MADM Model for Evaluation of Non-permanent Teacher Performance
using Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS Methods
, Salahudin Robo
and Trisno
Department of information system, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia
Department of information system, Universitas Yapis Papua, Papua, Indonesia
Department of Informatika Engineering, STIMIKOM Stellamaris Sumba, Indonesia
Non-Permanent Teacher, MADM, FAHP, TOPSIS.
Teachers are a key element in the education system, especially non-permanent teachers in schools with the
current condition is very apprehensive, starting from a less obvious future, sometimes receive honorarium
after three months of duty even uncertain. This is because of the determination process for outstanding non-
permanent teachers there are still obstacles encountered there is no assessment indicator for honorary teachers.
As a result, non-permanent teachers who excel did not get an award from school. To meet these requirements
required a model ie the model Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) which aims from certain criteria is
determined the best alternative from many existing criteria. In the process of MADM model AHP method is re-
quired to find the weight of the performance of non-permanent teachers and for ranking used TOPSIS method.
All series of methods collaborate with fuzzy logic with the aim of minimizing uncertainty so hopefully, the
results obtained more accurate. The aim of this research is to determine the performance of non-permanent
teachers. The results of this study are 44.8% pedagogical criteria, personality criteria 26.1%, social criteria
16.5%, professional criteria 12.5%.
Teachers are a key element in the education system,
especially in schools. All other components, from the
curriculum, infrastructures, costs, and so forth will
not mean much if the teacher interaction with unqual-
ified learners. Many experts claim that in school there
will be no change or quality improvement without
changes and improvements in teacher quality. Cur-
rently, most of the teachers’ fate in Indonesia is get-
ting better and there is a change. Although it cannot
be equally perceived by the teachers especially teach-
ers who teach in remote areas, village, outer islands,
and inland areas. They are still difficult to enjoy the
word prosperous let alone sufficient and still many
teachers who have status as local Non-Permanent
teachers. The condition of Non-Permanent teachers
today is very alarming, starting from an unclear fu-
ture, long service period, serving in underdeveloped
regions, uncertain honorarium system, sometimes re-
ceive honorarium after three months of duty even un-
certain. The most unique thing of Non-Permanent
teachers is still carrying out its main task is that as a
permanent teacher work, namely educating, teaching,
guiding, directing learners to be human beings who
believe and cautious to Almighty God.
Teacher performance (Supiandi, 2016) has cer-
tain specifications/criteria. Teacher performance can
be viewed and measured by specification/criteria the
competencies each teacher must possess. Based
on Regulation of the Minister of National Educa-
tion of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 the
Year 2007 regarding Academic Qualification Stan-
dard and Teacher Competencies. It is explained that
the Teacher Competency Standards are developed as
a whole of the 4 major competencies, that is (1) peda-
gogic competence, (2) personality, (3) social, and (4)
professional. The fourth competency integrated into
teacher performance.
Central Lombok Regency is one of the districts lo-
cated in the province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB)
with the number public high schools as many as
18 institutions with a fairly large number of Non-
Permanent teachers. But the process of determining
for teachers achievers still found obstacles faced ie
none an assessment indicator for teachers. As a result,
teachers who excel do not get an award from school,
while the non-achievers are rewarded, this is due to
Sunardi, ., Robo, S. and Trisno, .
MADM Model for Evaluation of Non-permanent Teacher Performance using Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0009906300980104
In Proceedings of the International Conferences on Information System and Technology (CONRIST 2019), pages 98-104
ISBN: 978-989-758-453-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
the selection process non-permanent teachers are still
less effective. therefore it can have an impact on the
learning process. From the problem, the researchers
provide solutions that are performance evaluation of
non-permanent teachers in high school teachers in
central Lombok district.
Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM)
decision-making models that utilize and define
(Galankashi et al., 2016) the best alternative of many
alternatives based on existing criteria. There are
several methods that are often used in making the
system, such methods are Simple Additive Weighting
(SAW), Weighted Product (WP), Electre, Technique
For Others Reference by Similarity to Ideal Solution
(TOPSIS) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP).
Fuzzy logic is a logic that has the value of vague-
ness (Keprate and Ratnayake, 2016) between two val-
ues. The fuzzy approach is particularly the approach
triangular fuzzy number to scale AHP is expected to
be able to minimize uncertainty (Junior et al., 2014)
so hopefully, the results obtained more accurate. (Mo-
hyeddin and Gharaee, 2014) (Salah and Saadi, 2016)
In this research method used is method FAHP
and Topsis, FAHP used to look for weight (Taylan
et al., 2014) (Yudatama and Sarno, 2015) of the per-
formance of Non-Permanent teachers and for ranking
using methods Topsis, this is because the combina-
tion of methods is the result is considered the most
Valid.(Sudiatmika et al., 2017) (Alizadeh et al., 2016)
This study was conducted with the aim to deter-
mine the performance of Non-Permanent teachers us-
ing the method FAHP dan TOPSIS in order to as-
sist the stakeholders, in this case, the Principal to
determine whether the teacher deserves an award as
an Achieving Teacher or not, thus for the future no
longer errors occur in the assessment process of Non-
Permanent teachers.
Currently, many researchers are doing research Non-
Permanent teachers, from several studies are consid-
ered to be still related to the topic discussed so that it
can be used as a reference source. The following are
some of the previous studies that serve as a reference.
Research conducted by (Balkis and Masykur,
2017) about understanding subjective well-being
Non-Permanent teachers, the results showed that the
three subjects enjoy their profession today, work mo-
tivation that exists on the individual gives effect on job
satisfaction, subjective well-being the three subjects
are influenced by the perspective of his profession.
In research conducted by (Meiza, 2017) discusses
the difference of happiness to the teachers of civil ser-
vants and Non-Permanent status, with the result that
there is no difference of happiness on teachers with
civil servants and Non-Permanent status, the civil ser-
vant teacher has the empirical mean the happiness
scale is in the high category, while the teacher of Non-
Permanent status has the empirical mean of happiness
that is in the high category.
In the study (Mahmudah et al., 2015) discusses the
perception of Non-Permanent teachers against Law
No. 5 of 2014 about the PPPK system, the results
of his research indicators of understanding of Non-
Permanent teachers to PPPK in the categories do not
understand to be the most. Thus, PPPK in the dissem-
ination of information is still poorly understood.
Research conducted by (Arfa et al., 2013) about
the incidence and depression rates of Non-Permanent
teachers in public primary schools, the results of the
study there were no significant differences between
the incidence and depression level of honorary teach-
ers in public elementary schools in four sub-districts
in Kota Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi Province.
In the study (HARIWIBOWO et al., 2015) work
motivation of Non-Permanent teachers in terms of
quality of work life. The results of his research that
there is a significant influence quality of work life
with work motivation of honorary teachers, the result-
ing influence is positive. This means that the higher
the quality of work life of a teacher, the higher the
motivation for his work.
3.1 Data Collection
A combination of empirical and non-empirical meth-
ods was used for data collection in this study. An em-
pirical study approach is used to collect primary data
and non-empirical approaches are used to collect sec-
ondary data.
3.1.1 Primary Data
Primary data is data generated from questionnaires
and interviews obtained from the supervisors who are
incorporated in Musyawarah Kerja Pengawas Sekolah
(MKPS) and headmaster. In this study, questionnaires
were prepared based on the research model and used
as a primary measuring tool.
MADM Model for Evaluation of Non-permanent Teacher Performance using Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS Methods
3.1.2 Secondary Data
Secondary data is data collected from literature re-
view such as books, journals, articles. To determine
the concept relevant to this study and create a research
Figure 1: Research Steps
AHP displayed in the form of a hierarchical model
of purpose, criteria and some level subcriteria. This
method is built on three principles namely principles
for building hierarchy, principles for setting priorities
and a principle of logical consistency. AHP frame-
work that is flexible and effective can help a person in
making decisions. Because all parts of the hierarchy
are interconnected, then it can look related, one fac-
tor may affect other factors. Hierarchy is an efficient
way of solving complex systems a linear structure in
which the influence is distributed from top to bottom.
efficient because the problem will be more structured,
organized, and functional in controlling and reducing
information into the system.
Figure 2: Hierarchical Structure of Performance Evaluation
of Non-Permanent Teachers
3.2 Multiple Criteria Decision Making
Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)(Hanine
et al., 2016) is a method of decision making to de-
termine the best alternative from a number of alter-
natives based on certain criteria.(Vinodh et al., 2014)
Criteria are usually sizes, rules or standards used in
decision making. Based on the purpose, MCDM
can be divided into 2 models (Khademolqorani and
Hamadani, 2013): Multi-Attribute Decision Mak-
ing (MADM), and Multi-Objective Decision Making
(MODM). MADM used to solve problems in discrete
space. Therefore, in MADM is usually used to per-
form the assessment or selection of several alterna-
tives in limited quantities. While MODM used to
solve problems in continuous space. In general, it can
be said that MADM selects the best alternative from
a number of alternatives, while MODM designed the
best alternative. Basically, the MADM process is
done through 3 stages the preparation of the compo-
nents of the situation, analysis, and synthesis of infor-
mation. At the component compilation stage, a com-
ponent of the situation will be formed table containing
the estimates identification of alternatives and objec-
tives specifications, criteria and attributes.
3.3 Teacher Performance Evaluation
Teacher performance evaluation is a process that aims
to know or understand teacher performance levels one
with another teacher performance level or compared
to predefined standards. Teacher performance evalu-
ation has benefits for schools because this assessment
will provide the level of achievement of the standard,
the size or criteria set by the school. So the weak-
nesses that exist in a teacher can be addressed and will
provide feedback to the teacher. Teacher performance
evaluation is not meant to criticize and find fault, but
as an incentive for teachers to develop themselves be-
come more professional and eventually later will im-
prove the quality of education of learners.
3.4 Metode Analythic Hierarchy
Process (AHP)
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a deci-
sion support model developed by Thomas L.
Saaty,(Prakash and Barua, 2015). the concept of
changing qualitative values into quantitative values so
that the decisions taken can be more objective. Basi-
cally, the AHP method breaks down a complex situa-
tion and unstructured into its component parts. Then
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
organize this part or variable in a hierarchical arrange-
ment and gives numerical values on subjective consid-
erations about the relative importance of each variable
which one has the highest priority and acts for the ef-
fect the outcome of the situation. AHP is used to solve
problems by changing them in the form of hierarchy
and defining all of the problems. The process of de-
veloping a hierarchy of problems with AHP depends
on experience, knowledge, logic, and imagination to
give consideration.
Figure 3: AHP Comparative Assessment Scale (Source:
Suppose criterion X has some elements below it,
ie C1, C2, ..., Cn. Table matrix pairwise comparison
based on criterion C as follows:
Figure 4: Matched Comparison Matrices.
What is measured in AHP is the ratio of consis-
tency by looking at the consistency index. The ex-
pected consistency is near perfect in order to produce
decisions that are close to valid. Although it is dif-
ficult to achieve perfect, the consistency ratio is ex-
pected to be less than or equal to 10 %. (Saaty, 2002)
CI =
λmax n
n 1
Where CI = Index consistency, λ Maks = The
biggest eigenvalues are obtained by adding up the re-
sult of multiplying the number of columns with the
main vector eigen. CR = consistency ratio, that is data
that has less than or equal CR 10% which is consid-
ered consistent.
CR =
The following table Random Index (RI)
Figure 5: Random Index (RI).
3.5 Triangular Fuzzy Number (TFN)
F-AHP is a combination of AHP method with fuzzy
concept approach. F-AHP includes weaknesses found
in AHP, namely problems with more subjective crite-
ria. Number uncertainty is represented by a sequence
of scales (Keprate and Ratnayake, 2016), (Salah and
Saadi, 2016). To determine the level of member-
ship in F-AHP, function rules are used in Triangular
Fuzzy Numbers (TFN) which are arranged based on
linguistic sets (Mohyeddin and Gharaee, 2014), (Ju-
nior et al., 2014). So, the number at the level of in-
tensity of interest in AHP is changed to the specified
TFN scale. So, the numbers at the level of interest in-
tensity are presented by Saaty (1980), changed to the
specified TFN scale
Figure 6: Function of Fuzzy Scale Membership (Source:
Chang, D.Y. (1992)).
Furthermore, given the rules of operation com-
monly used triangular fuzzy number arithmetic. Sup-
pose there are 2 TFNs : M1 = (l1, m1, u1) and M2 =
(l2, m2, u2), apply
M1 M2 = (l1 + l2,m1 + m2,u1 + u2) (3)
M1 M2 = (l1 l2,m1 m2,u1 u2) (4)
M1 M2 = (l1.l2, m1.m2, u1.u2) (5)
λ M2 = (λ.l2,λ.m2,λ.u2) (6)
M1 1 = (1/u1,1/m1,1/l1) (7)
From the fuzzy triangular matrix determined the
value fuzzy synthetic extents for each criteria (Chang,
D. Y. 1996).
MADM Model for Evaluation of Non-permanent Teacher Performance using Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS Methods
To get the value of each priority criterion, it is ob-
tained by calculating the normalization of the weight
vector and the minimum value d’l = min V (SiSk)
which compares the value of fuzzy synthetic extent
W = (d1,d2,...,dn)T (9)
With the formulation of normalization is :
for l = 1,2,3. . . ,n .
3.6 Technique for Order Preference by
Similarity to Ideal Solution
Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal
Solution (TOPSIS) is a multicriteria decision-making
method (Primasari and Setyohadi, 2017) which was
first introduced by Yoon and Hwang in 1981. The ba-
sic idea of this method is that the alternative is chosen
have the closest distance to a positive ideal solution
and the furthest from the negative ideal solution (Su-
diatmika et al., 2017). TOPSIS pays attention to the
distance to positive ideal solutions or the distance to
the negative ideal solution by taking a close relation-
ship to an ideal solution. Alternatives that have been
ranked can be used as a reference for decision-makers
to choose the best solution
Here are the steps of the TOPSIS method (Source:
Hwang and Yoon 1981):
3.6.1 Build a Normalized Decision Matrix
Elemen rij the result of the normalization of deci-
sion matrix R with the Euclidean length of a vector
i j
i j
i j
;withi = 1,2,3,...m; and j = 1,2,3,...n.
3.6.2 Build a Weighted Normalized Decision
The ideal solution positif A+ and ideal negative solu-
tions A- can be determined by a normalized weighted
rating (yij) as:
yi j = wiri j;withi = 1,2,3,...m;and = 1,2,3,...n
3.6.3 Determine the ideal Solution Matrix and
the Ideal Negative Solution Matrix
The positive ideal solution (A+ )is calculated on the
basis of:
= (E1
,Y 2
,Y 3
,. . . .,Y n
) (13)
The ideal solution (A-) is calculated on the basis
= (E1
,Y 2
,Y 3
,. . . .,Y n
) (14)
3.6.4 Determine the Distance between the Values
of Each Alternative with a Matrix of
positive Ideal Solutions and a Negative
Ideal Matrix
The distance between Ai alternatives with positive
ideal solutions is defined as:
i j
;i = 1,2,3,...,m. (15)
The distance between alternatives Ai with the
ideal solution is defined as:
i j
;i = 1,2,3,...,m. (16)
3.6.5 Determine the Preference Value for Each
The proximity of each alternative to the ideal solution
is calculated based on the formula:
V =
+ Di
;i = 1,2,3,...,m. (17)
4.1 Matched Comparison Matrix
among the Main Criteria
At this stage the superintendent fills out the ques-
tionnaire by choosing numbers 1 through 9 to find
which criteria are the most important of the four cri-
teria, after which the principal filled out a question-
naire of grades 1 to 4 for the overall value earned
by non permanent teachers which are ranked among
teachers, with respondents in this activity are respon-
dents who are considered experts in this field. Re-
spondents who fill this data are 12 supervisors from
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
Musyawarah Kerja Pengawas Sekolah (MKPS) and
18 Principals. Based on data obtained from the
School and Musyawarah Kerja Pengawas Sekolah
(MKPS), there are four main criteria, namely peda-
gogic criteria, personality criteria, social criteria, pro-
fessional criteria. So there are four elements to be
compared. Calculation and determination of consis-
tency for the main comparison.
Figure 7: Comparison Matrix Under Criteria.
Figure 8: Normalization of Matrices.
From the comparison matrix table above, obtained
value CI = 0.087, RI = 0.90, and value CR = 0.097.
According to Saaty, if CR10% then the pairwise
comparison matrix is consistent. Consistent means
that all elements have been grouped homogeneously
and the relation between criteria mutually justifies
4.2 Weight with Fuzzy
Figure 9: Weighting with Fuzzy AHP.
The next step is to normalize on fuzzy synthetic
extends are listed in Figure 10.
Figure 10: Normalization of Fuzzy Synthetic Extend.
Then calculated the weight and normalization of
weight vector so that we know the value of the weight
of the main criterion. W’ = (1, 1, 0.792, 0.812)
After the normalization, the final weight of the
main criteria is as follows.
W = (0.277, 0.277, 0.219, 0.225)
Figure 11: Level of interest Criteria
From the results of priority weighting analysis on
the main criteria using FAHP obtained criteria ped-
agogic has a weight of 44.8%, personality criteria
26.1%, social criteria 16.5% and professional criteria
4.3 Alternative Ranking
In this research, determining the ranking of each
candidate’s alternative non-permanent teacher using
TOPSIS method calculation. So get the ranking as
Figure 12: Ranking Alternative With TOPSIS.
ManualResult =
x100% (18)
Figure 13: Ranking Alternative With Manual.
Based on the results of manual calculations and cal-
culation using FAHP and TOPSIS methods with the
same value obtained the difference in results is 12.75
and 66.03.
MADM Model for Evaluation of Non-permanent Teacher Performance using Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS Methods
The results of this study can be summarized by us-
ing method FAHP and TOPSIS can be used as an indi-
cator and is expected to solve the existing problems in
the performance assessment of non-permanent teach-
ers. The results of this calculation serve as a reference
by principals in determining the performance of non
-permanent teachers and the final decision remains on
the principal.
In the decision-making process involving many
criteria, the Fuzzy AHP method can be used to de-
termine the priority weight on each of the criteria
on which the appropriate decision analysis is based.
From the results of priority weighting analysis on the
main criteria with Fuzzy AHP, pedagogic criteria have
a weight of 44.8%, personality criteria 26.1%, social
criteria 16.5%, and professional criteria 12.5%. The
use of the TOPSIS method is used for determining the
weight of each alternative ranking of candidate non-
permanent teachers
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CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology