tion and data processing. And in the end the system
can be smart to answer each question or request infor-
mation with accurate data in real time. The commu-
nication media used utilize the network provided by
the network providers in the area, so as to reduce the
investment costs of the implementation of this model.
The use of cloud computing technology and big ana-
lytic data is needed especially in the data storage and
In detail, to clarify the model proposed, figure 6
illustrates the use case of the main functions that ex-
ist in the proposed smart transportation model. The
first activity is carried out by the system admin who
fills out the initial data in the form of: Daily route
transportation, route tracking, position tracking, sta-
tus checking. Notifications will be sent automatically
when data changes occur. Passenger and driver can
request information such as transportation tracking,
status trip updates, daily route and vehicle condition
information especially for drivers. Every incoming
data is processed by the system, so that if a danger-
ous condition occurs, it can be avoided, because the
system has given a warning / notification first.
Figure 6: Use Case of Smart Transportation Function
According to the development of the Smart City con-
cept that is increasing, transportation problems are
also become a special concern. Based on the re-
sults of data analysis from 200 respondents, using the
IT Balance Scored Card and Importance and Perfor-
mance Analysis matrix approaches it is known that
there are three major problems that need to be ad-
dressed immediately, namely: Deliver Value; Manage
operational service performance; Deliver successful
IT projects. If this problem can be handled prop-
erly, then the problems in other quadrants can also
increase. The purposed smart transportation model,
as a form of improvement in quadrant one, has been
adjusted to the availability of infrastructure and avail-
ability of facilities in the city of Jakarta. With limited
coverage in this study specializing in public trans-
portation facilities in the city of Jakarta, further re-
search can be done by adding data from private trans-
portation modes and other types of vehicles, as well
as adding data from other cities. Application devel-
opment from this model can also be used as further
research, so that it can be directly useful to reduce the
number of accidents.
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