Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviours Regarding Hydration
among Sub-elite Combat Sports Athletes
Muhammad Ikhwan Zein
, Djoko Pekik Irianto
, Danardono
Faculty of Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo no.1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Combat sports, Martial arts, Dehydration, Fluid intake, Athletes
Abstract: Loss of body fluids or dehydration can reduce athletes’ performance and lead to health problems such as heat
illness. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours regarding
hydration among Indonesian sub-elite combat sports athletes. A questionnaire containing questions pertaining
to knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours on hydration was distributed to the Indonesian sub-elite combat
athletes during their training. Twenty-six subjects from six martial arts including Taekwondo, Wushu, Judo,
Kempo, Pencak Silat, and Tarung Derajat participated in this study (mean age 21.73 + 4.14 years old; weight
62.12 + 11.71 kg; height 1.67 + 0.09 m). The mean score for knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours was 12.54
+2.14; 11.62 +1.86; 12.65 +2.26 out of a maximum of 17. No perfect score was achieved by the subjects.
Majority of athletes knew that dehydration could decrease performance, and they understood that urine colour
monitoring could be used to determine the dehydration. Unfortunately, the majority of them still using thirst
as the best indicator of dehydration. The results of this study indicate that the level of knowledge, attitudes,
and behaviours of Indonesian sub-elite combat sports athletes are good. Dehydration prevention program can
be developed based on questionnaire with low score answer.
Combat sports refer to a class of contact sports where
the athletes engage in one on one combat that can
involve striking techniques such as punches, kicks,
grappling, or combines of it (Barley et al., 2019).
Combat sports are high-intense activities, which
characteristic tends to lose body fluid through a high
rate of sweating or dehydration (Barley et al., 2019).
Dehydration gives impact to performance, decreases
cognitive skill, and leads to other serious health
problems, such as heat stroke and heat illnesses,
particularly if body fluid loss more than 2% (Ghaemi
et al., 2014; Moghaddami et al., 2016). Cognitive
impairs due to dehydration during practice can cause
injury through technical incorrect or slower response.
The effects of dehydration in contact sports with a
high incidence of injury, such as combat sports, need
to be thoroughly evaluated. (Lystad, 2015; Del
Vecchio et al., 2018).
Combat sports competition or match is commonly
performed in bodyweight class. Fluid restriction is a
common method used by athletes to reduce their
weight for a competition in lower weight classes
(Brito et al., 2012). Combination of high-intense
exercise with fluid restriction method in combat
sports can increase the risk of dehydration and health
complication among athletes.
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
and National Athletic Trainer Association (NATA)
provide the guidelines of fluid replacement during
exercise to prevent dehydration (Sawka et al., 2007;
Mcdermott et al., 2017). Although the
recommendation was published, combat sports
athletes still lack of knowledge to maintain their body
fluid and prevent dehydration. Research showed that
weight class sports athletes have a low level of
knowledge regarding hydration (Esa et al., 2015).
Knowledge is related to routine behaviours. Thus, it
is important to improve athletes’ knowledge to
prevent dehydration, particularly in weight class
sports category.
Sub-elite athletes are those who are trained to
compete in the districts or provinces sports events.
Unlike amateur or recreational athletes, they have
routine training schedule as intensive as elite athletes
do but in limited sources. In contrast to the elite
athletes who have a complete official team, including
sports medicine personal, i.e., nutritionist and
medical doctor, sub-elite athletes do not have private
Zein, M., Pekik Irianto, D. and Danardono, .
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviours Regarding Hydration among Sub-elite Combat Sports Athletes.
DOI: 10.5220/0009894507510755
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta Inter national Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 751-755
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
medical professional support. This situation leads
sub-elite athletes to have limited knowledge due to
lack of information and professional education. The
number of sub-elite athletes is more than elite-
athletes, so this population needs attention.
Level of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours
measurement are important because they are basic
steps to develop an education strategy to prevent
dehydration. The objective of this study was to
determine the level of knowledge, attitudes, and
behaviours regarding hydration among Indonesian
sub-elite combat sports athletes.
2.1 Participants
Twenty-seven sub-elite combat sports athletes who
are registered as Yogyakarta province athletes for
National Sports Games (Pekan Olahraga Nasional) in
Papua 2020 were recruited in this study. These
subjects have not become the Indonesia National
athletes for participating in the International event.
These subjects were actively trained and joined
training centre program for six martial arts including
Taekwondo, Wushu, Judo, Kempo, Pencak Silat, and
Tarung Derajat. Pencak silat and Tarung Derajat.
These are traditional combat sports that are held in the
National Sports Event. Pencak Silat has even been
competed in SEA-Games and has also been competed
in ASIAN GAMES 2018 for the first time.
2.2 Assessment of Knowledge,
Attitudes and Behaviours
Regarding Hydration
The subjects answered the questionnaire to determine
their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours on
hydration. The questionnaire was developed from the
previous research and was adapted to Indonesian
language (Nichols et al., 2005). The language
validation was conducted using experts and a small
group of collegiate athletes from Faculty of Sports
Science, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
The questionnaire consists of 3 parts, namely part
A for knowledge’s assessment, part B for attitudes
assessment, and part C for behaviours assessment.
Each part comprised of 17 questions in the form of
true or false statement in part A, five-point Likert
scale (strongly agree to strongly disagree) in part B
and yes or no question in part C. Scoring “0” and “1”
point was applied in each part of the questionnaire. In
part A, score “1” was given for every correct answer
and “0” for the wrong answer. In part B, Positive
statement was scored “1” if subjects answered
“strongly agree”, “agree”, otherwise it was scored “0”
for “neutral”, and “strongly disagree”, “disagree”. On
the other hand, a negative statement was scored “1” if
subjects answered “strongly disagree”, “disagree”,
otherwise it was scored “0” for “neutral and
“strongly agree”, “agree”. In part C, score “1” was
given to answer based on proper behaviour and score
“0” was given for poor behaviour
2.3 Data Collection and Analysis
The collected data were tabulated and presented using
SPSS 25 software. Descriptive data were presented in
the mean and standard deviation. Normality test was
performed using Shapiro Wilk (total subjects < 50).
Pearson test was conducted to determine the
relationships between knowledge, attitudes, and
behaviours on hydration of the subjects. Spearman
(non-parametric) test was performed as an alternative
for the Pearson test when the data were not normally
distributed. The significant levels were set to 0.05 (p
< 0.05).
Twenty-six subjects from 6 martial arts participated
in this study including Taekwondo (n = 10), Wushu
(n = 4), Judo (n = 2), Kempo (n = 3), Pencak Silat (n
= 6) and Tarung Derajat (n = 1). Subjects’ ages range
from 15 to 33 years old. Their heights and weights
were 1.45 to 1.87 meter and 48 to 95 kg, respectively.
Characteristics of the subjects are shown in Table 1.
A total score of questionnaires for each part
ranged from 0 to 17, with a higher score representing
better knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours regarding
hydration compared to the lower score. No perfect
score was achieved by the subjects. Result of the
questionnaire showed in Table 2.
Table 1: Subject’s Characteristics
No Characteristics (n =26) Mean + SD
1 Age (years) 21.73 + 4.14
Male (n = 17) 22.88 + 4.46
Female (n = 9) 19.56 + 3.61
2 Height (m) 1.67 + 0.09
3 Weight (kg) 62.12 + 11.71
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
Table 2: Score of the Questionnaire Regarding
No Part Score
+ SD)
1 Knowledge 12.54
6 15
2 Attitudes 11.62
8 15
3 Behaviors 12.65
8 16
3.1 Knowledge Regarding Hydration
The mean knowledge scores among all subjects were
12.54 +2.14. Nine subjects (34.6%) had good
knowledge (total score 14 or higher), sixteen subjects
(61.5%) had moderate knowledge (total score
between 9 to 13), and one subject (3.8%) had poor
knowledge (total score below 9). General dehydration
statement such as dehydration decreases sports
performance and excessive sweating, thirsty, and
cramping are signs of dehydration were answered
correctly by 26 (100%) subjects. All (100%) subjects
also knew that monitoring colour urine could be used
as dehydration judgment.
Majority of subjects (92.3%) lacked in knowledge
about dehydration indicator and assumed that thirst
was the best indicator for dehydration. Knowledge of
sports drink consumption was low. Only 14 subjects
(53%) knew that an athlete should consume sports
drinks after training more than one hour.
3.2 Attitudes Regarding Hydration
The mean attitudes score among all subjects was
11.62 +1.86, which indicated a positive attitudes rate
(score above 10). All subjects (100%) strongly agreed
and agreed that monitoring urine colour was a way to
judge the dehydration status. Twenty -five subjects
(96%) also strongly agreed and agreed that the
availability of fluid during practice was very
important. Only one subject (3%) answered correctly
in a negative statement that a thirst was the best
indicator of dehydration.
3.3 Behaviours Regarding Hydration
The mean behaviours score among all subjects was
12.65 +2.26. Twenty-five subjects (96%) prepared
fluids during practice and competition. They also
knew the signs of dehydration, including excessive
sweating, and muscle cramps. About 80% of subjects
followed ACSM recommendation including drink
500-600 cc of water or sports drink a couple of hours
before exercise and continue to drink 200 300 cc
10-20 minutes before competition.
Only 12 subjects (46%) consumed sports drinks
while training for more than 1 hours. It may be related
to other facts that only ten subjects (38%) preferred
to consume sports drinks than water because it
restored glycogen in the muscle. Nineteen subjects
(5%) reported drinking more than alcoholic
beverages the day before the competition.
Shapiro Wilk test showed that the result in part
“knowledge” was not normally distributed (p=0.03),
so the Spearman test was conducted. Spearman
correlation analysis showed significant positive
correlations between knowledge, attitudes, and
behaviours (p < 0.05). Level of correlation was
moderate (r -value between 0.40 to 0.60). The result
of correlation test showed in Table 3.
Table 3: Spearman Correlation Coefficients Between
Variables Tested
Knowledge Attitudes Behavi
e 1.00 0.41
Attitudes 0.41
1.00 0.42
Significant at p < 0.05
This study has shown that the majority of sub-elite
athletes had good score in knowledge, attitudes, and
behaviours regarding hydration with mean score 73,
86, and 74 out of a maximum of 100, respectively.
The majority of athletes still used the thirst as the
best indicator of dehydration. Thirst is a bad indicator
because athletes who feel thirsty mean that their body
has dehydration and has potential in decreasing
performance (Adams et al., 2018). Periodical body
fluid fulfilled without waiting to be thirsty can
prevent dehydration. ACSM and NATA recommend
consuming 250-300 cc of fluid every 15-20 minutes
during exercise. Arnaoutis et al. (2013) show that
consuming fluids when desired (ad libitum) still
causes dehydration. Education program to improve
athletes’ knowledge regarding body fluid fulfilled
without waiting to be thirsty needs to be developed as
a strategy to prevent dehydration.
Most of the athletes knew that dehydration could
decrease performance so they could prevent losing
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviours Regarding Hydration among Sub-elite Combat Sports Athletes
weight method through fluid restriction. Nutritional
education regarding weight loss based on ACSM (0.5
1 kg /week) needs to be socialized (Jakicic et al.,
These athletes also understood that urine colour
monitoring could be used to determine the
dehydration. This method is quite easy and applicable
to maintain the hydration level of the athletes before
practice or competition (Casa et al., 2000; Webb &
Salandy, 2016).
This study only involved sub-elite athletes from
one province, i.e. Special Region of Yogyakarta out
of 34 provinces in Indonesia. Further research
involving large scale subjects need to be done to
determine the level of knowledge, attitudes, and
behaviours regarding hydration among Indonesian
sub-elite athletes.
The results of this study have shown that the level
of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours of
Indonesian sub-elite combat sports athletes are good.
Dehydration prevention program can be developed
based on questionnaire with low score answer.
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Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviours Regarding Hydration among Sub-elite Combat Sports Athletes