Expert System for Measuring the Level of Spinach Freshness using
Certainty Factor Method
Marchello William
, Jason Kristanto
, Jansen Sampurna
, Edrick
and Melvin Hendronoto
Informatics Student, Multimedia Nusantara University, Tangerang, Indonesia
Spinach, Certainty Factor, Prototype, Expert System, Freshness Level.
Expert system for measuring the level of spinach freshness is made because spinach is one of the vegetables
that has a good nutritions and often consumed by people, especially in Indonesia. Spinach that will be con-
sumed must be check first the freshness level. However, not everyone know how to find out the level of spinach
freshness Therefore, an expert system is needed to measure the level of spinach freshness. Expert system for
measuring the level of spinach freshness is also rarely found, especially in Indonesia. The measurement of
level of spinach freshness can be seen from several factors or symptoms, such as soft texture, leaf color be-
tween light green and green, and no white spots on the leaves. These factors or symptoms determine the level
of spinach freshness or spinach quality whether the spinach is good or normal. Expert system created in this
study uses the Certainty Factor method because this method has been widely used in several other studies and
gives good results. This research still uses prototype system, but it cant give good results, namely the system
made to show the quality calculation of the level of spinach freshness in accordance with manual calculations.
Test result on expert get 90% accuracy.
This research will discuss the level of spinach fresh-
ness using Certainty Factor method with the help of
an expert system. Artificial intelligence are every-
where, perform in so many sector such as security
using biometric, health etc (Alexander et al., 2018).
Expert system is part of artificial intelligence that
combines knowledge from the research of an expert
who has knowledge of a field to help make a deci-
sion(Islam and Mishra, ). It has been implemented in
many fields including health (Kusnadi, 2013), educa-
tion (Futra, 2014) and others.
Spinach contains vitamin K, iron, flavonoids,
carotene, vitamin C, and other good nutrients. These
nutrients are good for the body and can prevent sev-
eral diseases such as cancer, presbyopia, cataract, and
other diseases. This has been proven from an inter-
national research journal entitled Nutritional Value of
Spinacia Oleraecea Spinach which states that spinach
is good for the body (Singh et al., 2016). In addition,
these benefits make people become interested in con-
suming spinach, including Indonesian.
Indonesia has abundant natural resources, includ-
ing spinach. Based on data from Statistics Indone-
sia regarding spinach production in Indonesia, the in-
crease level of spinach production in Indonesia is in-
creasing almost every year (Statistik, 2019). The in-
crease in spinach production each year is between
10.000 and 20.000 per ton. This shows that spinach is
in demand by Indonesian people. Therefore, the qual-
ity of spinach also needs to be considered. Before
spinach is consumed, it is better to check the fresh-
ness level first so that the nutrients in spinach can be
beneficial to the body. The level of spinach fresh-
ness is generally seen from the physical condition.
However, not everyone knows how to check the level
of spinach freshness. Therefore, an expert system is
needed to help people in giving advice on choosing
fresh spinach.
Spinach that is good to be consume is fresh
spinach and useful substances in spinach can still be
utilized. Checking the level of spinach freshness is
generally seen from the physical condition of spinach.
However, not everyone knows how to check the level
of spinach freshness. Therefore, an expert system
is needed to help people in giving advice on choos-
ing fresh spinach. Currenlty in Indonesia there are
not many system for measuring the level of veg-
etable freshness, especially spinach. Based on this,
an expert system for measuring the level of spinach
freshness needs to be made. Expert system that
William, M., Kristanto, J., Sampurna, J., Edrick, E. and Hendronoto, M.
Expert System for Measuring the Level of Spinach Freshness using Certainty Factor Method.
DOI: 10.5220/0009909703190324
In Proceedings of the International Conferences on Information System and Technology (CONRIST 2019), pages 319-324
ISBN: 978-989-758-453-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved