achievement, therefore talent can also be understood
to have a high chance of achieving high achievement.
Gifted children are children who are able to
achieve high achievement because they have superior
abilities. These abilities both potential and tangible
including general intellectual abilities, special
academic abilities, creative-productive thinking
skills, leadership abilities, abilities in one field of art,
and psychomotor abilities. From the above
description, gifted children can be defined as those
who potentially have the ability to achieve high
achievement in a particular field (Munandar U,1982).
Sports talent has an understanding of the potential
that someone has for high achievement in certain
sports activities or branches. Giftedness in sports
includes special elements consisting of: (a) special
sports abilities. (b) sports-specific creativity; and (c)
specific attachments to the task. Sports talent is a
special ability that appears from certain components
that athletes must possess in order to perform
optimally. Talented athletes are those who have
special potential to be able to thrive in supporting the
success in sports. The special abilities possessed have
been formed and can be realized through appropriate
coaching. Special abilities in the concept of sports
talent are related to the internal factors of the athlete.
The results of the Cratty study, explaining that the
internal factors of athletes that support giftedness are:
(a) biological structural factors. (b) social factors. (c)
physiological factors. and (d) psychological factors
(Gunarso, S. D. (1992).
Mastery of sports skills occurs through the
learning process. Sooner or later the process of
mastery skills is a central theme in sports talent.
Giftedness is identical to learning characteristics and
learning abilities. Gifted children are those who have
the ability to learn quickly in a particular field. The
success of a child to achieve a prominent achievement
is determined by his intellectual ability, the level of
knowledge he has, and the level of skill he has
mastered to apply the knowledge he has in the field
of sports he pursues. There are questions that arise. It
can be predictable potential of children today to be a
benchmark for the achievement of high achievements
that can be achieved later in adulthood? From these
questions it is necessary to find a set of tools to find
gifted children who can measure the future heights in
the future with a high probability.
Identification of sports talent is an attempt made
to estimate the chances of talented athletes in sports
achievement, to be successful in undergoing training
programs so as to achieve peak performance
(Soegiyono, 2000). There are various formulations of
sports talent scouting purposes that have been written
by experts, especially by practitioners whose daily
lives that have been in the world of sports talent
identification. Sporting talent as a potential possessed
by a person to excel in certain sports activities or
branches. The purpose of sports talent identification,
according to him, emphasizes the identification of
sports talent, with reference to the suitability of
potential and interest of athletes (Gunarsa S.D,1992).
Formulation of other sports talent identification
objectives expressed in the national forum of the
Indonesian sports scholar association that is the
identification of sports talent aims to predict with
high probability, about how much a person's chances
to successfully achieve maximum performance.
Prediction is taken by looking at indicators of
giftedness: (a) achievement or performance that has
been achieved atltet. (b) the tempo of achievement
improvement. (c) the level of stability in the
improvement of achievement; (d) the tolerance of the
training load. (e) have a positive intrinsic motivation.
The emphasis of sports talent identification objectives
in the formula lies in the effort to predict athletes'
odds on the basis of sporting indicators of sports
athletes have (Harsono, 2002).
Some principles of sports talent identification can
be used as a guide for the process of talent scouting.
The principle of talent identification needs to be
elaborated and understood, so that each step of the
talent identification process can reach its destination.
Principles of talent incorporation which include: (a)
conducting a complete analysis of the physical and
mental condition of the athlete. (b) performing
selection based on key determinant factors including:
anthropometric characteristics, such as height and
relation to certain physical parameters; several
physical abilities such as speed, endurance,
coordination, and ability to play. (c) conducting
evaluation and selection based on data: children's
attitudes toward sports, children's participation in
sporting activities, and the benefits and characteristics
of children's sports achievements (Harsono, 2002).
Achievement sports require a special biological
profile by understanding the features of biomotor
capabilities and strong psychological characteristics.
The main criteria in talent identification include:
health, biomotoric quality, heredity, and supported by
sports facilities, climate and expert availability
(Bompa, 1990). In line with that opinion,
identification of sports talent include: (a) biological
aspects including the body's basic potential or ability,
organ function, and posture and body structure. (b)
the psychological aspect which includes intellectual,
motivational, personality, and nerve work. (c) age
which includes chronological age and age
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)