A Proposed Model of Secure Academic Transcript Records with
Blockchain Technology in Higher Education
, Yakob Utama Chandra
, Cadelina Cassandra
, Surjandy
, Erick Fernando
, Henry
Antonius Eka Widjaja
and Harjanto Prabowo
Information Systems Department, School of Information Systems, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Computer Science Department, BINUS Graduate Program Doctor of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara, University,
academic transcript records, blockchain, model, higher education.
The higher education institution today is a concern to become an institution that gives birth to people who can
compete in the current era. Stakeholders at the higher education institution will see how the data produced
by graduates can be trusted and no data manipulation takes place at the higher education institution. Based
on this problem, this article explains how higher education institutions use blockchain technology that is able
to maintain data security and prevent data manipulation, especially in academic transcript files. Academic
transcript records become an output from students after completing a semester or level of education at the
higher education institution. In general, academic transcript records are used when students complete a study
at a higher education institution as a document requirement for access to the company where they work.
Thus academic transcript reports become important for companies to find out if this student is competent in
a certain area. In this case, accurate and valid data is certainly needed and the truth can be trusted. This
qualitative research contributes to the higher education institution through a proposed blockchain technology
model, especially in academic transcript records, so that the results of the proposed model ensure that data
manipulation does not occur in data in academic transcript records. The results of this model will be used
as design material for application design, so that the blockchain platform can be used in higher education
institutions, especially when publishing valid academic transcript records that can be trusted with the data.
Higher education institutions around the world have
similar or even similar processes for value chains in
higher education, namely accepting future students,
providing knowledge to students, giving experiences
in higher education, examining feedback on what stu-
dents learn, asking students to work on the final level
thesis then test the thesis until it has passed higher ed-
ucation. This is a common thing, always the value
chain of a higher education everywhere. Long ago,
before the existence of technology, the value chain
was executed manually without the help of technol-
ogy. So, there are many human errors. Such as, for
example, including the wrong student until a lot of
cheating takes place in the business process of higher
education (Kooli, 2019).
With the development of time, especially in the
last decade, higher education in today’s world needs
smarter technology and safer security options. The
goal is to create secure data security when implement-
ing business processes and value chains that are lo-
cated at the higher education institution. With tech-
nology and security evolving, it is possible for higher
education institutions to have a value chain linked
to complementary technology in creating secure data
storage (Ivanovi
c et al., 2018).
Security technology is indeed a major concern in
data, so no data can be manipulated, and real data in-
tegrity can be trusted. Developments in digital tech-
nology in the education world are also increasing to
support business education at every higher education
institution. For example, stakeholders who play a
role in the higher education institution have access to
data in the database and it is of course quite possible
that human errors can lead to data changes or inten-
tional or unintended data manipulation. The data in
the higher education institution is not small but con-
tains thousands and millions of data. With these con-
ditions the higher education institution should think
Meyliana, ., Chandra, Y., Cassandra, C., Surjandy, ., Fernando, E., Widjaja, H. and Prabowo, H.
A Proposed Model of Secure Academic Transcript Records with Blockchain Technology in Higher Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0009907401720177
In Proceedings of the International Conferences on Information System and Technology (CONRIST 2019), pages 172-177
ISBN: 978-989-758-453-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of more modern technology to prevent data manipu-
lation (Palma et al., 2019).
Data manipulation and data fraud can occur due
to the existence of irresponsible users or due to inten-
tional changes to the data by the user. This will there-
fore be harmful to some or all stakeholders. Higher
education institutions must maintain data integrity
that is further enhanced by the existence of technol-
ogy that continues to evolve and is modern. Every-
one’s confidence in the higher education institution is
therefore maintained and even improves the relation-
ship of trust between stakeholders in the higher edu-
cation institution (Meyliana et al., ).
In this era, blockchain is one of the data in-
tegrity solutions and data manipulation solutions.
Blockchain is a technology used as a concept in dis-
tributed ledgers, where it can be validated by con-
sensus and the presence of cryptographic algorithms.
The concept that Satoshi Nakamoto built in 2008
was the use of Bitcoin (Nakamoto et al., 2008), and
its development continued until the smart contract
Nick Szabo discovered at the time when implement-
ing blockchain technology in the industry (Singh and
Singh, 2016)(Ahram et al., 2017).
Higher education institutions make it possible to
use blockchain technology as a reliable technology to
ensure data integrity and to prevent data manipulation
in the business process and the value chain of higher
education students’ learning processes. With the de-
velopment of the learning process continuing to grow,
this is imperative to ensure stakeholder satisfaction
and to provide smooth workflow data from the mo-
ment potential students enroll at the higher education
institution until the student is declared to be gradu-
ated from the higher education institution. (Meyliana
et al., ).
The qualitative research is focused on proposed
models in the learning process of students with the use
of blockchain technology in higher education to pub-
lish academic transcript records with valid and safe
publications. With this model it may be easier to de-
velop blockchain technology because of the existence
of this model to guarantee data in academic transcript
files in accordance with the original reality and data
integrity. The discussion about this model is that the
value chain can be used in higher education, espe-
cially in the learning process of a person named as
a student, until the student has passed the higher edu-
2.1 Academic Transcript Records
Data that can give everyone information about
courses that have been followed and numbers about
students are included in academic transcript records.
With this data we can also see the extent of the stu-
dent’s performance in each semester, for example if
you want to know how much the GPA score or the
value of a course the student has taken (Owolabi et al.,
When students study at a higher education insti-
tution, parents of students can see the achievement of
results through academic transcript reports provided
or student parents request student services. In addi-
tion to the time during the study period, students af-
ter graduation, the company / industry party also sees
student performance while the student is in the higher
education institution (Itoh et al., 2013).
2.2 Blockchain in Education Sector
Blockchain in the education sector is indeed not
discussed much. But given the advantages of the
blockchain and also the needs at the university,
blockchain is very likely applied. As with other
sectors, the education sector also has many valida-
tion phases, verifications and transactions must be
recorded correctly. If done correctly, stakeholders
related to the data can directly access and validate
without having to confirm repeatedly. Research con-
ducted by (Turkanovi
c et al., 2018) attempted to build
a blockchain platform for recording transactions in
higher education based on the concept of the Eu-
ropean Credit Transfer and Accumulation System.
This technology offers a decentralized system, lec-
ture credit and a process of recording values that
stakeholders with data interests see such as compa-
nies, institutions and other organizations. All pro-
cesses that are carried out in the blockchain are stored
securely from the student’s registration (Turkanovi
et al., 2018).
Transactions that can take place in a blockchain
to tertiary institutions such as financial transactions,
learning processes, education, book loans, assess-
ments, certification, etc. can be implemented (Grech
and Camilleri, 2017). As also done by Bdiwi, Runz,
Faiz and Cherif who tried to connect the process in
educational activities in the Ubiquitous Learning en-
vironment (Bdiwi et al., 2017).
A Proposed Model of Secure Academic Transcript Records with Blockchain Technology in Higher Education
2.3 Data Security in Blockchain
Data security on the blockchain uses the crypto-
graphic method that is split into two keys, namely
Public Key and Private Key. Both keys are used when
the transaction takes place. The use of the public key
in a block requires consensus between all interested
parties (between nodes) so that the proof of work / ev-
idence of interest in the block can produce. This con-
cept ensures that the data has multiple security layers,
making it difficult for the intruder (attacker) to mod-
ify the data. While the use of the private key aims to
secure the identity of the user (Li et al., 2017).
Figure 1 shows that the process starts after the student
is registered as a registered student and has a student
ID that is always linked to the student as the student’s
unique identity in a higher education institution. With
the existence of the student ID, the student can regis-
ter according to faculty attended by the student. Stu-
dents will register / register in the faculty department
every semester. In this condition too, the faculty de-
partment will always create and maintain the curricu-
lum every few years to ensure that the curriculum is
updated in accordance with the needs of the stake-
holders of higher education institutions.
After registration, students give lectures with
teachers in the classroom and / or laboratory. During
the lecture process, students also have access to learn-
ing resources (Learning Management System, course
material, libraries, etc.). Students will take the interim
and end of the semester exams. The exam results
are then corrected by the teacher and the grades are
entered in the academic system. Assessment results
are used to evaluate and evaluate student performance
next semester registration. If there are students who
perform less than required, students receive guidance
and repeat the course. However, if students fail in
each semester, the faculty will recommend trying to
relocate or resign. If the evaluation produces good
results, the student continues with the next semester
and repeats the process until the student is eligible for
a thesis course.
Figure 1: Value Chain of Student Learning.
This research gives the result that there is a proposed
model of blockchain that can be used for academic
transcript reports from students in higher education.
To explain these results, this section is divided into 2
(two) sections, namely the first with regard to activity
diagrams with the existence of blockchain technol-
ogy, the technological basis of the higher education
institution. And the second is about the blockchain
technology design model at the higher education in-
4.1 A Proposed Activity Diagram with
In Figure 2 is an activity diagram with the blockchain
technology platform below. There are 8 users and 1
blockchain platform in the business process. Users
who are main users are (1) students in the learn-
ing process of the higher education institution. Be-
cause with the presence of students, the process can
proceed according to the procedures followed by the
higher education institution. (2) Student registration
and planning unit is the user who makes the class
schedule and exam schedule. (3) Teachers and (4) As-
sistants are users who become facilitators in teaching
and teaching students. Teachers and assistants have
lesson activities organized by the student registration
and planning unit.
(5) Academic operation unit is a user who main-
tains operational learning conditions according to the
schedule determined in the Student Registration and
Planning Unit section. With these users, users vali-
date the presence of students and exam activities in
general. (6) Users of laboratory units are focused on
planning assistants for teaching in the laboratory.
In addition, they also ask exam questions regard-
ing laboratory activities. (7) Student Advisory Unit is
a user who helps students to maintain the emotional
state of students. If a student encounters an obstacle
or problem, the student can consult with these users
to find a solution to any problems related to educa-
tion and learning at the higher education institution.
In addition, this user wants to evaluate every learning
activity performed by students. (8) Faculty depart-
ment is the user who validates the activities performed
by teachers and students. With this validation, every
condition made by students can still be followed and
become feedback for faculty departments.
Figure 2 shows the process explanation as fol-
lows, starting with the student registration and plan-
ning unit, which makes a schedule for teaching and
learning. After completing the planning, the student
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
registration and planning unit sends the set schedule
to the laboratory unit and faculty for verification. The
laboratory unit and faculty department then inform
the student registration and planning unit of the ap-
proval. The results of the planning are then given
to assistants and teachers to perform educational and
learning activities.
Until the indicated date, the teacher and assistant
teach and practice in the classroom or laboratory. In
the meantime, the student registration and planning
unit plan the exam. The exam timetable made is
given to the faculty department to validate the exam
timetable. After validation, the student registration
and planning unit will complete the exam schedule.
The timetable examination is then communicated to
the teacher, assistant and laboratory unit.
At the same time, the faculty department also car-
ried out an assignment for the teacher to make an
exam question. So after getting the appointment, the
teacher and assistants ask exam questions about the-
ory and practice in the laboratory. When the exam
work has been completed by the teacher and the as-
sistant, the Academic Operation Unit performs dou-
ble exam questions when the time is reached for the
exam to take place. When the exam time arrives, the
student takes the exam and is set to take the exam by
the academic operation unit as in the case of the su-
pervisor and the student’s attendance form. The atten-
dance form signed by the student is validated by the
Academic Operation Unit and Laboratory Unit.
After the answers to the student’s examination
have been collected, the answers to the student’s ex-
amination are given to teachers and assistants to be
assessed. After teachers and assistants have assessed
and entered the grades in the academic system, this
is the important point that the values of the teacher
and the assistant are validated by the faculty depart-
ment and the results of the validation are recorded in
the blockchain system. At this stage, therefore, the
blockchain registers the value of each student in the
student ID created at the start of the student in the
higher education institution.
After the faculty department has validated the stu-
dent research score, the academic operation unit pub-
lishes a score for the student to view the student’s
results. Every semester, the Student Advisory Unit
evaluates every student and appeals to students whose
grades are not satisfactory. If there is anything to be
discussed with the student after the evaluation, the
Student Advisory Unit discusses with the student for
better performance in the next semester.
At this stage, the results of evaluations performed
by the Student Advisory Unit are stored in the
blockchain system, so that recording this history is
correct in accordance with conducting interviews or
evaluating students. If after an analysis of academic
study results in the semester and is lower than the
norm, it is advisable to leave the higher education in-
stitution. However, if it does not meet the standards,
the student can proceed to the next semester.
Figure 2: Activity Diagram of Academic Transcript
It can therefore be concluded that after the fac-
ulty department has validated the final score, the
blockchain platform also registers the final score. And
finally, when the Student Advisory Unit completes the
evaluation of the student’s academic study results, the
results of the student’s analysis are also recorded on
the blockchain platform. Thus blockchain technology
in learning activities of students of business processes
can guarantee data security and produce data integrity
that can be maintained.
Because the nature of the Blockchain is to validate
data, to provide accurate, integrated and irreversible
information, the stored data cannot be changed. Be-
cause blockchain technology has formulas that can be
used to ensure that the learning process can always
be executed in accordance with the available time, the
blockchain cannot repeat the last time. This makes
data security safer. Blockchain also works accord-
ing to the time series that cannot be returned, so that
posted data cannot be deleted or changed again. If
you want to change it again, you will see an update
date for the data. This keeps the data valid.
A Proposed Model of Secure Academic Transcript Records with Blockchain Technology in Higher Education
4.2 A Proposed Model of Blockchain for
Release an Academic Transcript
In the following section you will find a description of
the model of blockchain in Release a Diploma Cer-
tification. The model that will be discussed is the
model related to Section A of the Activity Diagram
with Blockchain Platform and focuses in this section
on the blockchain platform model. In this case, the
process is related to the input and output of each pro-
cess in the blockchain platform.
Figure 3: A Proposed Model of Blockchain Platform for
Issued a Secure Academic Transcript Records
Through section A described, in Figure 3, entities
are involved in the Blockchain platform, namely:
Faculty department, the actions performed on this
entity are validation of the learning schedule, val-
idate the exam schedule, assign the teacher to cre-
ate exam questions, validate the final score and
analyze the academic study results. The most im-
portant action to introduce the blockchain system
is to validate the final score.
Student registration and planning unit, the ac-
tions that are carried out on this entity are: cre-
ating, teaching and learning timetable, complet-
ing the teaching timetable, making the exami-
nation timetable and completing the examination
timetable. No actions are taken in this entity to
include in the blockchain system, but the actions
performed on this entity affect the validity of the
Student Advisory Unit, the action being taken to
evaluate these academic results of students. Only
1 action is performed, but this action is stored in
the blockchain system because the results of the
analysis of the evaluation are stored as valid data.
Academic operation unit, the action that this en-
tity takes is to ensure that the exam process of
students runs smoothly by asking duplicate exam
questions, validating the presence of students and
exam activities and publishing the final score on
the learning system. The action taken is indeed
not included in the blockchain system, but the ac-
tions carried out on this entity have an impact to
ensure that all research processes run smoothly.
Students, teachers, laboratory units and assistants
are entities that become the driving role so that
this process follows the procedure, precisely in the
teaching and learning process of the higher edu-
cation institution. Students listen to lectures and
teachers offer knowledge to students, including
giving grades to students. The role for teachers
is also the same for assistants. Laboratory unit is
a unit that plays an important role if, during learn-
ing, there is a practice that students must experi-
ence in the laboratory. This 4 (four) entity has no
direct access to the blockchain system, but this en-
tity is very influential in the education and learn-
ing process at higher education institutions and so
the actions taken have an impact on data storage,
especially for academic transcript files.
From this study it can be concluded that with the
blockchain technology that can prevent data from be-
ing changed after the data has been entered into the
blockchain system, the data becomes valid and more
convincing to prevent changes in a higher education
Academic transcript records become an important
requirement for all stakeholders in every higher ed-
ucation institution. It is necessary to use technology
that cannot change data entered by parties from the
higher education institution. With the blockchain it
can ensure that the data is safe and reliable to prevent
data manipulation.
For example, the higher education institution can
offer certainty that the data recorded in the blockchain
system are valid data in accordance with the origi-
nal. A proposed model implemented in this docu-
ment aims to contribute today to the world of edu-
cation that the quality of academic transcript files is
really needed by stakeholders of higher education in-
stitutions and this is a very important need for data
security to prevent data manipulation. to prevent .
This study is supported by the Directorate General of
Strengthening for Research and Development, Min-
istry of Research, Technology, and Higher Educa-
tion, Republic of Indonesia as a part of Penelitian
Terapan Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi Research Grant
to Bina Nusantara University entitled “Implementasi
Blockchain Platform untuk Menciptakan “Good Gov-
ernance” pada Perguruan Tinggi” or “The Implemen-
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
tation of Blockchain Platform to Create “Good Gov-
ernance” in Higher Education” with contract num-
ber: 12/AKM/PNT/2019 and contract date: 27 March
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A Proposed Model of Secure Academic Transcript Records with Blockchain Technology in Higher Education