words, the higher the cost of switching, the higher
customer loyalty will be. In many cases, the rela-
tionship between customer loyalty and customer sat-
isfaction are very strong for customer segments that
have high switching costs (Bloemer et al., 1998) And
(Jones et al., 2000).
Eventhough attitude and service quality only
emerge as important factors of customer satisfactions
from most previous studies but they lead to the cus-
tomer loyality and switching cost. They are known
as essential aspects of the profitability determinations.
Hence the objective of the study to identify the effect
of intervening variable : customer satisafaction in this
research framework.
2.1 Attitudes towards Islamic banking
The results of (Abou-Youssef et al., 2015) study show
that religiosity has an impact on consumer attitudes
toward Islamic banking. Nevertheless, the principles
of Islamic finance are not the only reason identified
in choosing Islamic banks. According to (Rizwan
et al., 2014), attitudes towards Islamic banking in-
clude: preference for Islamic products; considera-
tion of seeing ”Islamic labels”; the importance of Is-
lamic products; Islamic products are the customer’s
own choice; and the people closest to users of Islamic
products. The results of the research by (Rizwan
et al., 2014) show that attitudes towards Islamic bank-
ing influence consumer perceptions of the quality
of Islamic bank services. Based on the description
above, a hypothesis can be made as loyalty but also
could prevent turnover, reduce price elasticity of cus-
tomers, the cost of marketing failure, follows:
H1: The higher the attitude towards Islamic bank-
ing, the higher the quality of service
The results of the (Erol and El-Bdour, 1989)
investigated factors that might contribute to repeat
purchases of Islamic bank customers, the results
showed that attitudes towards Islamic banking, rela-
tive prices, efficient service, convenience, confiden-
tiality, cost/benefit, reputation and the bank’s image
contributes to customer satisfaction. (Butt and Aftab,
2013) stated that the supply of products offered by
conventional banks but in accordance with Islamic
principles, it can increase satisfaction for Muslim cus-
tomers. Moreover, according to (Rizwan et al., 2014)
attitudes towards Islamic banking affect consumer
perceptions of customer satisfaction in Islamic banks.
Based on the description above, a hypothesis can be
made as follows :
H2 : The higher the attitude towards Islamic bank-
ing, the higher the customer satisfaction
2.2 Service Quality
Then (Parasuraman et al., 1985) indicates that the
satisfied services can be measured by zero customer
complaint. Therefore providing qualified services be-
come essential factor in business. (Donald et al.,
1998) gave further indications that the quality of ser-
vices are positively significant on consumer satisfac-
tion. Thus, high service quality will increase cus-
tomer satisfaction which encourages customer loyalty
(Santouridis and Trivellas, 2010). The findings of
(Hong and Goo, 2004) indicate a positive relationship
between service quality and customer satisfaction.
(Beerli et al., 2004) find that service quality is an an-
tecedent that exerts a direct influence on satisfaction
and indirect influence on loyalty. Relevant findings
are also found in (Hafeez and Muhammad, 2012)(Sid-
diqi, 2011) (Chadha and Kapoor, 2009) (Salam, 2013)
(Aydin and
Ozer, 2005). Based on the description
above, a hypothesis can be made as follows:
H3: The higher the quality of service, the higher
the customer satisfaction
2.3 Customer Satisfaction
Beerli et al., (2004) find that satisfaction and switch-
ing costs might be found as antecedents of loyalty.
While Lee And Cunningh am (2001) mentioned that
switching costs as a mediator variable between cus-
tomer satisfaction and loyalty Aydin et al., (2007) fur-
ther explain that customers who study product knowl-
edge in avoiding purchasing mistakes will rearrange
past buying experiences. In this process, if the cus-
tomer moves, a comparison will be made between the
brand that will be used and the old brand. To reduce
cognitive dissonance, customers tend to purchace sat-
isfied products. Analysis of opportunity cost suggests
that customer satisfaction has a positive significant in-
fluence on switching costs. High customer satisfac-
tion would increases the opportunity cost as they will
feel reluctant to try to other service providers. More
specifically, Aydin et al., (2007) examined the rela-
tionship between consumer satisfaction, trust, switch-
ing costs, and loyalty. They found that trustworthi-
ness and consumer satisfaction were not only corre-
lated positively with loyalty, but also with switching
costs. These finding show that satisfaction does not
only affect loyalty directly but also does indirectly
through switching cost. Consistent with the above de-
ICASESS 2019 - International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Science