System Entities Approach for First Step to Design System That
Connecting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Researchers
Elfira Febriani
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Trisakti University, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
system planning, entity system, requirement modelling, SMEs, system requirement.
The purpose of this study is to analyse the system planning and attributes in an entity system for the first step
to design systems that are involved in the entity system for the research marketplace that will be developed.
For the first, by using SWOT analysis as tool for strategic planning the opportunity to develop a research
marketplace is needed especially for the purpose that researchers and SMEs can interact with each other. Then
entity system is part of requirement modelling. During requirements modelling, systems developers must
identify and describe all system requirements. System requirements fall into five general categories: outputs,
inputs, processes, performance, and controls. Based on SWOT analysis for strategic planning, the opportunity
to develop a research marketplace is very large. From strategies formed, the results of the SWOT analysis and
the mission that want to achieve are directly proportional to goals and objectives. This is a strong reason why
research markets can be formed. The last stages of modelling requirements with the entity system approach
are the inputs, processes, outputs desired by SMEs and their respective researchers have been grouped.
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the main
player in domestic activity in Indonesia. They faced
many problems while running their business. The re-
search conducted by researchers in Indonesia has not
been fully integrated with SMEs. The research re-
sult (both from Universities and research institutions)
has unfortunately not yet fully adopted by the com-
munity, especially the SMEs. The problems in SMEs
are solved by discussing with other SMEs or search-
ing on Google with a similar case. Many researchers
in Indonesia but the research results and technology
developed are not appropriate with the users, such
as industry, government, and society. (Febriani and
Dewobroto, 2018) Commercialization of research re-
sults is important when seen from an economic stand-
point to provide benefits for the country and also cre-
ate jobs. From the other side, it can provide a forum
for researchers to introduce their work that has the po-
tential for change in the scientific world. One of the
main factors influencing the commercialization of re-
search results in Indonesia is the mismatch of research
results with consumer needs.
So far, researchers and SMEs moved respectively.
SMEs solve their problems and researchers look for
research ideas without knowing where will be ap-
plied. The difficulty for researchers looking for a
place to do research so more research using secondary
data or dummy data to resemble characters required
data or using data from previous studies. This is due
to the difficulty to get data from a company because
of the lack of cooperation between companies and re-
searchers. During this time The Community Service
program has been assessed as the basis for interact-
ing with SMEs where they can work together with
researchers to conduct research. This program is the
implementation of the practice of science, technology,
and cultural arts directly to the community institution-
ally through scientific methodology as a responsibil-
ity in an effort to develop community capabilities, so
as to accelerate the pace of growth in achieving na-
tional development goals. The problems in SMEs for
community service program are usually simple. But
the problems in SMEs found in that program can be
the basis for continuing into the real research. In ad-
dition, the research conducted was not sustainable or
not integrated from the previous year because it was
difficult to get partners for cooperation.
To bring together researchers and SMEs in order
to help SMEs in solving their problems it takes a
place that can bring together all. This place adopts
the marketplace concept. For this research, it can be
called a Research Marketplace. Marketplace knew
Febriani, E.
System Entities Approach for First Step to Design System That Connecting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Researchers.
DOI: 10.5220/0009880201690172
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Sciences (ICASESS 2019), pages 169-172
ISBN: 978-989-758-452-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
that has succeeded in bringing together many online
sellers and consumers both in the fields of hospitality,
finance, beauty, health, food, consumer goods, con-
struction and so on. The research marketplace that
wants to develop is based online where each SMEs
can communicate with researchers without limited in
time and distance. The research has been started since
2017, starting from the analysis of the quality of in-
formation for SMEs to the adoption of the results of
research by understanding what kind of information is
required and desired by SME (Febriani et al., 2017), it
is expected that in the future, the research result may
be fully adopted by SMEs. Then analyse the problems
faced by SMEs and conduct a needs analysis using
PIECES diagrams(Febriani and Dewobroto, 2018).
Requirement analysis still needs to be done to find
out the input, process, and output (entity system in
requirement modelling). It will be the first step be-
fore the move to the design system. Based on these
problems, the purpose of this study is to analyse the
system planning and attributes in an entity system for
the first step to design systems that are involved in the
entity system for the research marketplace that will be
Data is collected by interviewing researchers (30 re-
searchers from universities and research department)
and SME owners (150 owners) who produce products
and services.
2.1 Strategy Planning
There is no standard approach to strategic plan-
ning but strategic planning can be starts with SWOT
(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)
analysis. SWOT analysis is one of strategic planning
tools usually used to many situations that need a de-
cision (Hay and Castilla, 2006).
