preparations made on the skin of the forearm for three
consecutive days, it showed that all panellists gave
negative results to the observed irritation i.e. the
absence of red, itchy skin itching, or swelling. From
the results of the irritation test it can be concluded that
the preparations made are safe to use (DG POM,
1985) and the addition of essential oils did not cause
irritation. This was due to the concentration of the
essential oil that was used in the preparation.
Concentration of essential oils allowed in various
types of perfumes is 1-30% and in this research, we
used 8% Jeumpa flowers’ essential oil (Valerie, 2016.
Another aspect that might contribute to the negativity
of irritation reaction in this research is homogeneity
of the preparation, where the preparation must be
homogeneous and flat so as not to cause irritation
(Naibaho et al., 2013).
Based on the research that has been done, Jeumpa
flower essential oil can be formulated into Stick
perfume preparation in which the F1 formula
(contained cera alba 35.07%) is a better formula
based on each test parameter and economic value.
We are thankful to the grant provided by Dana Hibah
Laboratorium Universitas Syiah Kuala 2019 and
Pharmacy Department for the support in this research.
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