Implementation Fuzzy Weighted Product Preparation Post Disaster
Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Action based Dynamics Decision
Support System
Agung Teguh Wibowo Almais
, Fatchurrohman
, Khadijah Fahmi Hayati Holle
, Kurnia Siwi
, Dyah Ayu Wiranti
and Septian Yustina Yasin
Informatics Engineering State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia
Decision Support System Dynamic; Fuzzy-Weighted Product; pattern data; test data; Surveyor
The preparation of post-disaster reconstruction rehabilitation action is conducted to determine the level of dam-
age and loss of post-natural disasters that must be handled by the government. In order to prevent the level
of post-disaster damage and loss in accordance with the conditions in the field then conducted research im-
plementing Decision Support System Dynamic (DSSD) using the method of Fuzzy-Weighted Product (FWP).
The Decision Support System Dynamic (DSSD) is the development of the latest Decision Support System
(DSS) model, while Fuzzy is an algorithm for determining the level of importance of each criterion used in the
Weighted Product method. Whereas Weighted Product is used as a system pattern data formation. The result
is a test of the confusion matrix value of the pattern data calculated using the FuzzyWeighted Product (F-WP)
method compared to the different test data. The results of the test resulted in three different types of data i.e.
the same test data as the pattern data, the test data not the same as the pattern data, and the test data that could
not be flown for testing. Each of these types of test data has a percentage of 73% of the same test data like the
pattern data, 22% of test data is not equal to the pattern data, and 5% is data that can not be used as test data.
From the results of the test can be concluded that the method Fuzzy-Weighted Product (F-WP) can be applied
to the Decision Support System Dynamic (DSSD) to assist surveyors in the preparation of the rehabilitation
of post-disaster reconstruction action.
Determination of the level of damage and loss of the
post-disaster sector is the action for the preparation of
rehabilitation and post-disaster reconstruction. This
activity is one of the things that must be done by one
of the teams in the Regional Disaster Management
Agency (BPBD), which is the planning and Control
Team (P3B) to determine the level of loss and damage
to the sector Affected by natural disasters, knowing
the level of loss and damage will be easy in drafting
the rehabilitation action and postdisaster reconstruc-
tion to determine the amount of assistance that should
be channeled to victims affected by the disaster nature
(Almais et al., 2016).
In his research (Oetari, 2014) explained that to de-
termine the level of damage and damage to the sector
due to natural disasters is to use a reference called
the Economic Commission for Latin America and the
Caribbean (ECLAC). The journal has also been ex-
plained that ECLAC has been used by the Indonesian
government to calculate losses and damage to earth-
quakes in Yogyakarta’s special region in 2006 and
tsunami in special regions of ACEH. At ECLAC there
are references to how to determine the level of loss
and breakdown of postdisaster sectors. The current
Problem is how the ECLAC is applied easily at the
time of the surveyors at P3B conducted an assessment
of the level of loss and damage to the post-disaster
sector. Problems can be solved by implementing In-
formation Technology (IT). One of the areas in IT
can help the problem is the Decision Support System
(DSS). According to (Suryadi and Ramdhani, 2000)
in his book mentioned that to do research on the De-
cision Support System Many requirements that must
be met, including the problems discussed must have a
high scientific level and semi Structured.
With the development of the DSS era developed
into a dynamic system with the term Decision Sup-
port System Dynamic (DSSD). Decision Support Sys-
tem (DSSD) has a difference with the Decision Sup-
port System (DSS), which is the Decision Support
Almais, A., Fatchurrohman, ., Holle, K., Kinasih, K., Wiranti, D. and Yasin, S.
Implementation Fuzzy Weighted Product Preparation Post Disaster Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Action based Dynamics Decision Support System.
DOI: 10.5220/0009909002720277
In Proceedings of the International Conferences on Information System and Technology (CONRIST 2019), pages 272-277
ISBN: 978-989-758-453-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
System (DSS) that does not change the system that
is already running when adding criteria and alterna-
tives. With the concept of Decision Support System
dynamic (DSSD), the Decision Support System Dy-
namic (DSSD) is suitable if applied to help the Gov-
ernment (P3B) in conducting the assessment of loss
rate and damage to the postdisaster sector due to stan-
dard The criteria used to do so will someday increase
or less depending on government policy. At this time
the standard criteria to conduct an assessment of the
level of loss and damage post-natural disasters using
standard criteria from the Public Works office on cri-
teria to determine the home or building earthquake re-
sistant natural disasters. These criteria are 1). State
of Building 2). State of the building structure 3). The
physical state of the building is damaged by 4). Build-
ing function 5). Other supporting conditions (Almais
et al., 2016).
These criteria can be used to build a Decision Sup-
port System Dynamic (DSSD) because one of the re-
quirements for building a Decision Support System
(DSS) is to have an alternative, criteria, and level of
importance. These criteria have a level of interest
each depending on the type of cautiousness. In previ-
ous research (Suhada et al., 2018) explained that the
Fuzzy-Weighted Product method is used as the Deci-
sion Support System (DSS) Determination of the cus-
tomer in obtaining credit in a BPR. The Fuzzy in the
journal is used as a level of importance (weight) of
each criterion converted to a crisp number. Because
the criteria used have different levels of importance
depending on the type of criticism, the level of im-
portance can be converted to a crisp number using
the Fuzzy method (Kusumadewi et al., 2006). Based
on the research, it applied the fuzzy-weighted product
method to determine the level of loss and damage to
the old post-disaster sector that will be used as a reha-
bilitation and reconstruction action of post-disaster.
The fuzzy result is used as a scale for the Weighted
Product (WP) method in order that each criterion has
its own scaling scale depending on the criteria. Then
the result of the WP method will be saved to make the
system data pattern to become a reference surveyor in
determining the damage and loss of the post-disaster
sector. To test the accuracy level of the Decision Sup-
port System Dynamic (DSSD) system, you can use
the method of Confusion matrix in which there is re-
call, precision, f-measure, and accuracy.
In the journal (Suhada et al., 2018) The fuzzy use
of the weighted product method is found at the level
of importance (weight) of each criterion using crisp
numbers resulting from the conversion of fuzzy num-
bers. The result of the fuzzy number conversion is
crisp numbers using reasoning theory where numbers
close to number 1, the higher the dependency rate.
According to (Kusumadewi et al., 2006) method,
the weighted Product is the classic formula of the
Multi-Criteria Decision Making method. To develop
these methods need to be developed with the addition
of a fuzzy method so that the Multi-Criteria Decision
Making (Weighted Product) method can distinguish
the use of the assessment scale of each criterion that
corresponds to each criterion.
Weighted Product is one of the solution models
on the problem FMADM (Fuzzy Multi-Attribute De-
cision Making), this method evaluates several alterna-
tives to a set of criteria whereby each criterion inter-
dependent one with Others (Suhada et al., 2018).
Weighted Product method requires normalization
process because this method multiplies the judgment
result of each criterion, the multiplication result is not
meaningful if not compared (divided) with the default
value. The importance of the criteria serves as a posi-
tive rank in the multiplication process, while the cost
weight serves as a negative rank (Suhada et al., 2018).
1. Advantages and disadvantages Weighted Product
like an analytical method, Weighted product also
has an advantage in the analysis system that can
provide value of cost and benefit to the value of
each. But having weaknesses is only used in the
process of values that have a range value.
2. Stages Weighted Product The stages in the cal-
culation of the weighted product method include
a) multiplying the entire attribute for all alterna-
tives with weights as a positive rank for the cost
attribute. b) The multiplication result is sum to
generate value on each alternative. c) Divide the
value of V for each alternate with value on each
alternate. d) found the best alternative sequence
that will be the decision of the calculation of vec-
tor V then carried out the alignment sorted from
vector value V of the largest value to the smallest
and the largest vector value V (Vi) is the alter-
native Ai Elected to the best. Preference for Ai
alternatives using equations (1):
While the Σ WJ = 1 and WJ is a positive value
rank for the attribute of profit and negative value
to the cost attribute. The relative presentation of
each alternative uses the following equation (2)
(Nofriansyah, 2014):
Implementation Fuzzy Weighted Product Preparation Post Disaster Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Action based Dynamics Decision
Support System
In this research, there are two types of data, namely
pattern data and test data. Pattern data is used to
form a data pattern using the Fuzzy-Weighted Product
(F-WP) method, while test data is used to test built-
in pattern data. The pattern data is the result of the
breakdown of Fuzzy-Weighted Product (F-WP), us-
ing the damage and loss data of the East Java provin-
cial disaster in 2010-2013. The result of the pattern
data is a result of the damage and loss of each sector
(damaged, mild, moderate and severely damaged).
The result of the pattern data will be tested using
damage and loss data after the East Java provincial
disaster in 2018. For test data only use the criteria
and assessment of each criterion to get the result of
the type of damage and loss of each sector (damaged
light, moderate damage, and severely damaged). The
result of the test data will be searched in the pattern
data already created. For more details on how to find
or match test data with existing pattern data in the sys-
tem, see the following figure 1:
Figure 1: System flows
4.1.1 Modeling Systems
The Model weighted product uses multiplication to
meet the rating of the criteria, where the rating of
each criterion should be attached to the corresponding
weights. This process is similar to the normalization
process, in this case, the weighted product method
is used to determine the level of loss and damage of
sectors affected by natural disasters. The result of a
weighted product method will be stored in a data store
for use as pattern data.
The first phase of the admin to input cases using
existing criteria is the building state, the state of the
building structure, the physical state of the building
is damaged, building functions, and other supporting
conditions. The second stage gives a level of impor-
tance to each of these criteria.
The third stage gives each of these criteria based
on the alternatives that are lightly damaged, medium
damaged, and heavily damaged. The fourth stage of
the Decision Support System Dynamic (DSSD) will
automatically process the case and will result in a
number of alternatives. The fifth stage tests the resul-
tant from step four above with data that has the same
characteristics. The sixth stage gets the result that is
wanted by the user (surveyor).
4.1.2 The System Needs Analysis
The need for information on the Decision Support
System Dynamic (DSSD) in preparation for rehabil-
itation and reconstruction action is: the state of the
building (C1), the state of the building structure (C2),
the physical state of the building is damaged (C3), the
function of the building (C3), and Other supporting
conditions (C4).
From each of these criteria, determined the
weight. This weight is then used for the calculation of
the Weighted Product (WP) model. The weight used
is a Fuzzy number that can be converted to a crisp
number. The determination of the number is crisp us-
ing reasoning theory where numbers close to 1, the
higher the dependency rate. Conversely, if the number
approaches 0, the dependency rate is getting lower.
There are five criteria used to determine the level
of damage and damage to the post-natural disaster
sector according to the journal (Almais et al., 2016)
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
Figure 2: Data criteria.
Each criterion in table 1 above has its own scale.
By using the fuzzy then the scale of each criterion
can be determined by converting the existing fuzzy
number to crisp numbers on each criterion in Figure
2 above.
a Building state assessment Scale
For the criteria of the state of the building has
three types of valuation scale is still standing, tilt
and collapse Total. Each scale of the assessment
limit has its own value. To scale the rating still
stand has a value of 0-0.33, for the tilt Rating scale
has a value of 0.33 0.66 and for a Total Robot
rating scale has a value of 0.66 1. More details
can be seen in Figure 3 below.
Figure 3: Scale of the building State assessment
b Building structure State Assessment scale
For the criteria of the state of the building, struc-
ture has three types of valuation scale IE small
partly damaged light, partly damaged and most
damaged. Each scale of the assessment limit has
its own value. To scale a small portion of the light
damaged assessment has a value of 0-0.33, for the
scale of the scoring the damaged part has a value
of 0.33 0.66 and for the scale of the assessment
most damage has a value of 0.66 1. More details
can be seen in Figure 4 below.
Figure 4: of the building structure State assessment scale
c The large scale of damaged building conditions
The criteria of the big damaged building condi-
tions have three types of assessment scale is <
30%, 30-50%, and > 50%. Each scale of the as-
sessment limit has its own value. To scale the as-
sessment of the< 30% has a value of 0-0.33, for a
rating scale of 30-50% has a value of 0.33 0.66
and for the rating scale > 50% has a value of 0.66
– 1. More details can be seen in Figure 5 below.
Figure 5: Scale assessment of large damaged building con-
d Building function Valuation Scale
For the criteria, building function has three types
of assessment scale is harmless, relatively danger-
ous and harmful. Each scale of the assessment
limit has its own value. The scale of the harmless
rating has a value of 0-0.33, for the relative hazard
rating scale has a value of 0.33 – 0.66, and for the
scale of hazardous assessments has a value of 0.66
– 1. More details can be seen in Figure 6 below.
Figure 6: of the building function rating Scale
e Other supporting state assessment scales
For the criteria of the large damaged building con-
ditions have three types of grading scales that are
partially damaged, mostly damaged and damaged
in Total. Each scale of the assessment limit has its
own value. For the assessment scale, the damaged
part has a value of 0-0.33; for the scale of the as-
sessment, most damage has a value of 0.33 – 0.66,
and for the scale of Total damage assessment has
a value of 0.66 1. More details can be seen in
Figure 7 below.
Figure 7: Other supporting conditions assessment scale
The above scale is used to perform assessments
and weight for each criterion. If implemented in
the form of a system like Figure 8 below:
Implementation Fuzzy Weighted Product Preparation Post Disaster Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Action based Dynamics Decision
Support System
Figure 8: Fuzzy-Weighted Product (F-WP) implementation
After the stage of the design entity relational diagram
and implementation in programming to create data
patterns and test data, then the next step is to test the
system using the calculation of the confusion matrix.
4.2.1 Testing Fuzzy-Weighted Product (F-WP)
The formation of data patterns on the Decision Sup-
port System (DSS) uses the Fuzzy-Weighted Product
(F-WP) method. The pattern data will be tested us-
ing test data to test the role in the pattern data. Test
pattern data will be done three times the experiment
with the test data type used the same but different con-
tent from the data. Figure 9 is a description of the
data composition used for pattern data and test data.
The test data used is the data on the damage after the
East Java provincial disaster in 2010. While the pat-
tern data uses post-disaster data in East Java province
Figure 9: Data Composition.
Each trial will result in a rule and calculation of
a confusion matrix. From some experiments, there
is the same rule, so that if the test data used is al-
ways the same then the precision, recall, f-measure,
accuracy, and response time values are also the same.
It can be seen in the results of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ex-
periments. The similarity of precision value, recall,
f-measure, accuracy, and response time of some ex-
periments is caused because the pattern data used pro-
duces the same pattern of rules, and the test data used
is also the same. In summary, test results can be seen
in Figure 10.
Figure 10: Test Results Fuzzy-Weighted Product (F-WP)
Based on Figure 10, it is known that the more pat-
tern data used will be more likely to be, the greater
the value of precision, recall, f-measure, and accuracy
generated. With the greater value of precision, recall,
f-measure, and accuracy are generated, the method
used is better. Therefore, by using the testing in Fig-
ure 10 above, shows the performance of the Fuzzy-
Weighted Product (F-WP) method is good and suit-
able for determining the damage and loss of post-
disaster settlement. To explain the test results of the
Fuzzy-Weighted Product (F-WP) method can be seen
in Figure 11, it illustrates the percentage results be-
tween precision value, recall, F-measure, and accu-
racy. While in Figure 9 is a graph for the test time
response from the Fuzzy-Weighted Product (F-WP)
Figure 11: Test Results of The Fuzzy-Weighted Product (F-
WP) Method
Figure 12: Response Time Test Results of the Fuzzy-
Weighted Product (F-WP) Method
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
Based on the results of the tests that have been done,
it can be concluded that the Fuzzy-Weighted Product
(F-WP) method can be implemented on the Decision
Support System (DSS) to determine the damage and
losses of the post-disaster housing well. Since test-
ing the pattern data done using three different test
data can result in better data based on precision, re-
call, f-measure, and accuracy values. But for relax-
ation time, the method fuzzy-weighted product (F-
WP) the more data, the longer because in the method
of the fuzzy-weighted product (F-WP), there are mea-
sures negation of weights, aggregation of criteria and
aggregation of experts. Therefore, the more pat-
tern data used in the Fuzzy-Weighted Product (F-WP)
method, The longer the response time as each in-
coming data will be searched for the negative weight,
the critical aggregation, and the Expectation aggre-
gation using the method FuzzyWeighted Product (F-
WP). So for further research can use more test data
to get better precision, recall, f-measure, and accu-
racy values. And it can also be developed using the
other Fuzzy-Weighted Product (F-WP) methods or
Machine Learning methods to get even better relax-
ation time results.
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Implementation Fuzzy Weighted Product Preparation Post Disaster Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Action based Dynamics Decision
Support System