high posture potential who learn the movements do
not appear to be skillful at an early age. This has
become a problem for volleyball coaches. In Gifted
Education (PAB) for volleyball, problems often
occur. At the beginning of the education, children
with high posture potential do not show good
development in learning techniques. Children who
have a short posture are very fast in mastering various
volleyball techniques. When they grow up, children
with high posture show their skillful eminence in
playing the game.
Children or beginner athletes who have good
motor educability need to be find by conducting tests.
Children with good kinesthetic intelligence have high
coordination, agility, and balance. Development of
the basic motion of kinesthetic intelligence needs to
be trained since they are young (Tadkiroatun
Musfiroh, 2027). Thus, when they grow up, they will
be able to master techniques in sports well,
particularly volleyball. In volleyball game
intelligence is highly required, because this sport
requires complex abilities in each of its movements.
Harmony between motion and mind is needed in
volleyball games, so when playing the game the
athletes can dynamically move.
Tennis ball throwing tests have often been used
for the selection process, various selection processes
for prospective athletes, even for college entrance
exams with a sports background. The tennis ball
throwing test may still use logical validation, not yet
quantitatively validated particularly for volleyball.
The throwing test with a tennis ball to find out the
children’s learning needs to be evaluated, whether it
is valid or not yet. If it is invalid it can be harmful for
volleyball coaching, because children with high
posture potential can be knocked out by the test.
2.1 Research Type
This research is a descriptive research, which is
directed to provide symptoms, facts, or events
systematically and accurately, regarding the
characteristics of a particular population or area
(Zuriah, 2005). The method used is a survey, data
collection by observation by the judge. The ability of
hand-eye coordination measured using a tennis ball
catch test, and evaluated by a judge. The ability to
play volleyball is also measured by the judge's
observations, and by the scoring sheet instructions.
2.2 Research Time and Place
The research was conducted at the Sepak Takraw
Field, and at the UNY Badminton Hall, located at
Jl.Colombo No.1, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman,
Special Region of Yogyakarta.
The research was conducted on September 22-26,
2018. The sample of this research was 30 beginner
male volleyball athletes from UNY Selabora.
Saturday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. to
6:00 p.m. and Sunday 7:00 a.m to10:00 a.m.
2.3 Sample
The sample in this study were 30 beginner male
athletes from UNY Selabora. The characteristics of
the sample are as follows: (a) Beginner male athletes
from UNY Selabora. (b) Willing to be sample. (c)
Age range between 10-13 years. (d) Minimum age of
exercise was 12 months.
2.4 Instruments and Data Collection
2.4.1 Volleyball Skill Testing
Data collection methods in research using
observations and tests. Athletes playing 3 against 3
selected randomly. Judge made observations when
both teams played. In each rally, all six players were
given a base value of 50. When the rally ended, two
judges were entitled to give a score of + or - to an
The following provisions are as follows (1) A total
of 30 children selected (2) Grouped into 10, each
group consisted of 3 people) randomly selected. (3)
Using a field with a size of 12 m x 6 m with a net of
2.15 m. height. (4) Two sets of random groups were
compared (5) Service implementation in play must
took turns in accordance with rotation. (6)Judge
Assessment: The judge would give a (+) score to the
child who could be the key to getting points, or give
a (-) score to the child who is the key to removing
points. Each rally judge only gave a - or + score for
once. For example:
(a) Child A does a very deadly service, and it is
unacceptable that the player gets a + service
performer score, the receiver does not get a score. If
on the other hand, child A does light service, missed
by child B, then the one who gets a - score is child B.
(b) Child A does a hard smash and missed by child B
or the smash directly falls to a hard floor then the one
who gets the + score is the smasher, otherwise child