Wild Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.) Varieties as an
Aromatic Plants from North Sumatera
Endang Kintamani
, Cecep Kusmana
, Tatang Tiryana
, Irmanida Batubara
, and Edi Mirmanto
Department of Tropical Silviculture, Forestry Faculty, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
Department of Chemistry, Natural Sciences Faculty, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Cibinong, Indonesia
Keywords: Andaliman, Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC., Variety, North Sumatera.
Abstract: Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.) is one of endemic plant in North Sumatera which produce
essential oil. This study aims to explore the wild Andaliman varieties and their characteristics based on
specimens and any information sourced from local community knowledge in North Sumatera. This research
was conducted through a vegetation survey with local communities in three districts based on three altitude
levels: North Tapanuli (1500-1600 masl), Samosir Island (1600-1700 masl) and Humbang Hasundutan
(1700-1800 masl) using 20 x 20 m plot with three replicates at each altitude level, totaling nine plots.
Observation was carried out through morphological characteristics: seeds, leaves, and prickles based on
specimens from the fieldwork and observing fruits, leaves, stems and prickles based on local community
knowledge by in-depth interview. The results showed that there were nine varieties Andaliman in North
Sumatera: Siholpu, Siganjangpat, Sihalus, Sihorbo, Simanuk, Sirangkak and there were three unnamed
varieties. Each variety grows in a different altitude and has morphological characteristics. Further research
will be carried out, related to the essential oil content of each Andaliman variety and its ecological conditions.
Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.) is a
one of the Rutaceae family. (Hartley, 1966) reported
the natural distribution of Z. acanthopodium in India,
Nepal, Sikkim, Eastern Pakistan, Myanmar,
Thailand, China and Sumatra (Indonesia). In
Indonesia, this plant spread only in North Sumatera
Province and Aceh. The fruit of Andaliman is often
used by the Batak people as a spice for traditional
cuisine (Raja and Hartana, 2017; Wijaya, 1999).
Andaliman also an aromatic plant that can produce
essential oils in the fruit (Moektiwardoyo et al., 2014;
Wijaya et al., 2001; Majumder et al., 2014; He et al.,
2018) and the leaf (Rakic et al., 2009; Devi et al.,
2015; Rana and Blazquez, 2014).
Initially, Andaliman was not known to have
several varieties. However, Siregar (2003) stated that
there were two Andaliman “tuba sihorboand tuba
siparjolo” in Dairi. (Parhusip, 2006) also stated that
there were three Andaliman varieties: Simanuk,
Sihorbo and Sitanga around Toba Lake. Raja and
Hartana, (2017) were reported that there were four
Andaliman cultivars: Simanuk, Sihorbo, Silokot and
Sikoreng which were distributed in Toba Samosir,
Simalungun, Dairi and North Tapanuli. Meanwhile
according to (Simbolon, 2018) there were two
varieties of Andaliman: Simanuk and Sihorbo in
Dairi, Toba Samosir and Simalungun. The objective
of this research is to explore the wild Andaliman
varieties and their characteristics based on specimens
and any information sourced from local community
knowledge in North Sumatera.
This research was conducted at 2019 through a
vegetation survey with local communities in three
districts based on three altitude levels: North Tapanuli
(1.500-1.600 masl), Samosir Island (1.600-1.700
masl) and Humbang Hasundutan (1.700-1.800 masl)
using 20 x 20 m plot with three replicates at each
altitude level, totaling nine plots. Observation was
carried out through morphological characteristics:
seeds, leaves, and prickles based on specimens from
the fieldwork and observing fruits, leaves, stems and
prickles based on local community knowledge by in-
depth interview.
Kintamani, E., Kusmana, C., Tiryana, T., Batubara, I. and Mirmanto, E.
Wild Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.) Varieties as an Aromatic Plants from North Sumatera.
