The Effect of Intellectual Capital (IC) on Financial Performance of
Islamic Banking by Leverage as a Moderating Variable
Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung, Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, West Bandung, 40012
Intellectual Capital, VAIC, Leverage, Financial Performance.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Intellectual Capital (IC) on Financial Performance
which is proxied by Operational Costs to Operating Income (OCOI) and moderated by Leverage on Islamic
Banking in Indonesia for annual periods from 2001 to 2018. The results of this study showed that IC can
influence OCOI, but Leverage could not moderate the IC relationship to OCOI so that it had a negative and
not significant value. The results of this study could be considered by Islamic banks in Indonesia to improve
IC quality and financial performance.
In the current era of globalization, it is encouraging
business people to continue to innovate in technol-
ogy development to facilitate all community activities
and activities both in terms of personal and business
matters. In the world of good business, trading com-
panies, manufacturers and financial institutions such
as Islamic banking are urgently needed technologies
that can facilitate all activities in order to run effi-
ciently and effectively so that they can maintain their
existence. increasingly fierce competition makes Is-
lamic banking change its business strategy based on
the knowledge possessed by human resources or its
workforce, so as to improve the quality of knowledge
workers and intangible assets or intangible assets they
have (Hurwitz et al., 2002). One of the advantages of
intangible assets for companies and Islamic banking
is having a long and renewable economic life (Prase-
tio and Rahardja, 2015). One of the intangible assets
owned by the company is Intellectual Capital. Intel-
lectual Capital (IC) or commonly referred to as in-
tellectual capital began to be introduced by the first
economist, Galbraith in 1969.
Services-based companies such as Islamic bank-
ing rely more on intellectual capital in the knowledge
and creativity of employees than on physical capital
in the form of land, machinery and monetary capital
to obtain maximum value from the company (Barathi,
2010). In the banking business is a service sector
business that requires a large amount of human cap-
ital and customer capital in maintaining its existence
(Mavridis, 2004).
Banking financial institutions are one of the most
intensive sectors of IC when viewed from an in-
tellectual aspect that is more thoroughly homoge-
neous among employees in the banking sector than
other economic sectors (Firer and Mitchell Williams,
Since the monetary crisis that hit Indonesia in
1998 and in 2009, the impact was almost felt evenly
in world countries but Islamic banks experienced a
positive influence than conventional banks (Lestari
et al., 2018). One of the successes achieved by Is-
lamic banks is that they can reduce Operational Costs
and Operational Income (OCOI) with minimal so that
it can be said that banks can show efficiency, so that
the profitability to be obtained is also higher. High
banking efficiency shows that banks are able to run
their business effectively (Sunardi, 2019).
The following is a graph of the development of
Islamic banking OCOI in Indonesia from 2016-2019,
Development Period 2015-2019.png
Figure 1: OCOI Development Period 2015-2019 (OCOI
Development Period 2015-2019).
Aulia, .
The Effect of Intellectual Capital (IC) on Financial Performance of Islamic Banking by Leverage as a Moderating Variable.
DOI: 10.5220/0009882302580262
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Sciences (ICASESS 2019), pages 258-262
ISBN: 978-989-758-452-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Based on the above data, there is a decrease in the
percentage of OCOI from 2015-2017 but there was a
significant increase in 2018 and then declined again
in 2019. This shows that banks can carry out their ac-
tivities effectively and efficiently despite the increase
in the OCOI percentage in 2018. It is necessary to do
further research to find out how the influence of In-
tellectual Capital on Operational Costs and Operating
Income or are there other variables that can improve
the quality of OCOI in Islamic banking in Indone-
sia. But the high or low percentage of debt in a com-
pany or commonly referred to as the leverage variable
can also affect the financial performance of compa-
nies and banks if it is balanced with a high intellec-
tual capital (Barathi, 2010; Soewarno, 2011). But too
much leverage can also be dangerous for the develop-
ment of the Company’s Financial Performance in the
2.1 Intellectual Capital
Intellectual Capital (IC) is an intangible asset that has
the potential to give more value to companies and so-
ciety such as copyright, intellectual property rights
and franchising (Mavridis, 2004). Whereas accord-
ing to (Rehman et al., 2011) intellectual capital is one
of the strategic assets that has an important role in
economic-based knowledge (Faradina, 2016). In this
study, the independent variable is intellectual capital
which consists of three components, namely Capital
Employed (CE), Human Capital (HC), and Structural
Capital (SC). The combination of the three added val-
ues is symbolized by the name Value Added Intellec-
tual Capital (VAIC) developed (Pulic, 1998). Intel-
lectual Capital is measured by value added or Value
Added (VA). VA is calculated by finding the differ-
ence between output and input. Where outpun con-
sists of total net sales and other income - other. While
input consists of expenses and other costs (other than
employee salaries) (Pulic, 1998).
Capital Employed (CE) shows the contribution
that is made for each capital invested in the company.
The CE value is obtained from available funds (equity
and net income) (Goh, 2005).
Value Added Capital Employed (VACA) can be
calculated with the following formula:
Human Capital (HC) reflects the collective ability
to produce the best solutions based on the knowledge
held by people in the company to add value to the
company (Gupta, 2015). Value Added Human Capi-
tal (VAHU) shows the contribution made by each ru-
piah invested in human capital (HC) to the organiza-
tion’s value added, where vahu value is obtained from
the employee’s burden. VAHU is calculated using the
following formula:
Structural capital (SC) is a facility and infras-
tructure that supports employees to create optimum
performance, including organizational capabilities to
reach markets, hardware, software, databases, orga-
nizational structures, patents, trademarks, and all or-
ganizational capabilities to support employee produc-
tivity (Bontis, 2004). Structural capital value (STVA)
can be calculated by finding the difference between
VA and HC and divided by VA value, where structural
capital value is obtained from the difference between
VA and HC values. The formula for calculating STVA
can be seen below:
After calculating the overall components of the
IC, the last step is to calculate the value added intel-
lectual capital (VAIC). VAIC can be calculated using
the following formula:
= VAIC has a significant effect on OCOI
2.2 Leverage
Leverage is the portion of company assets financed
by debt. With the existence of leverage, also the in-
terest costs that must be paid by the company. On the
one hand, leverage can increase the ability of compa-
nies to invest in the creation of information systems
that can enhance the competitiveness and excellence
of companies, but the repayment of loans and interest
payments can also limit funding for human resources
(Nawaz and Haniffa, 2017).
: Leverage affects significantly between VAIC and
2.3 Firm Size
Firm size as an indicator that shows how much the
company has wealth that is used to run a business.
Firm size is used as a control variable because it has
a direct effect on company performance. Firm size is
used to control the impact of measures in the creation
of prosperity through economies of scale, monopoly
The Effect of Intellectual Capital (IC) on Financial Performance of Islamic Banking by Leverage as a Moderating Variable
power, and bargaining power. The size of the com-
pany (firm) can be measured using market capitaliza-
tion, total assets, number of employees, and company
cycles, such as growing and mature (Audreylia and
Ekadjaja, 2014).
2.4 Bank Age
Older companies have better performance than
younger ones, because their experience in the mar-
ket helps them gain competitive advantage through
better implementation of staff recruitment, production
and marketing strategies (Irawan and Achmad, 2014).
The age of the company is proxied by the period of
time since the company was established until the re-
search was carried out so that the age of the bank is
used as a control variable because it has an effect on
the duration of the establishment of the company or
2.5 Financial Performance
The success of the company in achieving company
goals can be seen by measuring its performance. Per-
formance measurement is needed as information for
internal and external parties to make decisions. In-
tellectual capital affects the company’s financial per-
formance. Companies that have human capital with
the ability, competence and high commitment will in-
crease productivity and efficiency which in general
will increase company profits. Structural capital is re-
flected in the ability of the system, structure, strategy
and corporate culture in finding market demand and
achieving company goals (Puspitosari, 2016).
Bank efficiency measurements can be used by us-
ing a comparison between Operational Costs and Op-
erating Income (OCOI). This performance is a mea-
sure of efficiency commonly used to assess the perfor-
mance of banking efficiency. The greater the OCOI
of a bank shows the greater the amount of operat-
ing costs, so it tends to decrease the profitability of
the bank and conversely the smaller the OCOI a bank
shows the more efficient, so that profitability will be
higher. Banks with high efficiency show banks are
more effective in carrying out their business (Sunardi,
The purpose of this study was to see the effect of Intel-
lectual Capital as an independent variable on financial
performance which is proxied by Operational Costs
and Operating Income (OCOI) as the dependent vari-
able with leverage as a moderating variable and total
assets and bank age as a control variable in Islamic
banks in Indonesia.
Good management of intellectual capital will
make customers or partners loyal to banks so that they
can have a good influence on financial performance.
The data used in this study is secondary data obtained
from annual reports from 2001 to 2018 published by
the Financial Services Authority (FSA). The popu-
lation in this study are all Islamic banks in Indone-
sia which consist of Sharia Commercial Banks (SCB)
and Sharia Business Units (SBU). The sample used in
this study consisted of 3 Islamic banks, namely Bank
Mega Syariah, Bank Muamalat Indonesia and Bank
Syariah Mandiri. The sample selection in this study
uses Purposive Sampling. Purposive Sampling is the
selection of samples based on several criteria, as fol-
lows: a. Banks registered consecutively during the
observation period, namely 2001-2018; b. Banks that
issue annual financial reports regularly. This study ap-
plied data analysis techniques using simple linear re-
gression, multiple linear regression and linear regres-
sion with moderating variables (Moderate Regression
Analysis) and control variables. The tool used in this
study is to use Statistical Product and Service Solu-
tion (SPSS) version 22.0.
Before conducting multiple regression analysis to
test the effect of VAIC on Operational Costs and Op-
erating Incomes (OCOI), a classic assumption test
was carried out to ensure that the data obtained
passes the normality test. The classic assumption test
showed that the data was normally distributed with
the value of Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) 0.200 greater than
α (0.05). The results of the normality test were shown
in Figure 2:
Figure 2: Normality Assumption Test of Regression Model
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test.
Source: data processed.
After passing the classic assumption test then the
research hypothesis testing was carried out as follows:
From the results of multiple linear regression analysis
the multiple linear regression equation was obtained
ICASESS 2019 - International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Science
according to the research conducted (Nawaz and Han-
iffa, 2017) as follows:
Y = α + β1X 1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + e. (1)
Y = 121.316 4.186VAIC 1.788Firmsize +
0.399AgeBank + e. (2)
Figure 3: T-test of Multiple Linear Regression Models
a Dependent Variable: BOPO
Based on Figure 4 showed that the determination co-
efficient value is 0.438. This showed that the OCOI
variable could explain VAIC, firm size, and age bank
variables of 0.438 or 43.8%. From the results of the
regression analysis, it was found that VAIC had a neg-
ative effect that was significant on OCOI, indicated by
a significance value of 0.000 and a t value of -4.999.
This result was in line with the research of (Soheili
and Pakdel, 2012; Andriana, 2014) but was contrary
to the study. The high Intellectual Capital (IC) cannot
guarantee that the Operational Costs Ratio (OCR) can
be calculated because the development of IC in banks
is not a priority but it is the focus of government pol-
icy direction and Indonesian banks are still oriented
to structural improvements that focus on economies
of scale, efficiency and adequacy capital. That is why
the quality of the policies taken by banking compa-
nies in Indonesia is still not optimal because human
resources have not been managed optimally ((Huta-
galung, 2012).
Whereas for moderate regression analysis (MRA)
for testing VAIC variables that were controlled by
control variables against OCOI as follows:
Y = α + β1X1 + β2X2 + β1X 1 β2X2 + β3X3 +
β4X4 + e. (3)
Y = 121.316–4.186VAIC–0.070Leverage
1.835VAIC β2X2–1.835Firmsize +
0.450Agebank + e. (4)
Figure 4: T-test of Moderation Regression Analysis Models
a Dependent Variable: OCOI
Based on Figure 4 showed that the determination co-
efficient value was 0.443. This showed that the OCOI
variable could explain the VAIC, firm size, and age
bank variables of 0.443 or 44.38%. From the results
of the moderation regression analysis (MRA), it was
found that VAIC*Leverage had a negative and was
not significant effect on BOPO, indicated by a signif-
icance value of 0.522 and a t value of -0.645. This re-
sult was in line with. Leverage cannot strengthen the
relationship between IC and financial performance
(BOPO) if the leverage value held by the company
or bank is not too high or is still within reasonable
This study showed that Intellectual capital (IC) could
affect financial performance which was proxied to op-
erating costs and operating incomes (OCOI) if mod-
erated by leverage which means that H1 was accepted
and H2 was rejected. Leverage cannot strengthen IC
relations with OCOI, if the leverage value held by the
bank is still too high level because if the bank has high
debt, the bank will not be able to meet all operational
costs that will have a direct impact on the bank’s op-
erations. It is important for banks to improve IC qual-
ity, especially in one component of IC, namely human
capital. Quality human capital certainly can provide a
The Effect of Intellectual Capital (IC) on Financial Performance of Islamic Banking by Leverage as a Moderating Variable
good contribution to the company so that it can min-
imize the amount of debt and operational costs so as
to increase the income that will be received.
The limitations in this study were on data and vari-
ables, this was due to the limited data obtained by re-
searchers. Therefore, it was expected that researchers
in the future could add variables and data that would
be examined so that other variables could be identified
which was able to strengthen IC relations with opera-
tional costs and operating incomes (OCOI) in Sharia
banking in Indonesia.
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ICASESS 2019 - International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Science