Socıal Medıa as the New Publıc Sphere: An Example of Turkey
Muhammet Erbay
, Suleyman Hakan Yilmaz
Selcuk University, Turkey
Social media, Public sphere, Communication, networking.
Social media, whose individual and social usage is increasing day by day, is also increasing its presence in
our lives as the most important communication medium. Social media is a communication network in which
the user publishes and circulates the content he / she produces. Today, many individuals and institutions are
actively using social media. This makes immediate access easier to any website; contents, articles, news,
thoughts, daily events, photos can be seen through social media, and anyone can reflect their views within
a social network. The word that best describes social media, which is frequently spoken by today’s people,
is ”sharing”. The main issue that will be discussed in this study is whether social media is the new public
space or not. The public sphere is also a common area where ideas and opinions are shared on an individual
and social scale. In this sense, the study includes a theoretical analysis and discussion while focusing on the
concepts of social media and public sphere.
When we start to mention the concept of social me-
dia, we actually talk about social networks shaped
through internet technologies. These social networks
tell us the ways in which different users can enter the
internet network from different places and in differ-
ent time periods by means of a computer or a com-
puter equipped tool. Thus, social networks develop
as communication platforms, expanding on a global
scale and causing new network societies to develop
and spread. These network connections growing over
the internet are formed through ‘protocols’, that is,
agreements between mutual users and consequently
they turn into networks (Ryan, 2010).
These communication platforms, which we can
define and name as social media or social networking
sites, allow users connecting to these networks to cre-
ate profiles and personal web pages and to develop an
online social network and to provide individual infor-
mation about themselves. These platforms also me-
diate the formation of ‘virtual friendships” and thus
the emergence of new forms of socialization. While
social network is given to these web sites, these web
sites have the characteristics of web sites where daily
relationships and communication forms are shaped
and are called social networks (Tiryaki, 2015).
Social media or social networking sites, blogs,
sharing platforms, forums or chat sites allow partici-
pants to reach different requests and achieve satisfac-
tion. Users can share their opinions in these areas as
well as reaching different opinions and making com-
ments. They can share and distribute photos, videos,
audio files or text files (Vural and Bat, 2010).
Social networks, which started to enter our lives es-
pecially in the 2000s, are increasing their importance
with both the number of users and the capacity to ad-
dress different areas. Today, when social network is
mentioned, the following social networks, especially
Facebook, come to mind.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin,
Google+(Plus), Pinterest, Reddit, Digg, Github,
Stumble Upon, Snapchat, Tumblr ve Siledeshare
When we look at the number of users, we can see
which social media site is widely used on a global
scale. According to 2019 figures, the number of In-
ternet users in the world is 2.5 billion. This figure
also shows us the number of active internet users on a
global scale. Another point this figure tells us is that
on the global scale, one out of every three people is
an internet user.
While the number of internet users above in-
creases each day, the power and importance of the in-
ternet increase and cause many different areas to be
Erbay, M. and Yilmaz, S.
Socıal Medıa as the New Publıc Sphere: An Example of Turkey.
DOI: 10.5220/0009881802330235
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Sciences (ICASESS 2019), pages 233-235
ISBN: 978-989-758-452-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
transferred to the internet. The Internet is beginning
to play an important role in the destiny of humanity
from today to tomorrow. Social media users, which
naturally form a subgroup of Internet users, constitute
a large group of 1.8 billion people on a global scale.
The remaining mass of internet users has the potential
to become a new social network user for tomorrow.
Thus, the number of internet users increasing day by
day shows us the potential level of new social media
users, which is also increasing.
According to 2019 figures, the distribution of so-
cial media users to different social media platforms is
as follows;
Facebook: 1,35 billion
QQ (Tencent): 829 million
Qzone: 645 million
Whatsapp: 600 million
Wechat: 436 million
LinkedIn: 332 million
Google+: 300 million
Twitter: 284 million
Tumblr (230 million)
Weibo: 156 million
The numbers given in the above lines show us the
size of social media use on a global scale.
The development of internet technology, espe-
cially in the last 10 years, lies primarily behind this
development level of social media platforms. Espe-
cially in the development process of web 3 technol-
ogy from web 2 technology, internet users have turned
from being passive users into active, producing and
sharing users.
In another perspective, web 2 internet technology
is like a continuation of a revolution in 1984 when
Apple released Macintosh computers. (-: 1995: 143-
145) Both developments have enabled personalization
in terms of information and communication technolo-
gies, while paving the way for personal use, they have
also created the infrastructure for increasing personal
creativity and sharing all the outputs of this process in
the public sphere thanks to these technologies.
According to 2019 data, the Internet access rate
by population in Turkey is 45%. This shows us that
35 million people have access to the internet and that
they are in a relationship with the internet. It is also
possible to say that social, economic and daily rela-
tions are now shifted to the internet and in many areas
the Internet is turned into a sharing platform. Just as
the fact that 35 million people interact with the inter-
net is an important indicator, the presence of 36 mil-
lion Facebook accounts in our country is also an im-
portant sign of the process. Of course, this number of
36 million contains some unhealthiness, such as fake
accounts, multiple accounts, corporate accounts, and
the accounts that are inactive even though they exist
(Ismet, 2019).
The figures of Internet and social media usage for
Turkey indicate a similarity with the ones in South
America and especially in Brazil. According to pop-
ulation and number of Facebook users, the ranking of
countries is as follows;
1 United States 313,847,465 166,029,240
2 India 1,205,073,612 62,713,680
3 Brazil 193,946,886 58,565,700
4 Indonesia 248,645,008 51,096,860
5 Mexico 114,975,406 38,463,860
6 United Kingdom 63,047,162 32,950,400
7 Turkey 79,749,461 32,131,260
8 Philippines 103,775,002 29,890,900
9 France 65,630,692 25,624,760
10 Germany 81,305,856 25,332,440
When we look at the time the users spend on social
media, we see the following figures;
The users in Turkey spend an average of 2 hours
32 minutes on Social networks where a user in the
United States spends an average of 40 minutes. There
has been a significant increase in the use of mobile
lines in recent years among the Turkish users who
spend about 5 hours a day on the internet, and internet
provider companies have been implementing special
applications for our country in this process. In so-
cial media usage, Facebook ranks first with 93% and
Twitter ranks second with 72%. Google and Linkedin
social media platforms rank third and fourth (Erkek,
While Social networks are used by more people
every day in the world and Turkey, they have been
transformed into a common sharing area where indi-
vidual or corporate users communicate, establish po-
litical, economic and cultural relations. Naturally, this
“communication process” raises the following ques-
tion. ”Is social media and therefore the internet a
public domain of our age?” “Is the new public sphere
social media now?”
The concept of public sphere has emerged and de-
veloped as a result of the bourgeoisie and hence the
capitalist market relations. Public sphere primarily
defines a part of society. Society communicates in-
dividually or in groups in this area, exchanging opin-
ions and ideas. The most important feature of the pub-
lic sphere mentioned here is that it is open to all cit-
izens and everyone can participate equally as a ‘cit-
izen’ here. (Habermas and Jurgen, 1995) Habermas
underlines that there is absolute equality among those
who share the public sphere, emphasizing that those
who come together in the public sphere are equal par-
ties ‘while talking’. In this context, the public sphere
ICASESS 2019 - International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Science
and the public community formed thereon are general
and everyone can participate in this debate. (Haber-
mas, 2003) For example, coffeehouses have played
a historically important function in the formation of
public sphere and ‘community’ in the development
process. (Habermas, 2003) The public sphere is the
center of public debate. It also serves as a garden
where modern democracies bloom.
Based on the concept of Habermas’ Public Sphere,
Howard Rheingold is the first name to say that the new
public sphere is the Internet. The concept of “The Vir-
tual Community” is the conceptualization of the vir-
tual society. The conceptualization of virtual society
implies that virtual spaces are public spaces. Thus,
Habermas’ concept of ‘public sphere’ is adapted to
the internet and ‘virtual spaces’. Conversations and
interviews that people perform together as a face-to-
face and interpersonal communication take place in
electronic environment or virtual world today. The
point that is similar in both is that it is independent
from economic or political power. (Sayımer, 2008)
The equality of the parties in the public sphere men-
tioned by Habermas takes place at this point.
While social media is turning into a multilateral
discussion and sharing environment, it is inevitable
that it will become a center where political communi-
cation takes place. The public sphere is also an area
where the politicians and society meet in a social di-
mension. In this study, we examined the social me-
dia usage of AKP candidate Binali Yıldırım and CHP
candidate Ekrem
glu in terms of June 23 local
elections in Istanbul.
Table 1: Twitter Information of Istanbul Metropolitan Mu-
nicipality Mayor Candidates Binali Yıldırım and Ekrem
Table 2: Twitter Information of Istanbul Metropolitan Mu-
nicipality Mayor Candidates Binali Yıldırım and Ekrem
Both candidates actively used social media before
the June 23rd Istanbul Metropolitan Mayor Elec-
tions. While both candidates used social me-
dia to communicate with voters, they presented
their elective messages to the masses through these
channels. In this process, AKP candidate Binali
Yildirim received 17,872 comments, while CHP
candidate Ekrem Imamoglu received 21,361 com-
ments. Binali Yıldırım received 63,676 retweets
while Ekrem
glu received 131,800 retweets.
Binali Yıldırım’s shares received 437,700 likes and
glu’s shares received 1,196,200 likes.
The figures here show us that political communi-
cation process through social media is not only lim-
ited to sharing, but also a mutual communication pro-
cess. Politician’s shares have been responded by fol-
lowers with likes and comments. Social media has
mediated the emergence of a public debate, feedback
and social thought.
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Socıal Medıa as the New Publıc Sphere: An Example of Turkey