center, where
most of the people have a livelihood as wood batik
craftsmen known as Krebet Wood Batik. Krebet wood
batik is a craft product that is produced from the intel-
lectual abilities of humans that produce a craft prod-
uct with a variety of variations, motifs and types. As
a result of Intellectual Property originating from hu-
man intellectual capabilities through creativity, taste
and caress, of course the product has a very economic
value that will benefit the creator .
A distinctive feature of Intellectual Property
Rights hereinafter abbreviated as IPR is that this right
is a private right, so that someone is free to submit
an application or register his intellectual work or not.
Exclusive rights granted by the state to individual IPR
actors (inventor, creator, designer, etc.) are nothing
but intended to reward the work / creativity and so
that other people are aroused to be able to further de-
velop it, so that the IPR system is determined by the
public interest market mechanism. Intellectual prop-
erty (IP) is the original creation of the human intelli-
gence such as artistic, literary, technical, or scientific
creation. Intellectual rights (from the French ”droits
intellectuels”) Intellectual property rights (IPR) to the
inventor or creator to protect the creation of a cer-
tain period of time (Chopra and Kumar, 2014). The
IPR system also requires a good documentation sys-
tem for all forms of human creativity, so that the pos-
sibility of producing the same technology or other
works can be avoided or prevented. With this good
documentation, it is expected that the community can
make maximum use of it or develop it further to pro-
vide higher added value. IPR also provides protection
against economic interests from the findings or works
of inventors or creators. Legal protection aims to pro-
Asri, D., Ika, S. and Raharja, S.
Bantul KrebetWooden Batik Crafts as a Local Potential Area in a Study of Intellectual Property Rights: Juridicial and Economic Insight.
DOI: 10.5220/0009877900580063
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Sciences (ICASESS 2019), pages 58-63
ISBN: 978-989-758-452-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
vide stimuli to produce more innovative inventions or
works. The scope of the IPR regime includes patents,
brands, industrial design, copyright, trade secrets, in-
tegrated circuit layout design and plant varieties.
Many countries that are participants of the Trade
Related aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIP)
agreement show that the international community
cares about IPR protection. This has an impact on
efforts to improve IPR protection at the local / na-
tional level including Indonesia. In the last decade In-
donesia has ratified international agreements related
to IPR, which have the consequence that Indonesia
must make regulations regarding the protection of hu-
man intellectual work and harmonize with the devel-
opment of the conditions of society. Problems on IPR
on the one hand relate to the problem of economic lib-
eralization, and on the other hand are faced with so-
cial, cultural, and economic conditions of the Indone-
sian people. The socio-cultural conditions of the In-
donesian people are still in the transition period of in-
dustrial society and not all understand and understand
the issues of IPR. This cannot be denied considering
that the concept of intellectual property rights does
not originate from the Indonesian people, but orig-
inates from the developed countries to protect their
intellectual works from the people’s mindset of those
countries that are different from Indonesian society.
Economic aspects or aspects can show the study
that IPR is an object of wealth that can be transacted
in the process of exchanging human economic needs
(Mahila, 2018). Based on the types of IPR that ex-
ist, the art of Batik craft is included in the Copyright
regime which in its regulation has been made a sepa-
rate regulation namely Law Number 28 of 2014 con-
cerning Copyright. The number of creative industries
in the field of arts and culture that developed in In-
donesia, certainly balanced also with the development
of the creation of batik motifs, especially wooden
batik motifs in Krebet Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Re-
gion. If there is no immediate protection, in this case
copyright protection against the creation of batik mo-
tifs, it is feared that the creation will be increasingly
destroyed and can be claimed by other regions and
countries that understand more about the protection
of IPR against batik.
Based on the description and background above,
the authors formulate the problem as follows:
a What is the implementation of legal protection for
wooden batik motifs in Krebet Village, Bantul Re-
gency, Special Province of Yogyakarta?
b What economic benefits can the creator take re-
garding the protection of the batik motif?
Referring to the formulation of the problem, this re-
search belongs to the type of empirical normative re-
search method. In empirical legal research, what is
examined initially is secondary data, then proceed to
primary data in the field that exists in the commu-
nity. In this case, the researcher wants to provide
an overview and elaborates on the study of copyright
protection for wooden batik art in Krebet Village,
Bantul Regency. The approach used in this study uses
a qualitative approach, namely the approach used by
researchers by basing on data stated by respondents in
writing or verbally, as well as real behavior, which is
examined and studied as something intact. Data col-
lection techniques in this study used interview tech-
niques and observations to a number of respondents in
this study. The location of this study is in Krebet Vil-
lage, Pajangan District, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta
Special Region, in a place where there are many cen-
ters of Krebet wood batik. Analysis of the results of
this study is descriptive analysis.
3.1 Copyright Legal Protection against
Batik Motives
Copyright is a part of IPR that provides legal pro-
tection in the fields of Science, Arts and Literature.
Legal protection against batik motifs which are also
copyrighted works, which have been recognized as
world cultural heritage by the United Nations Edu-
cational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UN-
ESCO). Batik is declared feasible to be included in
the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Her-
itage of Humanity, which means that batik has gained
international recognition as one of Indonesian cul-
ture, so it is expected to motivate and elevate the dig-
nity of batik artisans and support efforts to improve
people’s welfare economically. UNESCO’s recogni-
tion of batik as an Indonesian cultural heritage for the
world should encourage Indonesia to truly work on
batik in order to remain sustainable. Some efforts can
be made both in terms of law and in terms of the econ-
The Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Her-
itage Project multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral to-
gether together with scholars and experts partners to
collaborate on intellectual and timely investigation of
intellectual property issues in cultural heritage that
represent emergent local and global interpretations of
Bantul KrebetWooden Batik Crafts as a Local Potential Area in a Study of Intellectual Property Rights: Juridicial and Economic Insight
culture, rights, and knowledge (Nicholas, 2007). In
Article 1 point 1 of Law Number 28 of 2014, the
Copyright states that the definition of copyright is that
Copyright is the exclusive right of the creator that
arises automatically based on the declarative princi-
ple after a work is manifested in a tangible form with-
out reducing restrictions in accordance with the provi-
sions of statutory regulations. Based on the above un-
derstanding, copyright can be defined as a monopoly
right to member or announce creations that are owned
by the creator or other copyright holders who, in their
implementation, pay attention to the applicable laws
and regulations.
The protection provided by copyright is given au-
tomatically since the creation is in the form of a con-
crete, because this law adheres to the declarative prin-
ciple, where legal protection is provided automati-
cally by the state without the need for registration.
The period of legal protection of copyright especially
for batik motifs is valid for life plus 70 years af-
ter the creator dies. Batik artworks are included as
copyrighted works protected according to Article 40
paragraph (1) letter j of Law Number 28 of 2014
concerning Copyright. What is meant by ”batik art-
work” is contemporary batik motifs that are innova-
tive, present, and not traditional. The work is pro-
tected because it has artistic value, both in relation to
the image, style, and color composition.
IPR ownership is very important in dealing with
global markets, because with IPR ownership someone
has legal certainty when there are other entrepreneurs
who will emulate the same brand (Widihastuti and
Kusdarini, 2013). Looking at the importance of le-
gal protection against culture in Indonesia, this clearly
has a very strategic value that can be seen in terms of
cultural, economic and social (Asri, 2016). Problems
regarding IPR will touch on various aspects such as
technology, industry, social, culture and various other
aspects. However, the most important aspect if it is
associated with the protection of intellectual work is
the legal aspect.The law is expected to provide pro-
tection for intellectual work.
Besides having potential as a cultural heritage,
batik also has the potential as a driving force for the
national economy and creating jobs to increase peo-
ple’s income. Batik artwork has an increasingly cre-
ative motive to still be able to meet consumer de-
sires. If ancient batik motifs had to be associated with
mythology, social status and also related to the rank
signs in the palace environment, then now batik mo-
tifs are far more innovative in pursuit of the pace of
globalization and cultural change from society. This
motif is called the contemporary batik motif.
Considering that batik has great economic poten-
tial, of course, protection is needed to avoid parties
who use batik motifs by taking the essence of the mo-
tif to be modified and meramunya into the latest mo-
tifs that are individually registered. Even this protec-
tion is becoming increasingly urgent given the high
piracy of Indonesian batik by foreign producers and
batik products made by Indonesian craftsmen that are
exported without any identity, so that it is finally rec-
ognized by other countries. This certainly will harm
the moral rights and economic rights of the creators
of contemporary batik.
3.2 Krebet Village as a Center for
Wooden Batik
Krebet is a sub-village in Sendangsari village, Pa-
jangan sub-district, Bantul Regency,approximately 12
Km Southwest of Yogyakarta City, with an area of ±
104 ha. Geographically, the north is bordered by sub-
village Kaliasem, Bangunjiwo Village, on the east
borders with Pringgading hamlet which falls into the
area of Guwosari Village, in the south borders with
Dadabong sub-village and Kabrokan Wetan subvil-
lage, and in the west borders with Petung and Dusun
Desa Lor Triwidadi. Krebet is surrounded by teak
trees, acacia mahogany and sengon so the distance
from other sub-village is quite far apart.
Krebet is an area with infertile land with barren
limestone land. Initially the Krebet community relied
on agriculture as a source of livelihood, but because
agricultural activities only lasted seasonally and re-
lied on rainfed irrigation and the condition of the bar-
ren land, local residents developed other skills namely
by making batik-made wooden handicrafts. Around
the village of Krebet there is wood that can be used
as a craft, for example teak, sengon mahogany, as a
raw material for making crafts with batik motifs. One
form of creativity in batik craft is the development
of batik using wood media, where in general batik
is made on cloth. The results of creativity are man-
ifested in the form of masks, key chains, puppets, tis-
sue boxes, trays, jewelry places, miniature animals,
and other decorative creations. Designers make use
of the terrace and yard as a place for producing wood
batik. More and more people of Krebet Hamlet are
skilled in making crafts, so more and more consumers
are coming to order wood batik from both domes-
tic and overseas. The production of wooden batik is
one of the home industries that can sustain the econ-
omy of the Krebet Hamlet community which can be
a magnet for the interest of local and foreign tourists
to visit this village, making Krebet hamlet one of the
tourist villages that must be visited when coming to
ICASESS 2019 - International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Science
The enactment of the Copyright Law brings hope
for the process of protecting a design especially Kayu
Batik, namely by obtaining a recording of the Batik
Kayu motif as a copyrighted work by the creator /
craftsman who is legally protected. Although legal
protection is obtained from copyrighted works in the
form of Copyright automatically, but as authentic ev-
idence in the future there is a need for recording so
that the creator will have a certificate of recording the
batik motif. The lack of knowledge and legal aware-
ness of the creators is the main factor underlying this
Until now, wooden batik artisans in Krebet still
maintain this tradition. The artisans try not to leave
their profession as wood batik craftsmen who have
been handed down from generation to generation.
Krebet wood batik has distinctiveness in its design
mainly based on raw materials as its medium, namely
pule wood, and sengon. The coloring also has its own
characteristics, especially when compared to wood
batik motifs from other regions. This is based on the
manufacturing process in the form of stages from the
selection of wood media, wood cutting, making batik
patterns, batik process, coloring, drying, drying and
finishing. The process requires special care and ex-
pertise that can only be done by the Krebet commu-
nity which has been carried out for generations. An-
other distinctive feature is that the coloring quality is
quite good so it does not fade easily and fade.
Legal protection against batik motifs is regulated
in the Copyright Act which provides protection for the
copyrighted works of the wooden batik motif. The
creations and creations of batik artisans can be pro-
tected by copyright, given one of the scope of copy-
right protection, including batik art. With the protec-
tion of the wooden batik motifs / motifs, exclusive
rights for crafters / creators will appear to publish or
reproduce their own new batik motifs that have be-
come their creations or give permission to other par-
ties to do so. Actually the protection of a work arises
automatically since the creation is manifested in a tan-
gible form, namely in the form of a new batik motif
which is the creation of craftsmen and not merely as
a result of modifying the old batik motifs, because
recording a work is not an obligation. However, the
recording of batik motifs is still needed, so that batik
artisans as creators obtain a ”letter of registration of
creation” which is very urgent if the craftsmen intend
to make a licensing agreement or agreement to trans-
fer copyright to others. The letter of registration of the
work can also be used as an initial proof in the court if
a dispute arises in the future over the batik motif. To
simplify the registration process, the craftsmen should
indeed document all the designs of the batik designs
in the form of soft copy, or in hard copy.
Most Imogiri batik artisans have not considered
IPR protection as a necessity and they have not seen
the importance of legislation in the IPR field. Some
obstacles in the provision of IPR protection to the
work of Krebet wood batik craftsmen include:
a The limited knowledge and understanding of Kre-
bet wood batik craftsmen regarding matters relat-
ing to IPR which are actually needed and can pro-
tect their batik works;
b The low level of education and the level of the
economy of the artisans hampered the protection
of IPRs on the work of artisans. The low level of
education and economy is what makes the crafts-
men think ”practical” and simple, that is, prefer-
ring their batik works to sell quickly to meet their
daily needs rather than thinking about their work
being traced, stolen, and so on. The craftsmen did
not respond too much to the idea of IPR to provide
protection for their works;
c Communal and religious culture, making crafts-
men very difficult to accept IPR concepts that
highlight personal rights. For them, the process of
making and traditional batik motifs is a cultural
heritage, which should not be possessed posses-
sively (monopolized). The philosophy of life in
togetherness makes the tradition of ”sharing” in-
cluding sharing knowledge about batik, one of the
forms of virtue, the reward of which is inner satis-
faction.This is different from the views of Western
society, the place of origin of the development of
IPR, which places ideas, feelings, knowledge and
even feelings as a valuable property of money (in-
tellectual property). In the modernist view, tra-
ditional knowledge is a tool to use (or discard)
for the development of indigenous societies, and
therefore must be subordinated to Western science
(Vermeylen et al., 2008);
d Some craftsmen who have received information
about IPR state that the procedure for submitting
IPR applications is difficult and expensive. Pro-
tection of IPR is obtained through certain efforts
in accordance with IPR legislation. The registra-
tion procedure or arrangement for obtaining sim-
ple IPR protection and the burden of not making
a ”bid for IPR protection” is not enough to attract
artisans to get it.
However, from the process of IPR assistance that
has been carried out, it has succeeded in legally
recording 2 (two) contemporary batik motifs from
krebet wood batik motifs, namely Colorful Batik mo-
tifs and Red Black Grompol Batik Motif, both of
Bantul KrebetWooden Batik Crafts as a Local Potential Area in a Study of Intellectual Property Rights: Juridicial and Economic Insight
which have received a copyright registration certifi-
cate ( Granted) with the recording number of each
EC00201846181 and EC00201846181.
Figure 1: Warna-warni Kahyangan wooden batik motive
and Grompol Merah Hitam motive
Registering the Batik Wood Motif Copyrights in
addition to providing legal certainty for legal protec-
tion, it will also prevent other parties from imitating or
copying the work and taking economic advantage of
the batik’s copyrighted work. In addition, the applica-
tion for recording the batik works will educate other
craftsmen and motivate them to immediately record
the batik motifs they created.
3.3 Economic Benefits of Wood Batik
Craft Protection
Talking about IPR cannot be separated from its prin-
ciples, one of which is economic principles. In eco-
nomic principles, IPR comes from creative activities
of the human mind that have benefits and economic
values that will benefit the copyright owner. What are
the benefits and risks associated with copyright pro-
tection in the global economy? To answer this ques-
tion we must evaluate the main arguments invoked to
justify strong copyright legislation and enforcement
(Downes, 2006). IPR is built on the foundation of
”economic interests”, the law regarding property (in-
tellectual property). IPR protection becomes irrele-
vant if it is not associated with the process or com-
mercialization of IPR itself.
In contrast to industrial property rights in general,
copyright also contains economic rights and moral
rights of holders of copyright. What is meant by eco-
nomic rights is the right to obtain economic benefits
over Copyright. The economic rights are in the form
of profits obtained by money because of the use of the
copyright by themselves, or because of use by other
parties based on the license. The wealth of Indonesian
culture can be used as a source of innovation in run-
ning the wheels of the country’s economy. However,
this wealth must be protected by the government, in
this case as the holder of state sovereignty through
various efforts. The existence of the Copyright will
expressly regulate one’s intellectual property to be
protected and if it will be used commercially it is nec-
essary to pay a sum of money to the creator (in the
form of royalties), as the license holder. The law can
also provide state foreign exchange because it will be
treated the same as Intellectual Property by paying a
license if it is to be produced commercially.
Legal protection that has been obtained by the
owner can provide a sense of security to develop his
work so that eventually he can obtain economic ben-
efits. Owners who have not received legal protection
will not feel fully secure in utilizing the results of their
work due to threats from other parties.
IPR owners who use their economic rights can im-
mediately obtain economic benefits from their work.
Owners who do not use economic rights and do not
make products in the form of products on the mar-
ket, the owners will not get economic benefits from
the results of their work. So it is very necessary to
do legal protection for copyrighted works that have
obtained economic benefits for the copyrighted work,
so that the creator / copyright holder is protected by
his economic rights. Copyright is intellectual prop-
erty that can be exploited by its economic rights, so
the right to transfer ownership of copyright can arise,
for example through an assignment, or a license to use
copyrighted works.
The reality that occurs is that many IPR owners
do not use their economic rights when they have ob-
tained legal protection. This causes IPR owners not to
get economic benefits from their IPR. Economic ben-
efits in principle must be felt by the owner and the
community. This is in line with the theory of utili-
tarianism, that is, an act is said to be good if it pro-
vides the greatest possible benefit for as many peo-
ple as possible. Commercialization, in their view,
would result in over the knowledge to outsiders, in
that hands would fail to have the desired efficacy. One
specialist also observed that outsiders would have a
price on knowledge, which would clash with their
’ethics. Such knowledge is only meant to be used
for the welfare of human rights, not for profit (Sarma
and Barpujari, 2012). Legal protection is not intended
to only provide legal guarantees but also economi-
cally. IPR owners expect that their property can pro-
vide maximum economic benefits. To get economic
value, this right can be transferred to other people,
through agreements, licenses, grants, inheritance and
other causes that are permitted by law. Some things
that cause the owner not to use his economic rights
are the cost of making a product that is quite high.
This can be a stumbling block for the owner to real-
ize this. The incentives provided by the government
only apply to the registration of intellectual property
rights while making products is the responsibility of
each owner.
ICASESS 2019 - International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Science
With the protection of IPR it should be followed
by the transfer of these rights to other people / other
parties so that economic rights can be enjoyed by the
The making of wooden batik has been through several
stages, starting from making motif designs, making
batik, coloring, sucking and so on, each of which re-
quires its own expertise and creativity. Thus the Kre-
bet wood batik products need to get IPR protection
in this case Copyright protection. The existence of
various obstacles in the field related to the request for
registration of Copyright, among others, is from the
cultural aspects of the community, the level of educa-
tion and understanding, so that the need for guidance
from the government as well as ongoing socialization.
In order to obtain broad economic benefits, it is
better to involve the company in providing assistance
for the production of IPR products through the Cor-
porate Social Responsibility (CSR) program so that it
can provide economic benefits to the owner / creator.
The author would like to send the gratitude to The Di-
rectorate of Research and Community Development
Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Educa-
tion who funded, in 2014-2016.
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Bantul KrebetWooden Batik Crafts as a Local Potential Area in a Study of Intellectual Property Rights: Juridicial and Economic Insight