Performance Analysis of AMQP Protocol for Patient Health Data in IoT
Dickri Gumelar
, Andrian Rakhmatsyah
and Rahmat Yasirandi
School of Computing, Telkom University, Telekomunikasi Street No.1, Bandung, Indonnesia
Classification, Health Data, Publisher, Subscriber, Protocol.
Data classification is broadly defined as the process of organizing data based on relevant categories so that it
can be used and protected more efficiently. Classification of data divided into several classes, one of which
is health data, which needs are essential for data exchange because health data has confidentiality and a large
amount for transfer. Electrocardiogram (ECG) requires timeliness in exchanging data. Currently, the MQTT
Protocol is the most commonly implemented protocol in the IoT area, due to the compatibility of MQTT
with lightweight data to run on it. As for health data, it is far from light data classification. There should be
more resilient protocols for use in large scale data or continuous data. In this study, a comparison between
MQTT and other protocols to process health data has conducted. AMQP is an open-source protocol that
provides features suitable for the high requirements for exchanging data on ECG data. This study describes the
performance between the MQTT protocol and AMQP protocol that is principled in the publisher-subscriber,
by comparing the time delay and throughput to measure the data transmission in real-time. This results in
the AMQP protocol delay is less than 1 second per transfer, and the throughput gets an average output of
15209265.86 Bit per second for ten attempts, while the MQTT protocol gets 46 seconds per transfer and
throughput gets an average output of 17592975.29 Bit per second. Proving that in the case of health data with
ECG data as the dataset used, another protocol besides MQTT, which is the AMQP protocol is better in terms
of exchanging data in large and continuous capacity.
There have been many studies using the protocol with
the principle of publisher and subscriber. A proto-
col is a set of rules and guidelines for communication
between data in every step and process of communi-
cation to successfully exchanging various messages.
The use of protocols does not have a clear standard.
However, if one chooses, it will have a significant in-
fluence on the exchange of data that occurs, and if the
use of the protocol is not following the requirements
will result in fatal events in the ongoing exchange of
data. One of the most popular protocols is the MQTT
protocol. MQTT is commonly used for data exchange
in the world; almost all sectors use it, such as industry,
security, business (Kodali and Gorantla, 2017)(Per-
rone et al., 2017) (van der Westhuizen and Hancke,
2018)(Pereira et al., 2019)(Imane et al., 2018) and
health data is no exception (Sarierao and Prakasarao,
2018)(Terry and Francis, 2007).
Health data is essential because it requires contin-
uous reliability, safety, and availability in the aspect of
data queue for a medical recap because the exchange
of data in health requires proper treatment for suc-
cessful treatment (Das and Ari, 2014).
Not all health data have lightweight data exchange
to be sent at one time; there are also large and busy
data; for example, an electrocardiogram (ECG). An
ECG is a recording of the electrical activity of the
heart, which provides essential information about the
condition of the heart. ECG heartbeat detection is
needed to diagnose heart disease in the early stages
(Naik, 2017). ECG has extensive data and real-time.
Therefore, this study will compare communication
protocols other than MQTT. The MQTT protocol is
one of a machine to machine communications that is
not suitable if it uses in real-time in large amounts of
data. Because in the MQTT Protocol, there are de-
ficiencies in terms of data transfer capacity. AMQP
is an open-source protocol that provides features suit-
able for high requirements. The use of appropriate
protocols is one of the crucial things in the case stud-
ies raised (Jaikar and Iyer, 2018). AMQP has suc-
ceeded in becoming a superior communication pro-
tocol in the banking sector. The banking sector re-
quires excellent communication for high-size activi-
Gumelar, D., Rakhmatsyah, A. and Yasirandi, R.
Performance Analysis of AMQP Protocol for Patient Health Data in IoT Case.
DOI: 10.5220/0009907001430150
In Proceedings of the International Conferences on Information System and Technology (CONRIST 2019), pages 143-150
ISBN: 978-989-758-453-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ties with essential and sensitive data (Anusha et al.,
2017). The similarities of the health sector, making
AMQP a feasible protocol to be the proposed proto-
col and compared with MQTT. Therefore, the AMQP
Protocol has a vital role in the reliability, security pro-
vision, and high level of data interoperability.
2.1 Comparison of AMQP with Similar
Protocol able to run according to the needs that exist
in the exchange of data on the IoT (Lee et al., 2018).
but this is only simulated using architecture without
any significant results through research. Furthermore,
research on a comparison of existing protocols, such
as MQTT, CoAP, AMQP, and XMPP, shown signif-
icant results and can be a reference for its develop-
ment. Architectural designs built for small scalabil-
ity using MQTT will be reviewed for extensive and
valuable security of data using the AMQP protocol
(Yi et al., 2016) in need for information transfer over
low bandwidth networks that cannot be relied upon
for monitoring. Different requirements make proto-
col performance produce different comparison results
(Pohl et al., 2018). An enormous need appears to inte-
grate the device with an external data source for data
utilization, and assessment collected effectively to get
the best performance out of the requirements (Chaud-
hary et al., 2017).
2.2 ECG (Electrocardiogram)
The development of the medical world cannot be sep-
arated from technological advancements as a tool for
doctors to analyze the function of human organs. In
analyzing the function of human organs, doctors still
read the results of numbers or graphs from assistive
devices. One of the numbers and figures that doc-
tors analyze is the result of an electrocardiogram. An
electrocardiogram is a test of human heart function.
Electrocardiogram functions to record the electrical
activity of the heartbeat.
To some extent, the Electrocardiogram will also
identify if there is abnormal blood flow. Currently, the
doctor is analyzing the results of electrocardiogram
records manually. After investigating, the doctor can
determine the state of heart function in humans. The
activity of exchanging data on an electrocardiogram
requires real-time. So, this problem is appealing to
be researched. Electrocardiogram recorded data can
turn into training data that can be processed comput-
erized so that a significant data exchange can be seen
for large data sizes.
2.3 MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry
Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is a
lightweight messaging protocol at the application
layer that is suitable for IoT and also machine to ma-
chine. It has a 2-byte header size, that is why it is
has a very small overhead. MQTT (Kim et al., 2015)
follows asymmetrical architecture. MQTT is good for
small data exchanges in the IoT world; its role in mon-
itoring systems in health data is crucial. MQTT server
can be considered as the broker and MQTT clients as
the publisher and subscriber. A broker is a reposi-
tory of topics published by publishers, and customers
subscribe to this topic that has been posted by bro-
kers. There are most brief sessions between the client
server defining the connection of the client and the
server. Yet logically attached to the subject of interest
in the case of a subscription. The user will exchange
messages with this subject when a client subscribes
to an exciting topic. Using this protocol is useful in
situations where small messages requiring less band-
width are exchanged. In small data exchange cases,
MQTT can be the right choice.
2.4 AMQP (Advanced Message
Queueing Protocol)
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (AMQP) is
[laced at the application layer for protocol-oriented
middleware services in applying the IoT concept
(Hong et al., 2018). AMQP protocol designed to
allow interoperability between different applications
and systems. This AMQP interoperability feature is
vital because it provides various platforms to imple-
ment. AMQP works using the publish-subscribe con-
cept, devices that perform the Publish process are
called Producers, the Subscribe Process are called
Consumer. Producer and Consumer-based AMQP
with a Server that includes Exchange and Queue mes-
sages as a bridge between Producers and Consumers.
The producer gave the message to consumers in the
form of a topic. Producers can distribute which top-
ics will be sent to Consumers on the Server. In this
study, it will be explained that the performance of the
AMQP protocol will be better in the health data case
study because of the large data requirements, com-
pared to other similar Protocols, which will lead to
lower performance.
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
3.1 System Planning
The design mechanism for the data queue implemen-
tation in sensing nodes consists of hardware, soft-
ware, and brainware. An explanation of the design
of the system mechanism can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1: System Mechanism Design.
3.2 Network Architecture
Figure 2: concept exchange Message of AMQP Server.
Figure 3: concept exchange Message of MQTT Server.
In the architecture that has been made using two
different protocols, namely the AMQP and MQTT
Protocol, in testing the protocol will use encrypted
ECG data in Excel, the dataset used in this study con-
sists of 11361 ECG data with 202 attributes. These
attributes are used by the publisher to send data to the
server, and the server will receive it as a topic. The
subscriber will request the data that has been sent by
the publisher in the messaging protocol. The perfor-
mance will appear in the server that aims to test the
performance of each protocol.
Figure 4: Basic step Manufacture AMQP Server.
In the basic steps of making AMQP server, the
initial setup of the server used in the AMQP proto-
col uses RabbitMQ, which aims to connect between
client and server, the initial installation of RabbitMQ
has provided the administrator with a username and
password in the form of ”guest” for server access to
be able to see the data exchange performance that oc-
curred. The initial stage of making client access to
the server is the administrator to create a channel so
that the client gets a username and password, then the
channel will set the connection permissions so that
the client username can access the server created, then
the channel will set the virtual host user to connect to
Performance Analysis of AMQP Protocol for Patient Health Data in IoT Case
the server, then the user will create an exchange fea-
ture that is contained in rabbitMQ with virtual host
permissions that have been made before, finally at
this stage create a Queue feature to manage each data
queue that enters the server by connecting Exchange
as a queue regulator if the Queue capacity is Full.
Figure 5: Activity diagram Client Producer AMQP.
In the client producer activity diagram in Figure
5 the first step is to prepare an Excel file electrocar-
diogram (ECG) data that has been encrypted with a
string length in the cell, then the client producer will
read each cell with every row sent with different data
types according to size, then each row of the data is
encoded to release the initial delivery performance.
After all the data that has been sent to the server, the
process is complete and the producer will send a noti-
fication that the file has been sent. The client producer
will always run as long as the process is not stopped
(Loo ping Forever).
Figure 6: Activity diagram Server AMQP
In the initial stages of the AMQP Server activity
diagram in Figure 6, the server receives data in the
form of each row in excel sent by the client producer,
the data received will be processed and entered into a
broker that has been given access by the administra-
tor, then the server will start reading data that has been
sent by client producer and output performance data
transfer performed by the client, then the server dis-
tributes the data that has been read to be entered into
the Queue which is managed by the exchange feature
and sent to the client consumer who requests the data
with the same username access.
Figure 7: Activity diagram Client Consumer AMQP.
In the initial stages of the activity diagram in Fig-
ure 7 for the AMQP consumer client, the client will
request data to the server from the same username
given by the administrator, then the server will send
the data requested by the consumer client, the server
will send each excel Row, then the Client consumer
will receive it to be decoded so that can create a new
file for the results of the receipt that has been done,
if the receipt has been completed, then the client con-
sume will give a notification ”Receive file” on the run-
ning system, but the consumer client that is created al-
ways runs as long as the process is not stopped (Loop-
ing Forever). Based on the sequences diagram above,
the first step is to prepare the server for the initial step
to see the exchange of data associated with Wireshark,
then the user will send ECG data that has been previ-
ously encrypted in the form of Excel. Producer will
read the file with the length of the row that will be
sent to the server and will delivery performance ap-
pears from the producer to the server on Wireshark,
the consumer will send a request to the server to get
the ECG data that has been sent by the Producer, the
request will issue a performance result on the Wire-
shark because the ECG data is sent to the Consumer,
this process will run continuously because it will an-
alyze real-time protocol performance
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
Figure 8: Sequences Diagram.
3.3 Testing
In this study, the test was conducted to see the robust-
ness of the protocol of data exchange that took place
in real-time by testing delay and throughput as the
most critical aspects of the exchange that occurred.
3.3.1 Delay Testing
Testing is done to get the time needed from pub-
lisher to subscriber. In this context, the source is pub-
lisher, whose destination is subscriber, from publisher
to server, then server to subscriber. In sending data, it
will take time to travel from the source to a specific
destination to get the ECG Data delay performance
that arrives.
3.3.2 Throughput Testing
This test is carried out to see the actual data sent per
unit time, the realistic speed of a network, which will
be carried out from publisher to subscriber in send-
ing ECG data that is done continuously. The sending
will be done to show the results to compare the two
4.1 Result
Justification in research is using extensive data be-
cause the research that has conducted is using small
data. In the form of a string length and the results of
the test do not show a significant difference from the
comparison of protocols carried out, therefore in this
study using extensive data. The implementation uses
encrypted ECG data in excel form with the protocol
used is the AMQP protocol and the MQTT protocol,
using the same data exchange concept with the pub-
lisher as the sender and the subscriber as the recipient.
The test is carried out ten times with one time testing
10 ECG data transfers continuously and will be an-
alyzed to see the results of the performance between
4.2 Result of Publisher Subscriber
Packet1 = (timearrived timesend) (1)
Experiment1 =
Packet1 + Packet2 + .. + Packet10
AverageDelay =
Experiment1 + .. + Experiment10
Figure 9: Average Delay MQTT.
AverageDelay/packet =
Amounto f packet
In the tests carried out on the MQTT Proto-
col(Figure 10), the output of the delay results from
publisher to subscriber shows the following results.
In tests conducted on the AMQP protocol(Figure 11),
the output of the delay conducted from producer to
consumer shows the following results.
Performance Analysis of AMQP Protocol for Patient Health Data in IoT Case
Figure 10: Average Delay per Packet MQTT.
Figure 11: Average Delay AMQP.
4.3 Comparison of MQTT Protocol
Delays and AMQP Protocol Delays
averagedelay = averagedelayx10000000 (5)
From the tests conducted and the results of the di-
agram that came out(Figure 12), the average of delay
MQTT shows 42.0727 seconds for each time the pub-
lisher sends a file to the subscriber. In contrast, the
AMQP Protocol shows the average of each producer
sending the file to the consumer; it only takes 0.3105
seconds. It shows that the availability of data directly
and continuously AMQP is far superior compared to
MQTT. Because at large enough data size, MQTT is
not able to accommodate the queues that are carried
out continuously by the publisher, whereas AMQP
can accommodate every shipment made by the pro-
4.4 Throughput Test Results
Throughput is a measure of how many units of in-
formation a system can process in a given amount of
time and usually represented as an average and mea-
sured in bits per second (bps). The testing is done 10
times file transfer for 1-time testing, and the results
are taken from the publisher to the subscriber, testing
is done 10 times with a total number of file transfers
100, here are the results of each test:
Figure 12: Average Delay per Packet AMQP.
Figure 13: Average Time Each Packages.
AverageBps = (
)x8bit (6)
Figure 14: Throughput MQTT.
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
Figure 15: Throughput AMQP.
In the table above, the MQTT throughput has
the last average of 10 trials with an average number
of packets 891,331,927.2 Bytes and an average time
span of 208.0996 resulting in an average Bytes / s of
17,592,975.29 or 16.1 Mbit / s. While in AMQP, the
throughput obtained with 208.0996 with the last aver-
age of 14.7 Mbit / s and the average number of packets
of 895,075,801.2 Bytes and Time span of 479.0202.
From the results, there were differences in the aver-
age packet of 3,743,874 Bytes with the AMQP proto-
col sending more packets, but the average shows that
AMQP is smaller issuing throughput.
From this research, it can be concluded that for a big-
ger capacity and continuous availability, AMQP pro-
tocol is better in terms of exchanging data than the
MQTT protocol. The results have been obtained by
showing the time delay and throughput to measure
the data transmission in real-time. Obtain accuracy
when sending health data, with the output that the
AMQP protocol delay that comes out is less than 1
second per shipment while the MQTT protocol gets
46 seconds for each delivery. For the throughput test-
ing, the AMQP protocol gets an average output of
15209265.86 Bit per second for ten attempts, while
the MQTT protocol gets 17592975.29 Bit per sec-
ond. The outputs on testing health data using similar
protocols with AMQP protocol results better than the
MQTT protocol; the availability of the AMQP proto-
col is better for sending extensive data. This research
could speed up the data running process, so there will
be no data fallacy or data lose. It can be concluded
from the initial problem that the AMQP protocol an-
swers to data exchange on health data because it has
various needs, and it is done continuously. The de-
velopment of advanced research that can be done is
more massive data in the security and availability as-
pects, and many implementations can be done in other
sectors to see a better performance other than AMQP
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CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology