supplied by the company to travelers either directly
or not directly. According to Major Rai (2016: 175)
Infrastructure is all something that is supporting
major of the implementation of a process of tourism.
Infrastructure of tourism that is all that is in the form
of facilities supporting primary that allows to turn on
and develop a means of tourism to provide services
up to the traveler.
2.5 Hospitality Accommodation
According Zalukhu and Meyers ( 2009: 6-7)
accommodation hospitality is a place where travelers
spend the night for a while in an area of travel.
Accommodation facilities are generally equipped
with facilities for eating and drinking. Means of
accommodation that makes travelers feel at home is
a property that is clean, with service that is good (
friendly and right time ), as well as the location of
which is relatively easy to reach. There are other
types of accommodation based on the shape of the
building, facilities, and services that are provided are
: Hotel, Guest House, Homestay, Inn, campground,
and Villa.
2.6 Financial Management
Management Financial is a part important of the
whole management as a whole. Management of
finances related to the task manager finance in a
business enterprise that is directly related to the
department functional as marketing and production.
Management of finance has the space scope of that
broad with the approach multidimensional. (
Cashmere, 2009)
2.7 Asset Light
Asset Light is a strategy that aims to boost profits
and suppress the amount of capital to maximize the
value of the company to holders of shares. The Asset
Light strategy can reduce risk and facilitate company
growth by minimizing or reducing capital
investment. (Li & Singal, 2019)
The Asset Light strategy can affect capital
structure through loans. Given that tangible assets
can be used as collateral for loans. Even in the case
of bankruptcy, assets of intangibles can emerge from
the bankruptcy that most large are not controlled.
(Sohn, Tang, & Jang, 2013)
2.8 Capital Structure
The structure of capital is the balance between the
amount of debt term short to be permanent, the debt
term long, shares of preferred and shares ordinary.
Capital structure is the comparison between foreign
capital or the amount of debt with own capital.
Wisdom of the structure of capital is an election
between risks and returns are expected. (Mustafa,
2.9 Hypothesis
Based on the studies previously were poured in the
background behind, the study of literature and the
results of the study earlier gives an overview on the
study of this, allegedly no influence Asset Light on
the Structure of Capital in the Company Sub Sector
Restaurants, Hotels and Tourism are Listed on the
Stock Exchange Indonesia Period 2009-2017.
Research is using the approach to management of
finance, especially regarding the analysis of the
effect of the asset light on the structure of the
Capital at Companies Sub Sector Restaurant Hotel
and Tourism which is listed on the Stock Exchange
Indonesia Period 2009-2017. The object of research
that investigated consist of a variable dependent the
structure of capital and asset light as a variable
independent. The object of research is data- the data
reports of financial companies are listed on the
Stock Exchange Indonesia on sub sectors
Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism. While the subject of
research this is the Company's sub- sectors
Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism are listed on the
Stock Exchange Indonesia period 2009-2017 are
associated with the asset light and Structure Capital.
Method of taking a sample that used is purposive
sampling. Purposive sample is done by way of
taking the subject is not based on strata, random or
region but is based on the purpose specified. From
25 companies which is registered in the sub- sector,
restaurants, hotels and tourism, only 17 companies
were taken as samples because meet the criteria for
the study of this.
Types and sources of data exist in the research is
to use the data quantitatively in the form of a data
source which is data that is obtained in the form of
already finished in the form of publications.
Secondary data is generally in the form of evidence,
historical records or reports that have been compiled