This ABC system recognizes that a business must
understand the factors that drive an activity (activity),
the costs incurred by the activity, and how those ac-
tivities are linked to the cost object. First, ABC will
place costs on activities that have actually resulted in
these costs. After that, the costs of activities are only
charged to products that do require the activity (SAP,
Figure 2: Activity Based Costing in the SAP system.
From the picture above, calculating ActivityBased
Costing (ABC) can increase the cost of costing prod-
ucts. Resource center costs can be allocated to busi-
ness processes based on the provision of actual activ-
ities (SAP, 2001).
By including ABC in profitability analysis, it
makes a more realistic view of your income position.
The main goal is not only to improve individual pro-
cesses, but also to improve the entire process chain.
Other objectives of ABC include shortening waiting
time and improving quality (SAP, 2001).
At Figure 2, we can see some processes, products,
product families, customer, and distribution channel.
They all connect to cycle and Activity-Based Costing
is inside CO-OM-ABC, CO-PC, and CO-PA.
2.4 Company Code and Chart of
A chart of account is a list of accounts used by compa-
nies (Projects, 2019). There are three types of account
charts: Account operations charts, country specific
account charts, group account charts. The Chart of
Account that deals with and posts all regular business
transaction processes is an Operational Chart. The re-
maining account charts are used for different business
scenarios. At the request of the client, we can specify
another account chart (Projects, 2019).
The definition of a company code is the smallest
independent organizational unit that has its own ac-
counting book and is obliged to prepare legitimate in-
dividual financial statements, such as balance sheets
and income statements. The definition of the com-
pany code is mandatory (Portal, 2017).
2.5 Cost Center
Cost center is a location where the cost adds up in or-
ganisation indirectly adds to profit. Typical examples
include marketing, customer service, research and de-
velopment .
Cost centers are responsibility for all areas costs
within organization and used to capture actual costs
of an organization (“What is a Cost Center in SAP —
How to Create Cost Centers in SAP,” 2018).
2.6 Cost Element
The cost element is a carrier of costs associated with
collecting costs and summarizing costs in controlling
and posting to the reconciliation ledgers of financial
accounting to control from one controller object to an-
other (Projects, 2019). Cost accounting elements are
useful for posting across companies, in all areas of
business posting to financial accounting when com-
panies follow the concept of crosscompany cost ac-
counting codes. There are two types of Cost Element,
Primary and Secondary Cost Element.
In the financial module, another way to call the
ledger account is the primary cost element. To trans-
form a ledger account into a primary cost element, we
must specify the category of the primary cost element
that determines the nature of the element in control.
The secondary cost element is exclusively made to
control. By category, secondary elements can be used
for other purposes that are more specific to be made.
There are several types of secondary cost elements,
1. Internal order settlement
2. Overhead rate
3. Assessment
4. Internal activity allocation.
2.6.1 Assessment
The assessment cycle consists of segmentation, each
of which has a unique relationship between receivers,
senders, and assessment rules. This can be defined on
the CO-PA (Westney, 1997).
Method of Assessment is a cost budget without
prioritizing the primary cost element. In this method,
the allocation will be done through the secondary
cost element. The difference between the distribu-
tion and the assessment method is the assessment
method which is more directed to the periodic report-
ing method and the renewal method (Projects, 2019).
In the assessment, we will do cost allocation. The fo-
cus is on moving data from one cost center to another
cost center or even to a business process.
Analysis of Assessment Cycle of Migration Data from OROS to SAP Hana using Activity based Costing Method in Telecommunication