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fractional diffusion problems, the paper presents the
derivation of the Caputo’s implicit finite difference
approximation equations in which this approxima-
tion equation leads a linear system. From observa-
tion of all experimental results by imposing the GS
and PGS iterative methods, it is obvious at /alpha =
0.25 that number of iterations have declined approx-
imately by 64.87-99.82% corresponds to the PGS it-
erative method compared with the GS method. Again
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method are much faster about 4.96-93.03% than the
GS method. It means that the PGS method requires
the least amount for number of iterations and com-
putational time at /al pha = 0.25 as compared with
GS iterative methods. Based on the accuracy of both
iterative methods, it can be concluded that their nu-
merical solutions are in good agreement.
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Table 1: Comparison of number iterations, the execution
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ods using example at α = 0.25,0.50,0.75.
M Method
ICASESS 2019 - International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Science