Product Recommendation Systems using Apriori in the Selection of Shoe
based on Android
Harrizki Arie Pradana
, Laurentinus
, Fransiskus Panca Juniawan
and Dwi Yuny Sylfania
Department of Informatics Engineering, STMIK Atma Luhur, Jl. Jend. Sudirman-Selindung,
Recommendation Systems, Apriori, Rules, Consequent, Android.
The development of information technology has given a lot of influence and changes in human life. One of
the areas of life affected is the field of trade. Currently, there are still many people who are looking for shoes
manually by going around looking for shoe stores, and the results are wasting time, energy, and transportation
costs. In addition, by buying manually the buyer does not know the experience of other buyers who have
bought shoes with the same model. In addition, by implementing the recommendation system using the
Apriori algorithm, prospective buyers can find out the experience of previous buyers. The advantage of the
Apriori algorithm is simpler, more efficient, and able to handle large amounts of data than other algorithms.
This study uses the waterfall model with four stages in it. The system was tested using the Apriori method to
produce rules derived from the pattern of the combination of two items, rules and consequent. The results of
this study are the successful search for the level of support and trust in shoes so that the shoes obtained are
more accurate using data mining.
The development of information technology in the
field of communication has at least two rapidly de-
veloping technologies. The first is a cellular tele-
phone and the second is an internet networked com-
puter (Kasemin et al., 2016). Mobile phones are no
longer only used for a phone call and short messages
but have developed into multifunctional devices or
what we know better as smartphones.
Business processes in the field of trade cannot sep-
arate from the use of smartphones based on Android.
Android is developed based on the Linux kernel sys-
tem so that it categorizes in an open operating system.
Most of the leading cellphone vendors are currently
using Android as an operating system (OS) for their
smartphones. Android has transformed into the most
widely used operating system for smartphones in just
a few years after its appearance (Kurniawati et al., ).
However, user privacy remains a key aspect of every
mobile application (Aceto et al., 2018)(Aceto et al.,
Shoes, which are one of the human needs, have
increased in use over time, and have become an obli-
gation in various fields of work, education and a fash-
ion trend which has increased the number of models
and brands of shoes from year to year. The process
of finding shoes for some people is still doing man-
ually. Manually it means that when you want to buy
new shoes, they need to get around in search of a shoe
store that is about to sell shoes they like. This pro-
cess will cause waste of time and transportation costs
which can reduce if the community is not confused in
finding a shoe store (Badriyah et al., 2018).
One solution to overcome the above problems is
to make a mobile application based on android shoes.
Android choose because it has many advantages over
platforms (desktop, website) and operating systems
(OS) smartphones (such as iOS, Windows Phone,
Symbian). The benefits of Android include large mar-
ket share, open source, easy to use compared to other
platforms and OS, and easy to use anytime and any-
A mobile application that is equipped with rec-
ommended algorithm will help the user to determine
their choice. There are many algorithms that can be
used to make recommendations, in this case the pur-
chase of shoes. One of them is Apriori. This study
uses Apriori because of its advantages in doing gen-
erates candidate items set and tests if they are frequent
(Kavitha and Selvi, 2016).
Applications that made later can be used by cus-
Pradana, H., Laurentinus, ., Juniawan, F. and Sylfania, D.
Product Recommendation Systems using Apriori in the Selection of Shoe based on Android.
DOI: 10.5220/0009909603110318
In Proceedings of the International Conferences on Information System and Technology (CONRIST 2019), pages 311-318
ISBN: 978-989-758-453-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
tomers to check product recommendations, prices,
and shoe details in the shop which can then be a ref-
erence for customers in choosing the desired shoes.
Product recommendation system with Apriori algo-
rithm will add to the application. The product rec-
ommendation system allows applications to display
products that might be liked by users, thereby reduc-
ing product search time. Thus, users can make their
choices according to the trend of shoe users. In ad-
dition, the choice can be accelerated so they can save
their resources.
2.1 Recommendation Systems
The recommendation system is an application that
provides and recommends an item in making a de-
cision desired by the user. The implementation of
recommendations in order usually predicts an object,
such as film and music recommendations. The sys-
tem runs in two ways, namely by collecting user data
directly and indirectly.
Direct data collection is asking the user to rate
an item. While indirect data collection is by observ-
ing the objects, then it could be seen by users on an
ecommerce web. After the observational data col-
lected, then it is processed using a particular algo-
rithm. After that, the results will return to 10 users as
an item recommendation with the parameters of that
user. The recommendation system is also an alterna-
tive in searching for an item sought by users (Rahar-
jana, 2017).
2.2 Apriori Algorithm
Apriori is part of the association rule method, which
serves to find item combinations based on items pur-
chased by customers. Types of association rules in-
clude a priori, generalized rule induction, and hash-
based algorithms. Association rule mining is a data
mining technique to find associative rules between a
combination of items, for example, analysis of pur-
chases at a supermarket. With the existence of data
and observations, it can be known some possibilities
for a customer to buy bread together with milk.
By utilizing this condition, self-service owners
can take advantage of these conditions by regulating
the placement of goods or designing marketing pro-
motions (Febriansyah and Samsinar, 2018).
There are three stages to determine frequent pat-
terns (Kavitha and Selvi, 2016), namely:
2.2.1 Generate and Test
The first step is to determine the 1-itemset frequent
L1 elements by scanning the database. Then remove
all elements from C that do not meet the minimum
2.2.2 Join Step
To reach the element at the next level, Ck joins the
frequencies of the previous elements by self join.
Suppose that Lk-1 * Lk-1 is known as a Cartesian
product from Lk-1. This stage generates new candi-
date k-itemsets based on combining Lk-1 with them
which was found found in the previous iteration. Then
Ck denote candidate k-itemsets and Lk becomes the
frequent k-itemset.
2.2.3 Prune Test
Prunning eliminates several candidates from the
kitemset using the Apriori principle. The database
scanning process is carried out to determine the num-
ber of each candidate in Ck which will result in the de-
termination of Lk (that all candidates have an amount
less than the minimum amount of support). Repeat
steps 2 and 3 until no more sets of new candidates are
2.3 Previous Study
There have been many previous studies using Apri-
ori algorithms. There is study uses the itembased
collaborative filtering method, where the system will
look for similarities in purchasing models with others.
Next, the system will search for ratings between items
based on the level of similarity that exists. After the
evaluation between pieces is obtaining, then this rat-
ing will be calculated similarity value between objects
using the Adjusted Cosine Similarity approach. The
results of the similarity calculations between items
will use for the next stage. This stage predicts a rating
that has never been done by a customer for a partic-
ular subject. This approach uses the Weighted Sum
formula whose prediction value will make a recom-
mendation to the customer (Kurniawan, 2016). The
application of a priori algorithm for movie website
recommendations is done by using a new approach
to adjust the features displayed and have an impact on
increasing the representative of the movie (Ma, 2016)
(Pal et al., 2017).
Apriori and Content-Based Filter (CBF) is also
used for determining the supply of compressor spare
parts (Kurniawati et al., ), market basket analysis in
the mini market (Elisa et al., 2018)(Mauliani et al.,
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
2015), sales analysis (Nursikuwagus and Hartono,
2016), positioning of products (Ningsih et al., 2016),
property search (Badriyah et al., 2018), game’s hard-
ware (Yanti et al., 2015), and product recommenda-
tion (Putra et al., 2019)(Kurniawan, 2016).
Also conducted research to design step-bystep
models to study the predictive analysis of Apriori al-
gorithms. From the weakness, namely speed, sev-
eral methods are proposed to overcome it, namely dy-
namic counting, determining the largest value for sup-
port and confidence, and also taking large amounts of
dataset sample data (Ros¸ca and R
adoiu, 2015).
Apriori can also be combined with other meth-
ods. Combined Apriori with binary k-means at the
key parameter operating distance in the Central Air
Conditioning System (CACS). The results of this
study prove that priori discovered the rules of en-
ergy consumption. Operating data from equipment
was analyzed by DM, and cluster analysis was used
to improve the control effects of CACS (Yan et al.,
2019). Furthermore, there are Apriori combinations
and clustering algorithms that are used to get datasets
from traffic accidents. With the help of a tool from
WEKA which provides many algorithms for data
mining selected a priori and clusters. From the test
results, it is proved that Apriori is better than the EM
cluster (Nafie Ali and Mohamed Hamed, 2018).
Content-Based Filter (CBF) and Content Filter-
ing (CF) combination were also conducted as hybrid
mechanism filters that can remove recommendations
that are not relevant to search keywords made by
mobile-based users. From the test results it is proven
that the proposed filtering mechanism can improve
user personalization and enhance the filtering expe-
rience on mobile devices (Zhao et al., 2015). Apri-
ori and Content-Based Filter (CBF) are not only used
for recommendations. There is research on improving
network sensors by modifying the priori algorithm.
From the test results it is known that modified algo-
rithms can better combine Wireless Sensor Network
(WSN) models from mobile nodes, also get greater
network coverage (Ji and Zhang, 2018). Then a study
was conducted to improves GPU performance with
the Apriori algorithm. From the test results it was
proven that GPU Apriori was able to improve the ef-
ficiency of item set mining (Jiang et al., 2017).
This research consists of four stages, namely needs
analysis, algorithm analysis, implementation, and
3.1 Needs Analysis
At this stage, we do some data collection and needs
analysis related to the system being built is carried
out. The data is collected from books and articles
from journals or proceedings. Needs analysis in-
cludes the specifications of the system to be built and
the computer used.
3.2 Algorithm Analysis
At this stage we learn and find the ways of working,
how to calculations, and learn the flow process of the
Apriori algorithm that implemented in the mobile ap-
3.3 Implementation
The results of the learning of the Apriori algorithms
are then applied in the Android system. To help to un-
derstanding, case studies were given on the android-
base shoe ad application.
3.4 Testing
After the algorithm is applied, then the application
is tested to determine the performance of the Apri-
ori algorithms that implemented and performance of
the application. The tests carried out are algorithm
performance testing using whitebox and blackbox
4.1 Problems Analysis
The types and brands of shoes in shoe stores continue
to increase each year to meet the different interests
of customers. But with the varying number of shoe
products, customers need a long time to choose the
desired shoes.
4.2 Proposed System Analysis
The explanation of the proposed system analysis will
be explained using use case diagrams, activity dia-
grams, and class diagrams, which can see below:
4.2.1 Use Case Diagram
Based on Figure 1, it can explain that in the system
there are two actors, namely the user and admin.
Product Recommendation Systems using Apriori in the Selection of Shoe based on Android
Figure 1: Use case diagram
4.2.2 Activity Diagram
An activity diagram is a diagram that describes the
flow of functionality from the system. The types
of activity diagrams this time are registers, logins,
change passwords, log out, add advertisements, delete
ads, add categories, delete categories, and activity di-
agrams select categories. For example, can be seen in
Figure 2, for activity logins diagrams.
Figure 2: Login processes Activity Diagram
4.2.3 Class Diagram
Class diagrams are diagrams to display several classes
in the software system that will develop. The pro-
posed class diagram can see in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Class diagram
4.3 Discussion of Apriori Algorithm
Apriori algorithms are using so that computers can
learn the rules of the association, look for patterns
of relationships between items in data so that they
can make a product recommendation. An example of
transaction data can see in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Transaction data.
The steps of using a priori algorithm can see in the
explanation below:
4.3.1 First Iteration
In first iteration, calculate the number of transactions
for each item. Where the method of calculating sup-
port can see in equation (1).
Support(A) =
Numbero ftransactionscontaining(A)
x100 (1)
The results of calculations in first iteration can be
seen in Figure 5.
Figure 5: First iteration results.
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
4.3.2 Second Iteration
In second iteration, do a combination of the previous
k-itemset, where the method of calculating support
can see in equation (2).
Support(A, B) = P(A B)
Numbero f transactioncontaining(AandB)
The results of calculations in the second iteration
can see in Figure 6. Support Count is obtained from
shoe transaction data that have been collected safely
in 2018, namely 24 transactions. Then it is sought a
transaction involving two brands of shoes. In the elab-
oration of Figure 6, the first point mentioned that Adi-
das and Nike have a support count of 8 transactions.
This means that out of the 24. transactions there are 8
transactions that intersect between Adidas and Nike.
Figure 6: Second iteration results.
4.3.3 Establishment of Associative Rules
Calculate confidence using a formula that can see in
equation 3.
Con f idence = P(B|A) =
Numbero f transactioncontaining(AandB)
Totalo f transactioncontaining(A)
x100 (3)
The results are shows in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Associative rules results.
4.4 Implementation
Screen design is the first display that is in the applica-
tion for the admin. The following Figure 8 is a screen
design minimum support for database sales.
Figure 8: Minimum Support for database sales
Another screen design, can see in Figure 9, it is
about item formation results from the database. Fig-
ure 10 shows a display of determining minimum pa-
rameters and Figure 11 is about the results of the as-
sociation carried out from Apriori algorithm.
Product Recommendation Systems using Apriori in the Selection of Shoe based on Android
Figure 9: Item formation results from the database
Figure 10: display of determining minimum parameters
Figure 11: display of the results of the association carried
out a priori based.
4.5 Testing
To find out the performance of the application and the
algorithm that has been made, then testing is done us-
ing Whitebox and Blackbox method. The whitebox
used to testing based on manual calculation and the
application calculation as shows in Figure 12, and the
Blackbox testing used to measure the perform of the
application and shows in Figure 13.
Both testing methods are considered to have rep-
resented the purpose and utilization of the recommen-
dations made.
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
Figure 12: Whitebox Testing Manual Calculation.
Figure 13: Blackbox Testing.
The results of the study are looking for the level of
support and confidence in shoes so that shoes are
obtained that are more accurate using data mining.
Based on testing the system uses the apriori method
to produce rules derived from the pattern of the com-
bination of two items. From the calculation results
obtained that the highest associative rule product is
New Balance Adidas with a value of 87.5% and
the lowest result on the Adidas Puma with a value
of 18.2%. The rules above consist of Antecedent is a
form of a condition rather than rules, a consequent is
a form of a statement rather than rules, lift shows the
level of power rules random events of antecedent and
consequent based on their respective support.
Further research can carry out a variety of addi-
tional testing to test the performance of the apriori al-
gorithm that created and implemented. Besides that, it
can also combine or compare apriori algorithms with
other recommendation algorithms.
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CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology