UX in Platform Use Behavior based on Perceived Ease of Use and
Perceived Usefulness in Mutual Fund Investment Behavioral Intention
Dina Fitria Murad
, Nora Fitriawati
, Imanuel Revelino Murmanto
, Dwi Rahmania Noviani
Information Systems Department, BINUS Online Learning, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, user experience (UX), user interface (UI), technology acceptance
model (TAM)
Moduit is present as one of the mutual fund investment platforms, which also animates the online investment
platform. However, the number of customers who make transactions in Moduit is only 4236% of customers
who have completed their registration, and this indicates a mistake in the system’s acceptance of the user. This
study aims to determine the factors that influence the approval of the Moduit platform. This study developed an
expanded model based on the technology acceptance model (TAM). This model was tested by an online survey
sample using SPSS. To achieve this study’s goal, we propose UI models and designs on Moduit. The results
show that the user’s intention to use Moduit is influenced primarily by perceived ease of use and perceived
usefulness. Perceived ease of use also affects indirectly through perceived usefulness to behavioral intentions.
Fintech is a commercial industry composed of com-
panies that use new technology to provide more ef-
ficient financial services. Financial technology inte-
grates various types of financial services into the day
to day lives of customers (Moon and Kim, 2016)(Fer-
nando et al., 2018). Millennials, as well as the gener-
ation coming up behind the ages coming up behind
them, are used to technology and want to manage
their money easily and quickly, instead of walking to
physically branches to perform transactions and other
operations (Kim et al., 2015) . It uses mobile-centered
information technology to raise the efficiency of the
financial system (Surendran, 2012).
Among the new Fintech services, Moduit presents
a new investment platform for mutual fund and
change every process of mutual fund investment from
traditional to be digital to help users invest as easy as
online shopping. However, Moduit is a relatively new
player of the Mutual Fund Investment Platform, and
its market is still growing and unstable. Because in
January 2019, Moduit only has 42% of 36% verified
users that already do the transaction.
The goal of this research is to find and understand-
ing of the factors that influence Moduit user experi-
ence acceptance. To achieve the purpose of this re-
search, this research aims to propose a model and UI
design of Moduit by developing an extended model
based on the TAM (technology acceptance model).
Thereby the research proposes that:
H1. Perceived ease of use will have a positive in-
fluence on behavioral intentions to use Moduit.
H2. Perceived usefulness will have a positive in-
fluence on behavioral intentions to use Moduit.
H3. Perceived ease of use will have a positive in-
fluence to perceived usefulness.
Technology Acceptance Model has been developed
by Davis (1989) is one of the most popular research
models to predict the use and acceptance of infor-
mation systems and technology by individual users.
TAM has been widely studied and verified by differ-
ent studies that examine individual technology accep-
tance behavior in various information systems con-
In the TAM model, there are two factors perceived
usefulness, and perceived ease of use is relevant in
computer use behaviors. Davis defines perceived use-
fulness as the prospective user’s subjective probabil-
ity that using a specific application system will en-
hance his or her job or live performance. Perceived
Murad, D., Fitriawati, N., Murmanto, I., Noviani, D. and Sudido, .
UX in Platform Use Behavior based on Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness in Mutual Fund Investment Behavioral Intention.
DOI: 10.5220/0009909402990304
In Proceedings of the International Conferences on Information System and Technology (CONRIST 2019), pages 299-304
ISBN: 978-989-758-453-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved