The Impact of Entrepreneurship Sustainability 4.0 on Social Learning
towards Students’ Entrepreneurial Attitude and Behavior
Dadang Sundawa
, Neiny Ratmaningsih
and Diana Noor Anggraini
Department of Social Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Setiabudhi 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Entrepreneurship Sustainability 4.0, Social Learning, Students, Attitude and Behaviour
This research aims to describe the impact of Entrepreneurship Sustainability 4.0 on Social Learning towards
students‘ entrepreneurship attitude and behaviour in higher education. This study uses a quantitative approach
with a survey method on 245 students of the Faculty of Social Sciences Education, Indonesian University
of Education having an entrepreneur background. Data collection method used Likert scale questionnaire
and attitude scale in which the alternative answers positive values 5 to 1. The scattered questionnaire was
tested by the instrument twice to produce validity and good reliability. Then it is processed and analyzed
using Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis. The results of this study indicate that: 1) Entrepreneurship
Sustainability 4.0 Model on social learning includes structured curriculum, methods, media, material, sources
and evaluations designed to contain the value of entrepreneurship in a sustainable manner in the digital age; 2)
campus environment is an independent variable that influences student entrepreneurial attitudes and behavior
both macro and micro; 3) the model of Entrepreneurship Sustainability 4.0 on social learning has a positive
effect on entrepreneurial attitudes of 18.2% and entrepreneurial behavior of 19%.
In the end of the 21st century, higher education meets
a difficult and critical period because it is necessary
to include education for sustainability (EfS) in all ed-
ucational programs. Despite the success in incorpo-
rating the digital innovation in campus programs, it
is indicated that higher education is improving sus-
tainability slowly. Education is required to promote
behavior change and to provide main competencies
for all citizens in order to achieve sustainable devel-
opment. Success in reversing unsustainable trends
will largely depend on quality education for sustain-
able development at all levels of education, such as
the use of energy and sustainable transportation sys-
tems, consumption habit and sustainable production,
health, media competence and responsibilities global
The aspects of sustainability on the economic side
are sensitivity to the limitations, potential of eco-
nomic growth, and its impact on society and the envi-
ronment. It is associated with commitments to eval-
uate the level of individual consumption and commu-
nities as a concern for the environment and social jus-
tice. In other words, sustainable development needed
now is economic development satisfying the needs
of the current generation without reducing the abil-
ity of future generations to accommodate their needs
(Pezzey, 1992). There are two things that implic-
itly concern: First, the importance of paying atten-
tion to natural resource and environmental constraints
on consumption patterns; Second, attention to the
wellbeing of future generations. The assumption of
sustainability lies at least in three basic axioms; (1)
present and future treatments giving a positive value
in the long run; (2) realizing that environmental assets
contribute to economic wellbeing; (3) knowing the
constraints because implications arising on environ-
mental assets (Heal, 1998). Thus, the three principles
emphasize individual policy in changing a paradigm
of life that life is a cycle that will synergistic ally in-
terrelate and provide praxis in real life.
The industrial revolution created a person’s work-
ing conditions, economic living conditions, and eco-
nomic status. This revolution brought changes in con-
sumer behavior through mass production and com-
patibility distribution. In line with the development,
manual production is now undergoing changes in nan-
otechnology for mass production, automation, and
factory worker replacement. Some fresh graduates are
interested in building business networks and jobs that
lead to ICT skills. In accordance with the demands
Sundawa, D., Ratmaningsih, N. and Anggraini, D.
The Impact of Entrepreneurship Sustainability 4.0 on Social Learning towards Students‘ Entrepreneurial Attitude and Behavior.
DOI: 10.5220/0009906901360142
In Proceedings of the International Conferences on Information System and Technology (CONRIST 2019), pages 136-142
ISBN: 978-989-758-453-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of future jobs at the level of digital technology, com-
puting, automation, and digital humans. Thus, educa-
tion responds challenges by learning about trends and
changes. It gives new views about future economic
opportunities (Moberg, 2014).
The higher education curriculum adjusts the in-
fluence of socio-economic and techno-economic de-
velopments for future employment needs (Tejedor,
as and Rosas-Casals, 2018). One of them is
entrepreneurship education based on fourlevel struc-
tures. At the first level, a student is involved with in-
formation (supply). At the second level, there are in-
volvement and questions (demand). At the third level,
there is supply and demand (competence). At the last
level, teaching is designed to be a hybrid model com-
bining all levels of entrepreneurial teaching (Ismail,
Sawang and Zolin, 2018). Entrepreneurial teaching
and learning are very important to understand eco-
nomic opportunities and to find the best ways to ex-
plore them (Jensen, 2014).
The conceptual framework of this study is an-
chored in the interrelationship between elements of
entrepreneurship education and the continuing indus-
trial revolution. Sustainable entrepreneurship educa-
tion is related to some themes such as ICT infras-
tructure, policy and regulatory governance, human re-
source development, and innovation-based economy.
This is the complexity of the digital knowledge econ-
omy. The sustainability paradigm should then reflect
the interactions of various systems which are com-
plex, dynamic, non-linear, and self-regulating (Fun-
towicz et al., 1999). We also remind that a sustain-
able knowledge society is not a society filled with a
myriad of digital technologies but that is collectively
infrastructure, applications and literacy (Sharma &
Mokhtar, 2006). Some research questions focused on
this study, including: (1) How can the best implemen-
tation of sustainable entrepreneurship 4.0 model be
implemented in social learning? (2) What are the stu-
dents’ perceptions toward the implementation of dig-
ital enterpreneurship? (3) How can social learning
through the sustainable entrepreneurship model 4.0
effectively influence entrepreneurial attitudes and be-
The research used a quantitative approach with a sur-
vey method explaining causal relationships between
variables along with testing hypotheses, such that rel-
ative events, distribution, and relationships between
Obtained sociological and physicological variables
(Singarimbun and Effendi, 1995). There are three
characteristics of the survey method. The first one
is the objectives can be descriptive as well as verifica-
tion, explanatory or confirmatory. The second one is
collected data from predetermined samples. The last
one is the captured research variable data (Kerlinger,
1990)(Gall et al., 2003) (McMillan and Schumacher,
Participants in this study were students of the Fac-
ulty of Social Sciences Education, Indonesian Educa-
tion University consisting of the Department of Cit-
izenship Education, Department of History, Depart-
ment of Geography, Department of Social Sciences
Education, Department of Sociology Education, De-
partment of Tourism Marketing Management, Depart-
ment of Catering Industry Management, Department
of Resort and Leisure Management, Department of
Communication Studies, Department of Islamic Reli-
gious Education, and Department of Mapping Survey
and Geographic Information. A total of 12 study pro-
grams / departments have a number of students rang-
ing from 3393 people. Thus, the sample used was
based on a sample distribution of students having an
entrepreneur background (245 people).
The data collection technique used in this study
was giving a questionnaire to the students. Data col-
lection is done by submitting a list of questions to a
number of individuals and they were asked to write
the answers. This study uses a closed questionnaire,
because the questions in the questionnaire have pro-
vided alternative answers. The data processing tech-
nique of the questionnaire results uses a Likert scale
where alternative answers to positive values are 5 to
1. The scoring is done based on the respondents’ an-
swers and then scored using the Likert scale and at-
titude scale. The questionnaire processing using Mi-
crosoft Excel for coding data. The data obtained is
then processed through the process of editing, scor-
ing, data entry, and data analysis. For the analy-
sis of respondent data and respondent categories, we
used a LISREL software tool. Hypothesis testing
in this study uses a structural equation modeling or
commonly called (Structural Equation Model / SEM).
SEM statistical techniques are used to test a series of
relationships between several variables (Hair et al.,
The stages of SEM process according to (Cooper
and Pamela, ) are written as follows: (1) model speci-
fications, (2) estimation, (3) compatibility test, (4) re-
specification, (5) interpretation and communication.
Structural Equation Model (SEM) starts with specify-
ing the research model to be estimated. The specifi-
cation of the research model, reprisenting the problem
of the study is important in SEM. The model specifi-
cation is carried out on the measurement model and
The Impact of Entrepreneurship Sustainability 4.0 on Social Learning towards Students‘ Entrepreneurial Attitude and Behavior
structural model which will eventually be described
in the path diagram, represented a combination of the
measurement model and structural model.
3.1 Results
3.1.1 Entrepreneurship Sustainable 4.0 Model
on Social Learning
This paper provides insights on the implementation
of social learning in collaboration with the Industrial
Revolution 4.0 on Continuing Entrepreneurship edu-
cation. Entrepreneurship is one element of economic
development and improvement of life in the future
(Kirby, 2004). The subjects in social learning refer
to the Higher Education curriculum adapted to the so-
cial, economic, and industrial revolution 4.0 themes
which can be seen as follows.
Figure 1: Topic on Social Learning with entrepreneurship,
sustainable and industry 4.0.
Some of the topics above become a reference for
lecturers in providing understanding related to en-
trepreneurship, sustainable development, and the in-
dustrial revolution 4.0. The application that must be
considered in
The curriculum design of teaching and social
learning must be designed to deliver students
about complex socio-technological transforma-
tion problems.
Students need to learn carefully about
technological-economic opportunities to be
able to develop competitive business ideas.
Students are invited to develop digital-based
learning models and artificial intelligence.
Entrepreneurship education must offer the recip-
ients the skills to develop business ideas or solu-
Entrepreneurship Learning brings an entrepreneur
into a guest lecturer in class
The practice of sustainability needed for social,
environmental and economically sustainable so-
lutions are an important consideration for Indus-
try 4.0 and the need for entrepreneurship to instill
The 4th industrial revolution content in social
learning is also called Industry 4.0 (Morrar et al.,
2017). It is based on technological economical, so-
cietal transformation, rapid change, sustainability and
application of data and artificial intelligence (Bauer
et al., 2015). The increased attention for entrepreneur-
ship as a subject in institutions of higher learning fol-
lowed rapid industrial revolutions and the need to un-
derstand the people behind opportunity identification
O Grada, 2016).
3.2 Student Perceptions of Integration
Entrepreneurship, Sustainable and
Industry 4.0 in Campus
The campus environment is an independent vari-
able influencing student entrepreneurial attitudes and
behaviour. The measurement of campus environ-
ment variables measures the perception of millennial
students towards the implementation of digital en-
trepreneurship leading to sustainable development by
using attitude scale measurement. The campus envi-
ronment variable consists of two indicators, namely
the macro environment and the macro environment.
Macro environment indicators show how coaching is
carried out by the campus or campus activity unit con-
cerned in the process of forming entrepreneurial atti-
tudes and behaviours. Whereas the microenvironment
shows how digital entrepreneurship learning is con-
tinuously carried out by lecturers in classroom learn-
Following are the results of the percentage of
macro environment from some respondents.
Figure 2: Student Perceptions of Macro Environmental In-
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
Based on Figure 2, it can be seen that the de-
scription of the indicators rated the highest by respon-
dents in measuring the dimensions of the macro en-
vironment is the policy support on entrepreneurship
programs on campus with the highest average score
of 51.02%, while the lowest rated is campus support
in providing facilities for entrepreneurship including
business preparation, capital support and business as-
sistance. Rating of these indicators is 10.34%.
While the results of the percentage of micro envi-
ronment from some respondents can be seen as fol-
Figure 3: Student Perceptions of Micro Environmental In-
The Figure 3 above shows that the description of
respondents’ assessment of the dimensions of the mi-
croenvironment. The highest rated indicators of en-
trepreneurship learning carried out to pay attention
toward the current and future material needs with
the highest average score of 77.02%, while the in-
dicators assessed the lowest by respondents are en-
trepreneurial learning carried out creating Business
Plans, mentoring, and monitoring evaluation with an
average score of 62.46%.
Figure 4: Campus Environment Variable Category.
Based on the Figure 4 above, it is worrying that
judging from each forming the campus environment
variable, the dimensions of the micro environment
(69.31%) are considered higher than the macro en-
vironment (30.69%). A description of the overall
campus environment variable can be seen in the over-
all continuum review of the respondents’ assessment
through the calculation process by finding the ideal
score where the highest score multiplied by the num-
ber of items multiplied by the number of respondents.
Obtaining a score based on the results of data process-
ing on the campus environment variable is 16,677 or
70.59% of the ideal score, the score can be described
continuously as follows:
Figure 5: Ideal score.
Based on the Figure 5 of the continuum value of
campus environment variables that the total score for
the variable is 16,677 is in the continuum line with a
very high category.
3.2.1 The Impact of Sustainable
Entrepreneurship 4.0 is a Model towards
Entrepreneurial Attitude and Behavior
Based on the structural model testing results, it can be
stated the results of hypothesis testing.
There is a significant influence of sustain-
able entrepreneurship 4.0 model on student en-
trepreneurial attitudes and behavior”
In testing the hypothesis used a significance level
of 0.05, it is used because the value of C.R. 1.96.
The estimation parameter between the construct of
sustainable entrepreneurship 4.0 models towards en-
trepreneurial attitudes shows positive significant re-
sults with C.R. = 2.443 (1.96), while the p value
of 0.015 (0.05). Thus it can be concluded that hy-
pothesis 1 stating that sustainable entrepreneurship
4.0 models have a significant effect on entrepreneurial
behavior can be accepted. Overall a summary of the
results of hypothesis testing is presented in the fol-
lowing table:
Figure 6: Research Hypothesis Testing Results.
Referring to the results of data analysis and
hypothesis testing shows that the sustainable en-
trepreneurship 4.0 model has a positive effect on stu-
dent entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviour. The
magnitude of the influence of campus environment
variables on entrepreneurial attitudes 18.2% and the
The Impact of Entrepreneurship Sustainability 4.0 on Social Learning towards Students‘ Entrepreneurial Attitude and Behavior
influence of campus environment variables on en-
trepreneurial behaviour by 19%. Thus it was con-
cluded that besides the campus environmental factors
there were other variables influenced entrepreneurial
attitudes and behavior. Sustainable entrepreneurship
4.0 model implemented in the campus environment is
a determining factor for the development of the per-
sonality of students can continue to higher education
or work (Hurlock et al., 1990).
The role of higher education for the formation of stu-
dent entrepreneurial character can be applied through
two strategies namely macro and micro strategies
(Lupiyoadi, 2018). Based on the data of students’
perceptions about the campus environment they feel
in the form of support for entrepreneurship show-
ing that the dimensions of the micro environment
(69.31%) are rated higher than the macro environment
Micro strategy is at the level of learning in the
classroom, especially learning entrepreneurship. En-
trepreneurship learning is 1) learning shaping people
holistically; 2) learning awakening the five senses of
students; 3) experiential learning; 4) reallife learning;
5) life skill based learning shapes entrepreneur’s char-
acter; and 6) Learning entrepreneurship does not only
focus on Business Plan (Siswoyo, 2009).
Macro strategy is at the level of tertiary policy
which is the duty and responsibility to foster the spirit
and character of entrepreneurship through real pro-
grams so that students are expected to become job
creators. Higher education policy includes integrating
learning entrepreneurship into the college curriculum;
developing entrepreneurship centers in tertiary insti-
tutions; and creating a national cultural movement
and entrepreneurship training for students.
The micro environment on campus is the small-
est unit of environment so that the entrepreneurship
habits of the students and lecturers are more involved,
including interactions in learning and other academic
cultures in the classroom. Whereas the macro envi-
ronment of the wider environment unit so that en-
trepreneurial habituation is carried out not only by
students and lecturers but also by the organization
and role of universities involved in the interaction
process. Educational institutions themselves are a
form of small society and are seen as a system of so-
cial organization because it includes goals and val-
ues, structural subsystems, and cultural sub-systems
(Alma, 2009). Therefore, a healthy campus environ-
ment will be able to build a high entrepreneurial cul-
ture. These people have an important role in influenc-
ing and shaping the character of entrepreneurship and
independence of a student.
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia has contributed
in the process of civilizing entrepreneurship for stu-
dents in tertiary institutions. One of the mainstay pro-
grams is the Entrepreneurial Student Program (PMW)
in the form of supporting programs organized by the
Directorate General of Higher Education. The pur-
pose of this program is to improve the skills and
the skills of students especially the sense of busi-
ness so that potential young entrepreneurs will be
reached, grow new entrepreneurs highly educated,
create IPTEKS-based business units, and build busi-
ness networks between business people, especially
new entrepreneurs with established entrepreneurs.
While the benefits expected to be felt by students
are providing opportunities to improve students’ soft
skills by directly being involved in the conditions of
the world of work, providing direct opportunities to
engage in SMEs and honing entrepreneurial spirit, as
well as growing business spirit so that they have the
courage to start a business supported by capital given
and accompanied in an integrated manner.
Based on the results of several studies revealed
that entrepreneurship education has an impact on
attitudes, intentions, and entrepreneurial behavior.
The effects of entrepreneurship education are ob-
tained from learning innovation programs as a form
of involvement in entrepreneurial activities. Sup-
port from the campus in organizing entrepreneur-
ship education is necessary to encourage business
start-up and encourage employability. This sustain-
able entrepreneurship 4.0 model describes an edu-
cational project resulting in a reduction in student
consumption and an increase in their productivity to
promote sustainable lifestyles (Fretschner and Weber,
2013) (Escobar-Tello and Bhamra, 2013) (Jones et al.,
In line with Littunen’s research, H (2015) re-
garding ”entrepreneurship and characteristics of the
entrepreneurial personality” or interpreted as en-
trepreneurial personality characteristics and their im-
pact on changes in entrepreneurial personality rela-
tionships. According to empirical findings, being an
entrepreneur and acting as a good entrepreneur is seen
from the aspect of the entrepreneurial learning pro-
cess, which in turn has an effect on the personality
characteristics of the entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship
pushes to solve problems and control by the strength
of others which has declined since the initial phase.
Changes in entrepreneurial relationships with others
were also observed to have an effect on the person-
ality characteristics of entrepreneurs. Other empir-
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
ical findings also show that some of the number of
partners in cooperation has decreased, control by the
power of others has also decreased, and that, since
the initial phase, entrepreneurs whose personal rela-
tionships have increased also showed a clear increase
in terms of mastery.
Thought theory (McClelland et al., 1961) pro-
posed the concept of Need for Achievement (N-Ach)
interpreted as a personality virus causing a person to
want to do good and move forward, always think to
do better, and have realistic goals by taking the right
risk actions completely calculated. As for the char-
acteristics of those who have high N-Ach are as fol-
lows: (1) Work with realistic risks, (2) Work harder
in tasks that require mental abilities, (3) Not work
more actively due to financial rewards , (4) Want to
work in situations where personal achievement can
be obtained (Personal Achievement), (5) Show better
performance in conditions that provide clear positive
feedback, (6) Tend to think into the future and have
long-term thinking.
This entrepreneurial personality is very necessary
for a student to support his career in the future. Stu-
dents instilled in an entrepreneurial spirit demonstrate
the existence of a successful person as well as con-
tributing to economic development for the nation and
state. If there are many unemployed people, then the
nation feels a setback to advance the country’s econ-
omy. The importance of the world of entrepreneur-
ship is now a big concern for every level of society.
Development will be more successful if it is supported
by entrepreneurs who can open up opportunities and
employment amid limited government capacity.
The contribution of tertiary institutions to shape stu-
dent entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviour can be
implemented through two strategies namely macro
and micro strategies. The micro environment on cam-
pus is the smallest unit of environment so that the en-
trepreneurship habits of the students and lecturers are
more involved, including interactions in learning and
other academic cultures in the classroom. Whereas
the macro environment of the wider environment unit
so that entrepreneurial habituation is carried out not
only by students and lecturers but also by the organi-
zation and role of universities involved in the interac-
tion process. Based on the data of students’ percep-
tions of the campus environment that they feel in the
form of support for entrepreneurship showing that the
dimensions of the micro environment are rated higher
than the macro environment. This sustainable en-
trepreneurship 4.0 model is a micro strategy describ-
ing an educational project resulting in a reduction in
student consumption and an increase in their produc-
tivity to promote sustainable lifestyles. The model of
entrepreneurship sustainability 4.0 on social learning
has a positive effect on entrepreneurial attitudes of
18.2% and entrepreneurial behavior of 19%. There-
fore, this model is feasible to be implemented in fac-
ing future needs. Thus, the model of entrepreneur-
ship sustainability 4.0 responds challenges by nov-
elty learning about trends and changes. It gives new
views about future economic opportunities and future
The research is a grant from Universitas Pendidikan
Indonesia and Department of Social Studies, Faculty
of Social Sciences Education through the scheme of
innovation and teaching of Indonesia research. The
author would like to express sincere appreciation for
all support provided.
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CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology