17 is 89.1835%. This result is very good because the
accuracy value obtained is still above 85%.
Table 7: The results of testing the accuracy of potassium
nutrients in the soil
From the above results, the kNN classification
can classify NPK nutrients in the soil using images
with an average of 90%. These results can be
concluded that the use of image processing can be
used as an alternative classification of NPK nutrients
in the soil. In addition, the texture feature values in
GLCM can represent textures from soil imagery.
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value of identification of nutrient N in the soil is
90.5724%, an accuracy value of identification of
nutrient P in the soil is 92.9293%, and an accuracy
value of identification of nutrient K in the soil is
91.9192%. These results indicate that image
processing soil images can be used as an alternative
way of identifying soil nutrient content.
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ICEO 2019 - 2nd International Conference of Essential Oil Indonesia