2.2 System Entities
An entity is something that can describe data. Enti-
ties can also be interpreted as an individual that repre-
sents something tangible and can be distinguished by
something else. In a real world model each Entity rep-
resents a group or family of uniquely identifiable per-
son places, things, concepts or events of interest to the
firm and about which the firm wants or must collect
data or keep records. The data or records about each
entity describe what they are, what they look like, how
they are used, what purpose they serve, what actions
they take or what actions are taken with or against
them (Modell, 2007). In this entity system, inputs,
processes, outputs, roles, rules, and stakeholders will
be seen to be involved in this research marketplace.
Entities have an important role in the database system
because if there is no set of entity database systems
are not formed. The entity system approach is also
part of requirement modelling.
Strategic planning begins with conducting the
SWOT analysis. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. SWOT
Analysis is a tool used for strategic planning and
strategic management in organizations. It can be used
effectively to build organizational strategy and com-
petitive strategy (G
urel and Tat, 2017).
SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning framework
used in evaluation of an organization, a plan, a project
or a business activity. SWOT Analysis is therefore
a significant tool for situation analysis that helps the
managers to identify organizational and environmen-
tal factors. SWOT Analysis has two dimensions: in-
ternal and external. The Internal dimension includes
organizational factors, also strengths and weaknesses,
external dimension includes environmental factors,
also opportunities and threats (G
urel and Tat, 2017).
SWOT analysis for strategic planning defined based
on the following criteria (Jyothi et al., 2008):
a Strengths are internal attributes of the organiza-
tion that are helpful to the achievement of the ob-
b Weaknesses are internal attributes of the organi-
zation that are harmful to the achievement of the
c Opportunities are external conditions that are
helpful to the achievement of the objective.
d Threats are external conditions that are harmful to
the achievement of the objective.
Figure 1: SWOT analysis both SMEs and researchers.
Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, the op-
portunity to develop a research marketplace is needed
ICASESS 2019 - International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Science
especially for the purpose that researchers and SMEs
can interact with each other. This can also be sup-
ported by the results of the PIECES framework where
in terms of performance, information, economic, ef-
ficiency, and service are far better by forming a re-
search marketplace.
There is no standard approach to strategic plan-
ning. Beside swot analysis, a firm’s mission state-
ment should contain an inspirational message to its
stakeholders. The majority of analyst view the strate-
gic planning process as a dynamic interaction similar
in Figure 1 that show where the mission statement re-
flects a long-term horizon, but sets forth goals that are
achievable and consistent with realworld conditions
(Shelly and Rosenblatt, 2012).
A mission statement is just the starting point.
Next, identifies a set of goals that will accomplish the
mission. To achieve those goals, then develops a list
of shorter-term objective. Objectives also might in-
clude tactical plans. Finally, the objectives translate
into day-to-day business operations, supported by IT
and other corporate resources. The outcome is a set
of business results that affect company stakeholders.
Figure 2: Strategic planning is a dynamic process that iden-
tifies specific goals and objectives that support the mission
The mission of this study is of course that the
problems of SMEs can be overcome and the research
results can be fully utilized by not only being a scien-
tific journal. The goal for this research is for SMEs
and researchers to interact with each other so that the
problems of SMEs can be resolved and research re-
sults can be fully utilized. To achieve this goal, so the
objective is to create a meeting place between SMEs
and researchers in the form of a research marketplace.
In general terms, a system is described as an entity
(unit) where there is input that enters the system and
processes it, so it comes out as output.
Figure 3: System entity
The picture above is the basis of a system entity.
This picture is not yet clearly explained the impor-
tance of elements a system. The entity construction
should clearly describe what the system and the ele-
ment in it. Not only input and output, but in a system
should also be stakeholders involved, mission and ob-
jectives, opportunities, threats, and control. The Mis-
sion, objectives, and opportunities, in general, have
been explained in system planning.
Entity system is part of requirement modelling.
During requirements modelling, systems developers
must identify and describe all system requirements.
A system requirement is a characteristic or feature
that must be included in an information system to sat-
isfy business requirements and be acceptable to users.
System requirements serve as benchmarks to mea-
sure the overall acceptability of the finished system.
System requirements fall into five general categories:
outputs, inputs, processes, performance, and controls.
Figure 4: System entity as part of system requirement.
The future of this research is to establish a frame-
work for the development of research markets. Based
on the system development life cycle, the next step is
system design where it starts designing object-based
with UML until it reaches program implementation.
The limitation of this study is a large number of
fields of SMEs and researchers so that it is not bi-
ased to classify researchers according to their fields
and SMEs according to the type of product produced.
Based on SWOT analysis for strategic planning, the
opportunity to develop a research marketplace is very
large. From strategies formed, the results of the
SWOT analysis and the mission that want to achieve
are directly proportional to goals and objectives. This
is a strong reason why research markets can be
formed. The last stages of modelling requirements
with the entity system approach are the inputs, pro-
cesses, outputs desired by SMEs and their respective
researchers have been grouped.
System Entities Approach for First Step to Design System That Connecting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Researchers
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ICASESS 2019 - International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Science