nonpolar compounds that do not have functional
groups. Thus, it is difficult to react with alcohol.
Patchouli alcohol is a component in patchouli oil
which is included in an oxygenated terpene
compound and has a functional group. Therefore,
patchouli oil which has a higher level of patchouli
alcohol such as the residual fraction resulting from
the K
treatment will be more soluble in alcohol
compared to other treatment.
The height of vigreux column used in vacuum
fractionation distillation has a significant effect on the
increase of patchouli alcohol levels in patchouli oil
residue fraction, while the initial patchouli alcohol
levels did not affect the increase in patchouli alcohol
levels in patchouli oil residue fraction. The value of
specific gravity and refractive index from the fraction
of residual fractionation result of patchouli oil is
higher than patchouli oil before fractionation so that
the solubility in ethanol will be easier. The highest
alcohol content of patchouli was obtained from
fractionation distillation using a column height of 45
cm which was 83.86%.
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