Financial Services Authority Policy in Increasing Investment Indonesian
Capital Market in the Disruption Era
and Dyah Permata Budi Asri
Faculty of Law Janabadra University Jalan Timoho II No 40 Yogyakarta
Legal Policy, Financial Services Authority, Increasing Investment, Disruption Era
Based on the Article 55 paragraph (1) of Law Number 21 of 2011 concerning the Financial Services Authority,
the duties and functions of the Capital Market Supervisory Agency have been taken over by the Financial
Services Authority. The assignment and function of the capital market watchdog are aimed at increasing the
effectiveness and efficiency of capital market watchdog. This is evident that the growth of the capital market
has increased both in terms of the number of issuers, number of investors, market capitalization, transaction
volume, average transaction value, but can only contribute less than 3%, from the target of 3.3% of the total
investment needs of Indonesia. Legal policies are needed which must be carried out by the Financial Services
authority so that investments in the capital market can increase and meet the government’s targets. Normative
legal writing with a normative juridical approach aims to analyze the legal policies of what should be done
by the authorities and the Self Regulatory Organization (SRO) so that investments in the capital market can
increase significantly and can meet Indonesia’s investment needs. In this disruption era, each Organizational
Self Regulatory (SRO) has made a new policy, by applying the latest generation of each main system. Through
the coordination of the Institutional Self Regulatory Institution (SRO) and the Financial Services Authority
(OJK) legal policy, the Indonesian capital market is expected to be more efficient in terms of securities trading
support systems and can increase investment in Indonesia
The Capital Market aims to support the implementa-
tion of national development in order to increase eq-
uity, growth and national economic stability towards
improving people’s welfare. In order to achieve this
goal, the Capital Market has a strategic role as one
of the sources of financing for the business world,
including medium and small businesses for business
development, while on the other hand the Capital
Market is also an investment vehicle for the com-
munity, including small and medium-sized investors.
Fundraising through the capital market is indeed very
large, which can be used to contribute to investment
According to the records of the Financial Ser-
vices Authority, throughout 2018, the collection of
funds amounting to Rp 166 trillion from the capital
market through a total of 168 public offers, while
raising funds in the capital market until May 2019
had reached Rp 54.71 trillion from 52 public offer-
ings.(Grace Olivia, 2019) According to data on the In-
donesia Stock Exchange the stock trading recapitula-
tion as of July 6, 2019 is as follows:(Rina Anggraeni,
Table 1: Stock trades on the indonesia stock exchange.
No Jumlah 2018 Juli 2019
1 Investor 1.61O.00 0 1.676.606
2 Emiten 609 627
3 market capi-
talizati on
6.986,67 7.268,404
4 Indek HSG 6.163,60 6.373,477.
5 Transaction
14,39 18,278
6 Average daily
380,54 484,227
7 Average daily
8 fund raising 166 trilun
of 168 ini-
tial public
54,71 trilun
of 52 ini-
tial public
Initially foreign investors were limited to only
Sudiyana, . and Asri, D.
Financial Services Authority Policy in Increasing Investment Indonesian Capital Market in the Disruption Era.
DOI: 10.5220/0009878400740078
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Sciences (ICASESS 2019), pages 74-78
ISBN: 978-989-758-452-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
49%, and based on the Republic of Indonesia Min-
ister of Finance Decree number 455 / KMK.01 / 1997
foreign investors were finally given freedom without
In accordance with the principle of nondiscrimina-
tion in investment, freedom for foreign investors is a
strategic policy in the capital market in order to obtain
foreign funds through the capital market. The devel-
opment of the capital market at the end of this decade
experienced a significant increase, both seen from the
various aspects, for example: aspects of the number
of investors, number of issuers, market capitalization,
funds raised, and so on. But compared to the total in-
vestment needs, the contribution of funds from capital
market investments has only reached 3%.
The Financial Services Authority, target in raising
funds through the capital market in 2020 is IDR 192
trillion, which is estimated to only contribute 3.3%
of the total investment needs. What is the legal pol-
icy that must be done by the Financial Services Au-
thority so that investment can increase. This problem
will be analyzed and assessed by a normative juridi-
cal approach, by describing the capital market regu-
lations as secondary data, and supported by primair
data through field research by observation and inter-
views with officials in the financial services authority
in Jakarta.
According to the Financial Services Authority, the
opportunities and challenges in driving capital invest-
ment are increasing Human Resourse in the capital
market, capital market instruments, new technology,
transparency of securities prices, global macroeco-
nomic conditions, political conditions, literacy and fi-
nancial inclusion.
This writing is the result of normative legal research,
through legislation and conceptual approaches. As
the material is secondary data, in the form of: 1) pri-
mair legal materials; which consists of various capi-
tal market law literature, scientific journals and other
articles or writings related to capital market law. 2)
secondary legal materials consisting of capital mar-
ket regulations and tertiary legal materials consisting
of various legal dictionaries and capital market dic-
tionaries, and various news related to capital markets.
The data is taken from libraries, websites by means of
study documents, and analyzed concretively by pro-
viding exposure to the Financial Services Authority’s
legal policies in increasing investment in the capital
3.1 Capital Market System
3.1.1 Primary Market
The activities on the primary market will begin with
public offering activities by the issuer. Requirements
for initial public offering, the issuer must submit an
application statement to The Financial Services Au-
thority . According to the law, those who can make
initial public offering are only Issuers who have sub-
mitted a Registration Statement to The Financial Ser-
vices Authority to offer or sell Securities to the pub-
lic and the Registration Statement has been effec-
tive.(Indonesia, 1995) To be able to make purchases
on the primary market or initial public offerings, the
prospective buyer in addition to filling out a securi-
ties purchase order form and entering into an account
opening contract and funding consignment on the un-
derwriter or sales agent, it must be ensured that a
buyer has read the prospectus. The law confirms that
no Party can sell Securities in a Initial Public Offer-
ing, unless the buyer or buyer states in the Securities
order form that the buyer or buyer has received or has
the opportunity to read the Prospectus regarding the
Securities before or when the order is made.
Public offering activities are carried out within 3
days and delivered within 60 days of the registration
statement being declared effective, with the submis-
sion of securities and or the remaining consignment
funds by the securities underwriter to the ordering
party. The purpose of the issuer is to provide a pub-
lic offer, of course so that the securities (shares) can
be listed on the Exchange. Listing activities on the
Exchange are carried out after the completion of the
public offering with the listing on the Exchange, the
issuer’s securities (shares) can be traded on the trad-
ing floor (Secondary Market).
3.1.2 Secondary Market
Securities trading activities or often referred to as ex-
change transactions, are carried out entirely by mem-
bers of the exchange, namely the intermediaries of se-
curities traders (Brokers), which are located on the
Stock Exchange. Prospective investors who will in-
vest their funds in the secondary market must con-
tract with securities companies that are licensed as
securities brokers. The contract includes an account
opening contract, a debit authorization contract, a se-
curities deposit / fund contract, and a Single Investor
Identication (SID). The position of investors in rela-
tion to securities brokers is as customers. After having
Financial Services Authority Policy in Increasing Investment Indonesian Capital Market in the Disruption Era
an SID, investors through their brokers can then make
exchange transactions according to their ability.
3.2 The Role of the Financial Services
Authority in Capital Market
Based on article 55 paragraph (1) Law Number 21
of 2011 concerning the Financial Services Authority,
the duties and authority of the Capital Market Super-
visory Agency were taken over by the Financial Ser-
vices Authority, and effectively took effect since Jan-
uary 2013. What is the duty and authority of the Cap-
ital Market Supervisory Agency is regulated in Law
Number 8 of 1995 concerning Capital market.
According to Article 3 of Law Number 8 of 1995
concerning the Capital Market, the task of the Capital
Market Supervisory Agency is to provide guidance,
regulation and daily supervision of capital market ac-
tivities. While the authority of the Capital Market Su-
pervisory Agency is regulated in Article 5 of the Capi-
tal Market Law. Like Supervisory in America, Capital
Market Supervisition has three functions, namely;
1. Quasi Legislative Power: is the authority to make
regulations in capital market activities.
a Give licenses to each party that will conduct ac-
tivities in the capital market and give approval
to the Custodian Bank;
b Require registration of capital market support-
ing professionals and trustees;
c Establish requirements and procedures for
nominating and temporarily dismissing com-
missioners and or directors and appointing
temporary management of the Securities Ex-
change, Clearing and Guarantee Institution,
and the Depository and Settlement Institu-
tion until new commissioners and directors are
d Establish requirements and procedures for the
statement of registration and declare, delay, or
cancel the effectiveness of the registration state-
e Establish fees for licensing, approval, registra-
tion, inspection and research as well as other
costs in the context of capital market activities;
f Provide further technical explanations for the
Capital Market Law or its implementing regu-
g Determine other instruments as Securities other
than those prescribed by the Capital Market
2. Quasi Investigation Power: the authority to con-
duct investigations and investigations into alleged
violations in the capital market.
a Conducting checks and investigations on each
party in the event of an event that is suspected
to be a violation of the Law and / or its imple-
menting regulations;
b Require each party to:
i. Stop or correct advertisements or promotions
related to activities in the capital market; or
ii. Take the steps needed to overcome the conse-
quences arising from the intended advertise-
ment or promotion;
c Examine:
i. Every issuer or public company that has or is
required to submit a registration statement to
Capital Market Supervisition; or
ii. The party that is required to have a business
license, permission for individuals, approval,
or professional registration under the law.
d Appoint other parties to carry out inspections in
the framework of implementing the authority of
Financial Services Authority;
e Inspect objections submitted by parties sanc-
tioned by the Stock Exchange, the Clearing
Guarantee Institution, or the Depository and
Settlement Institution and provide a decision to
cancel or strengthen the sanction.
3. Quasi judicial Power: is the authority to take ac-
tion on violations in the capital market, such as
the authority of a judicial body.
a Announce the results of the examination;
b Freeze or cancel the recording of a Securities
on the Stock Exchange or stop the Exchange
Transaction for certain securities for a certain
period of time in order to protect the interests
of investors;
c Stop the Stock Exchange’s trading activities for
a certain period of time in the event of an emer-
d Doing other things given by law.
3.3 Financial Services Authority Legal
Policies in the Capital Market
Development of capital markets that were re-
established from the start of the early 1990s in CEE
countries is driven by numerous forces. The most im-
portant determinants are: (1) Legal and institutional
framework (2) Political and macroeconomic stability
(3) Broadening the investors’ base.(Olgi
c Dra
ICASESS 2019 - International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Science
and Kusanovi
c, 2016) From the regulatory aspect Fi-
nancial Services Authority has issued many Regula-
tions for regulate capital market activities. Some poli-
cies that need to be carried out, in an effort to increase
investment in Indonesian, namely:
a Maintain investor confidence.
Investors are the backbone of investment activi-
ties in the capital market, without investors there
will be no capital market activities. Judging from
the nationality of capital market investors or of-
ten called public investors (minority shareholders)
can be classified as foreign investors and domes-
tic investors in terms of the number of investors
can be qualified as individual investors and insti-
tutional investors. In terms of objectives, investors
are divided into pure investors and speculative in-
vestors. One aspect to encourage investor interest
in the capital market is investor confidence. Some
of the things that form the basis of investor confi-
dence in capital markets include:
(a) legal certainty, the existence of laws and regu-
lations governing investment activities;
(b) Investor legal protection; one of the weaknesses
in investment activities is the problem of in-
vestor legal protection. Juridically, the gov-
ernment only guarantees the Full Disclosure
principle,(Nasution, 2001) where investors are
guaranteed to obtain material information re-
lated to the capital market. This guarantee is
only carried out in a formal form through re-
search on document sufficiency, clarity of in-
formation and completeness of documents. The
government does not substantially conduct due
diligent and / or legal review of documents in
the capital market.(Fuady, 1996)
(c) Ensuring benefits for investors. This policy is
intended to make every investor get the maxi-
mum benefit from securities ownership in the
capital market. The ones who get the most at-
tention are stock investors, and therefore what
benefits are obtained by investors in the share
ownership.Many views that dividends are the
main benefit for stock investors. Therefore,
the Financial Services Authority must have the
courage to make regulations that require issuers
to pay dividends to investors. According to
La Porta, mandatory dividend laws are a reme-
dial measure designed to compensate minority
shareholders in the event that their aforemen-
tioned rights are weak or non-existent.(Cyrus
et al., 2006) That is, compulsory dividend law
is a remedial step designed to provide compen-
sation to minority shareholders if their rights at
the general meeting of shareholders, the anti-
directors’ rights are weak or nonexistent.
b Providing diverse instruments, the aim can be
used to support government needs in various pri-
ority sectors.
The object of trading in capital markets or often
called the capital market instrument is in the form
of securities. According to Securities law, secu-
rities are debt securities, commercial securities,
shares, bonds, debt proofs, Participation Units of
collective investment contracts, futures contracts
for Securities, and any derivatives of Securities.
The capital market instrument which has been
widely traded is shares and every derivative of
shares such as proof of right, warant, option.
c Encourage regional bonds, green bonds and
perpetual bonds. Local governments need to be
encouraged to issue bonds, in order to get funds
for development.
Local governments need to be encouraged to issue
bonds, in order to get funding for development.
According to the Financial Services Authority, the
proceeds from debt securities will be used to fi-
nance investment activities and infrastructure to
generate revenues for the Regional Revenue and
Expenditure Budget. Not only that for investors,
the issuance of regional bonds also became the in-
strument of the new investment portfolio.(Kontan,
2019) The issuance of municipal bonds is cer-
tainly not an easy matter, because it must require
an assestment from the Ministry of Finance and
there must be approval from the Regional Rep-
resentative Council concerned. At present three
provinces are said to have the potential to issue
these bonds, including West Java, East Java and
South Kalimantan. In fact, South Kalimantan said
that it needed funds to reach Rp 10 trillion-Rp
20 trillion for infrastructure development, which
could be covered by bonds other than the Regional
Budget.(Monica Wareza, 2019)
d Issue Financial Services Authority Regulation
(a) Regulations concerning issuers’ offerings with
small and medium scale assets.
Small and Medium Enterprises and Micro
Business Units need to be encouraged to be
able to enter the capital market in order to ob-
tain funds to develop their businesses. There-
fore there is a need to regulate the problem. In
the Financial Services Authority Regulation re-
lated to the public offering procedure for Small
and Medium Enterprises and Micro, Issuers
Financial Services Authority Policy in Increasing Investment Indonesian Capital Market in the Disruption Era
with Small Scale Assets are companies with a
maximum total assets of Rp 50 billion, while Is-
suers with Middle Scale Assets are companies
with total assets of Rp 50 billion to Rp 250 bil-
lion . Financial Services Authority needs to de-
velop an information technology system-based
infrastructure used in the implementation of the
initial public offering of equity securities, as
well as debt and or sukuk securities, which in-
clude initial bidding activities (book building),
securities offering (offering), until the alloca-
tion, allotment and distribution of securities .
Through the development of these various sys-
tems, it is hoped that not only will the account-
ability and transparency of the public offering
process in the capital market increase, but also
inclusion in the Indonesian capital market.
(b) Regulations regarding Downhil Funds services
through information technology-based stock
offerings or equity crowd funding.
Financial Services Authority Regulation Num-
ber 37 / POJK.04 / 2018 dated 31 December
2018 concerning Funding Services. Regulates
the equity crowdfunding organizers, parties that
make public offerings, and investors who will
invest in the company. This share offering with
the Funding Service mechanism is organized by
the organizer of the equity crowfunding, in the
form of a limited liability company or cooper-
ative with minimum capital and paid-up capi-
tal of at least Rp 2.5 billion. These organiz-
ers will later be able to act as securities under-
writers, securities brokers and investment man-
agers. Companies that will offer shares with
this scheme may only have a maximum paid
up capital of Rp 30 billion with a minimum
amount of assets of Rp 10 billion.
Based on the analysis and discussion as outlined
above, it can be concluded that the Financial Services
Authority’s legal policy in increasing investment in
the capital market during the disruption era was to
maintain investor confidence through legal certainty,
legal protection and expediency in investment. Pro-
viding diverse instruments, issuing regulations on is-
suers’ offers with small and medium-scale assets and
regulations regarding fund services through informa-
tion technologybased stock offerings or equity crowd
funding. As a suggestion to the Financial Services
Authority is that the legal policy must be able to be
implemented and implemented and developed more
slowly so that investment in the capital market is in-
creasing, by immediately issuing regulations: 1) Re-
garding the bidding mechanism by the local govern-
ment; 2) About the issuance of shares by micro, small
and medium businesses.
Cyrus, T. L.,
Is¸can, T. B., and Starky, S. (2006). Investor
protection and international investment positions: An
empirical analysis. International Finance, 9(2):197–
Fuady, M. (1996). Modern capital market (law review).
Grace Olivia, K. (2019). Ojk menargetkan pendanaan pasar
modal tahun depan mencapai rp 192 triliun.
Indonesia, P. R. (1995). Uu no. 8 tahun 1995 tentang pasar
modal. Sekretariat Negara. Jakarta.
Kontan (2019). Tiga pemerintah provinsi berminat merilis
obligasi daerah.
Monica Wareza, c. (2019). Ojk: Ada 10 daerah sudah
penuhi syarat terbitkan obligasi.
Nasution, B. (2001). Keterbukaan dalam pasar modal.
Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Hukum, Program Pas-
c Dra
c, B. and Kusanovi
c, T. (2016). Determi-
nants of capital market in the new member eu coun-
tries. Economic research-Ekonomska istra
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ICASESS 2019 - International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Science