Development of Passing Techniques with Forum Group Discussion
based Football
Ahmad Atiq
, Muhammad Ali
and Henry Maksum
Physical Education, Educational Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, Indonesia
Keywords: Basic techniques, football passing, FGD.
Abstract: Football is one of the sports that are always loved and expected to be able to bring changes both individually
and collectively. It was carried out through FGD-based football (Group Discussion Forum) with by adapting
the research method used is the Borg and Gall model and by systematically conducting preliminary research,
planning, expert validation testing through FGD, group testing, effectiveness testing and dissemination of
research., but However, the researchers did not carry out the systematic stop enough at Among the expert
validations developed into a FGD (Forum Discussion Group) with the results of research from 12 soccer
coaches representing districts and cities in West Kalimantan province The study could offer researchers are
able to give something good and innovation and provide appropriate and measurable advice on a football
development of football in several football clubs in the province of West Kalimantan and places of education
from various regions of the city and the district by expressing opinions regarding what should be given, why
it was given, for what was given and how to do the basic passing soccer technique accordingly, suitable and
more important according to the needs of early childhood in the club during training in the presence of planters
In this exercise, each athlete and student will experience renewal and something important for the
development of football in the future of the West Kalimantan province
Sports are always developing as a means of
satisfying needs, methods, approaches, strategies and
patterns that are given during training and
competition, Sports that have always been in a
monotonous view but the fact in fact, that sports are
capable of fasting into a scope that is even renewed
for daily needs, both basic and non-daily. Therefore,
sport development is always needed in order to solve
various problems that exist. Soccer sports Football
that have always experienced a level of progress both
in the field of competition and in the field of training
with various needs. It that will be experienced by
connoisseurs both athletes, spectators and observers
have of course who experienced advantages and
disadvantages both massively and actively, progress -
progress in the field of sports. Football players
certainly experience some things that are considered
appropriate or inaccurate but from existing progress
all of them must have experienced a test both in a
small level and at a bigger great level. Football is
always associated with a game that is beautifully
watched, enjoyed. and made. It created an illustration
of a place of friendship, relationship, and
entertainment that can keep the level of fitness.
Gradually It means that everyone needs optimal
fitness to be able to maintain the life sustainability of
a day's life both in the morning, afternoon, evening
and night through practice and competition. Football
until now has also become a medium for anyone who
wants to develop it play and practise it, both from the
education sector, the training sector, in clubs or
extracurricular activities through in schools. Both
elementary schools to High School and even
Moreover, soccer itself is always the subject
of discussion among certain people both coaches,
sport analysts, and observers, even people who are
experts in the field of football itself football players
themselves, (Bompa 2009). Exercises must be in
accordance with the conditions achieved by a simple
program and do not make athletes saturated and bear
while doing exercises. In doing the pumping
technique exercises, it is suggested to suggest not
Atiq, A., Ali, M. and Maksum, H.
Development of Passing Techniques with Forum Group Discussion based Football.
DOI: 10.5220/0009905707810783
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 781-783
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
using involve elite athletes' models or examples of
techniques, because their technique may not
physiologically meet the bio-mechanical
requirements., Therefore, so here it is recommended
to use models that are acceptable to athletes, namely
the model that which also fits the athlete's mechanics
and physiology. FGD in this case are involved experts
who love football, soccer athlete’s football players,
and football observers of soccer both in soccer clubs,
and on extracurricular football ball activities, to
provide input, development and renewal of basic
football techniques. It is intended to so that develop
basic football techniques to of soccer always provide
integrity and suitability that are more appropriate for
development exercises. that are The exercises should
follow the pattern and should address patterned and
directed according to the athletes’ needs of athletes
during training., Such basic football techniques when
in polish in such a way to the need and good
conditions will give a clear and positive impact for
the advancement of football that is given during
future training and competition later because every
soccer athlete football player really masters the basic
techniques, especially passing soccer techniques
(James, 2012; Puspitorini, 2012). The quality of
training must always be maintained with several
things such as the quality of athletes, results of
research, competition, motivation, ability of athletes,
talents, facilities and training equipment, abilities and
personality of an athlete, and coach full of good
responsibility responsible coach, high discipline and
openness open-mindedness in the field or outside the
field (Bompa 2009). Technical training is an exercise
to improve the movement techniques needed to be
able to do sports that athletes do. Exercises must be
in accordance with the conditions achieved by a
simple program and do not make athletes saturated
and bear tired while doing exercises. In doing the
pumping technique exercises suggest not using elite
athletes' models or examples of techniques, because
their technique may not physiologically meet the
biomechanical requirements, so here it is
recommended to use a model that can be accepted by
athletes which is a model that fits the parrots and
physiological athletes. while the Tangkudung
describes identification of the types of skills needed
in training techniques (James, 2012). Exercises must
always be good and conducive if you so the players
want to could achieve their target. The quality of
training must always be maintained with several
things such as the quality of athletes, results of
research, competition, motivation, (Ahmad Atiq,
2018). Basic technical training is the process of
giving birth tocreating physical activity and proving
the best possible practice to complete tasks in playing
sports. the ability of athletes, talents, facilities and
training equipment, abilities and personality of an
athlete and coach is full of good responsibility, high
discipline and openness in the field or outside the
field, the The Technical Training Process training
was conducted so that there will be an automated
movement of automation, the need for several
processes to go through, t. Technical training must go
through several processes that can be seen ones.
Conceptually, the research and development
approach includes ten general steps, as described by
Borg & Gall. They are (1) Research and information
collection, (2) Planning
(3) Development of
preliminary product, (4) Preliminary field testing, (5)
Main product revision, (6) Main field testing, (7).
Operational product revision, (8) Operational field
testing, (9) Final product revision, and (10)
Dissemination and Implementation
The results of the development of a basic passing
training model for FGD-based football in the Forum
Group Discussion in Pontianak last July 2019
comprise (1) gathering of trainers and sports teachers
in Pontianak (2) brainstorming about the concept of
football development, especially basic passing
techniques in footballBasic passing techniques are
considered as a major contribution to the succesful
competition. Basic football passing techniques
developed with FGD aimed at preparing or creating
an easy, systematic, competitive formula that could
be performed anywhere and anytime. The results
show that the development of basic football passing
techniques in several football clubs and
extracurricular activities were not really taught.
Every student and athlete always needs an exercise
that is precise, accurate and in accordance with
immediate needs, but a coach cannot give the best
when the training is not given optimally. The
researcher tries to create and design innovative
football practice on basic passing techniques with
various tools as well as multiplying learning skills
Opening up insights about the football
development that follows the athletes and students’
characteristics during training and competition. Every
coach and sports teacher in FGD has a major
contribution to the football development in West
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
Kalimantan. The coaches and sport teachers who also
observed matches in national sport events, regional
competitions, and other tournaments were very
enthusiastic about the program. They were interested
in the new concepts which are aligned with the
students’ progress. It is expected that every coach has
a certain concept and innovation when doing
exercises and football matches. Moreover, the
coaches must always prioritize players or athletes’
development and growth in accordance with the
skills, abilities and development of basic football
techniques (Mielke, 2013).
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Longman lnc.
Djezed, Zulfar et al. 1985. Football Learning Book. FPOK
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Development of Passing Techniques with Forum Group Discussion based Football