DOI: 10.5220/0009958201400146
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Essential Oils (ICEO 2019), pages 140-146
ISBN: 978-989-758-456-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
3.1 Botany of Andaliman
Zanthoxylum acanthopodium. Prodr. 1: 727, 1824.
Type: Wallich, 1821, Nepal. Scandent or erect
shrubs or small trees to 6 m.; dioecious or (in
Sumatera) with perfect flowers; apparently both
deciduous and evergreen; branchlets villous with
ferruginous hairs to glabrate, generally armed, the
prickles flattened, predominantly pseudostipular, to
1.2 cm long. Leaves trifoliolate or imparipinnate 2-25
cm long; rachis villous to glabrate, often with
flattened prickles, narrowly to broadly (to 3 mm, on
either side) winged; petiolules obsolete to 3 mm long;
leaflets1-6 pairs, opposite, chartaceous, villous to
sparsely hairy on the main veins below, with
appressed hairs or glabrous above, often with
flattened prickles along the midrib above and below,
ovate to elliptic-lanceolate 1-12 cm long, 0.5-4.5 cm
wide, base obtuse, main veins generally conspicuous,
10-28 on each side of the midrib, margins sub-entire
to glandular crenate with as many as 8 crenations per
cm., apex acute to acuminate, inflorescences axillary,
paniculate to racemose, 0.5-2 cm long and generally
glomerate. Staminate flowers about 3 mm long;
pedicels obsolete to 2 mm long; perianth segments 6-
8, undifferentiated although occasionally slightly
unequal in size, uniseriate to irregularly biseriate,
green or yellowish green elliptic to ligulate, 1-2 mm
long, sparsely hairy to glabrous; stamens 6, about 2
mm long, anthers about 1 mm long and reddish purple
prior to anthesis; disc pulvinate, about 0.75 mm high;
rudimentary carpels 2-5. Carpellate flowers about 2
mm long; pedicels and perianth segments as in
staminate flowers; rudimentary stamens none; disc
pulvinate, 0.5-0.75 mm high; gynoecium 2-5
carpellate, sparsely hirsute to glabrous, about 1.5 mm
high, styles about 0.75 mm long, divergent,
articulating about 0.3 mm below the globose stigma.
Perfect flowers (only in Sumatran specimens) about 3
mm long; pedicels and perianth segments as in
staminate flowers; stamens 3-6, about 3 mm long,
otherwise as in staminate flowers; gynoecium 2-4
carpellate, sparsely hirsute, otherwise as in carpellate
flowers. Fruiting pedicels 0.5-1.5 mm long; follicles
generally reddish, subglobose, about 4 mm, in
diameter in 2’s to 5’s, the undeveloped carpels
caducous. (Hartley,1966).
3.2 Andaliman Varieties in North
The results showed that there were nine Andaliman
varieties in North Sumatera, six varieties were
already named, which are Siholpu, Siganjangpat,
Sihalus Sihorbo, Simanuk, Sirangkak. Three other
varieties have not been obtained the local names.
However, Sihorbo variety is found in two districts,
Samosir Island (SI) and Humbang Hasundutan (HH).
There were three Andaliman varieties in North
Tapanuli District (1.500-1.600 m asl): Siholpu,
Siganjangpat and Variety 3.
3.2.1 Siholpu Variety
Based on local knowledge, Siholpu variety has
greener leaves, smaller leaf size, more prickles in the
middle of the leaf, short petiole. The fruit has a
smaller size, the colour of the fruit is greener, the fruit
stalks are short, the fruit is swarming, more fruit
production than Siganjangpat variety, fruiting
throughout the year, the fruit is preferred by the local
community, the fruit has the spiciest taste and the
most fragrant. The stem is brown and smaller in size.
Prickles on the stems and leaves are longer and
Figure 1: Siholpu Variety. A) Tree, B) Fruit, C) Flowers,
D) Leaves, E) Prickles, F) Specimen.
Based on the specimen of Siholpu variety, leaves:
trifoliolate or imparipinnate, 14 cm long, 7 leaflets, 5
cm long, 1.5 cm wide, there are prickles in the middle
of the leaf. Seeds: black, subglobose, 0.25 cm long,
0.2 cm wide. Prickle: 1 cm long, 0.5 cm wide. There
are many prickles on the twig.
Wild Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.) Varieties as an Aromatic Plants from North Sumatera
3.2.2 Siganjangpat Variety
Based on local knowledge, Siganjangpat variety has
yellowish leaves, bigger leaf size, leaves have less
prickles, long petiole. Larger size fruits, fewer green
fruits, longer fruit stalks, less fruit production (only
bear fruit twice a year), fruit has a less spicy taste and
less fragrant. The stem has a lighter colour and bigger
size. Less prickles on the stems and the leaves.
Based on the specimen of Siganjangpat variety,
leaves trifoliolate or imparipinnate, 20 cm long, 7
leaflets, 7.5 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, no prickles in the
middle of the leaf. Seed: black, subglobose, 0.3 cm
long, 0.2 cm wide. Prickle: 0.3 cm long, 0.1 cm wide.
There are almost no prickles on the twig.
Figure 2: Siganjangpat Variety. A) Tree, B) Fruit, C)
Flowers, D) Leaves, E) Specimen.
3.2.3 Variety 3
Based on local knowledge, Variety 3 has greener
leaves, moderate and smaller prickles in the middle of
the leaf, short petiole. Fruit has smaller size, greener
fruit colour, short fruit stalk, the highest fruit
production compared to Siholpu variety and
Siganjangpat variety, fruit has a spicy taste and
fragrant. The stem size is bigger and higher than
Siholpu variety and Siganjangpat variety. Medium
prickles, less prickles than Siholpu variety and more
prickles than Siganjangpat variety.
Based on the specimen of Variety 3, leaves
trifoliolate or imparipinnate, 15 cm long, 7 leaflets,
5.5 cm long, 1.8 cm wide, there are prickles in the
middle of the leaf (moderate). Seeds: black,
subglobose, 0.2 cm long, 0.2 cm wide. Prickle: 0.8 cm
long, 0.5 cm wide. There are moderate prickles on the
There were two Andaliman varieties in Samosir
Island (1.600-1.700 m asl): Sihalus and Sihorbo.
Figure 3: Variety 3. A) Tree, B) Fruit, C) Flowers,
D) Leaves, E) Prickles, F) Specimen.
3.2.4 Sihalus Variety
Based on local knowledge, Sihalus variety has
smaller leaf size, tight spacing between leaves, long
petiole. The fruit has a smaller size and more durable
to store, more fruit production, the fruit has the same
taste and aroma as Sihorbo variety. The stem has a
smaller size. Slightly prickles.
Based on the specimen of Sihalus variety,leaves
trifoliolate or imparipinnate, 15.5 cm long, 7 leaflets,
5 cm long, 1.2 cm wide, no prickles in the middle of
the leaf. Seeds: black, subglobose, 0.4 cm long, 0.2
cm wide. Prickle: 0.8 cm long, 0.3 cm wide. Slightly
prickles on the twig.
Figure 4: Sihalus Variety. A) Tree, B) Fruit, C) Leaves,
D) Prickles, E) Specimen.
3.2.5 Sihorbo Variety (SI)
Based on local knowledge, Sihorbo variety (SI) has
larger leaves, sparce spacing between leaves, short
petiole. Fruit has a larger size and not durable to store,
less fruit production, the fruit has the same taste and
aroma as Sihalus variety. The stem has a larger size.
There are many prickles.
ICEO 2019 - 2nd International Conference of Essential Oil Indonesia
Figure 5: Sihorbo Variety (SI). A) Tree, B) Fruit,
C) Leaves, D) Stem, E) Prickles, F) Specimen.
Based on the specimen of Sihorbo variety, leaves
trifoliolate or imparipinnate, 13 cm long, 7 leaflets, 8
cm long, 2 cm wide, there are many prickles in the
middle of the leaf. Seeds: black, subglobose, 0.5 cm
long, 0.3 cm wide. Prickle: 2 cm long, 1.7 cm wide.
There are many prickles on the twig.
There were five Andaliman varieties in Humbang
Hasundutan District (1700-1800 masl): Simanuk,
Sihorbo, Sirangkak, Variety 1 and Variety 2.
3.2.6 Simanuk Variety
Based on local knowledge, Simanuk variety has small
green leaves with red leaves edges. Fruit is green
rather black, small-sized fruit and has a lot of oil,
many fruit production, fruit easily change colour to
black, the fruit is preferred by local communities
because it has a very spicy taste and fragrant. The
stem is gray and taller than other varieties. Slightly
Figure 6: Simanuk Variety. A) Tree, B) Fruit, C) Flowers,
D) Leaves, E) Specimen.
Based on the specimen of Simanuk variety, leaves
trifoliolate or imparipinnate, 14 cm long, 7 leaflets,
5.5 cm long, 1.8 cm wide, slight prickles in the middle
of the leaf. Seeds: black, subglobose, 0.3 cm long, 0.2
cm wide. Prickle: 1 cm long, 0.5 cm wide. Slightly
prickles on the twig.
3.2.7 Sihorbo Variety (HH)
Based on local knowledge, Sihorbo variety (HH) has
long and large leaf sizes. The fruit has a large size,
green and clumps like kaffir lime, the highest fruit
production, the fruit has a less spicy taste and less
fragrant. The stem is light green. There are very tight
Based on the specimen of Sihorbo variety, leaves
trifoliolate or imparipinnate, 23 cm long, 7 leaflets, 9
cm long, 3 cm wide, there are many prickles in the
middle of the leaf. Seeds: black, subglobose, 0.5 cm
long, 0.3 cm wide. Prickle: 1.2 cm long, 0.7 cm wide.
There are many prickles on the twig.
Figure 7: Sihorbo Variety (HH). A) Tree, B) Leaves, C)
Fruit, D) Specimen.
3.2.8 Sirangkak Variety
Based on local knowledge, Sirangkak variety has
green and red leaves. Fruit is rather a lot of
production, the fruit has a spicy taste and fragrant.
The stem is gray. There are many prickles.
Figure 8: Sirangkak Variety. A) Tree, B) Fruit, C) Flowers,
D) Leaves.
Wild Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.) Varieties as an Aromatic Plants from North Sumatera
Based on the specimen of Sirangkak variety,
leaves trifoliolate or imparipinnate, 15 cm long, 7
leaflets, 5.5 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, there are many
prickles in the middle of the leaf. Seeds: black,
subglobose, 0.5 cm long, 0.25 cm wide. Prickle: 1.8
cm long, 0.5 cm wide. There are many prickles on the
3.2.9 Variety 1
Based on local knowledge, Variety 1 has green
reddish leaves, bigger and longer size. The fruit has a
bigger size, less fruit production, the fruit has a spicy
taste and fragrant. The stem is reddish. There are
many prickles.
Based on the specimen of Variety 1, leaves
trifoliolate or imparipinnate, 17 cm long, 7 leaflets, 7
cm long, 2 cm wide, no prickles in the middle of the
leaf. Seeds: black, subglobose, 0.5 cm long, 0.2 cm
wide. Prickle: 0.5 cm long, 0.2 cm wide. Many
prickles on the twig.
Figure 9: Variety 1. A) Tree, B) Fruit, C) Leaves, D)
3.2.10 Variety 2
Based on local knowledge, Variety 2 has small
leaves, green and short in size. Smaller fruit and less
fruit production, fruit has a spicy taste and fragrant.
The stem is gray. Short prickles.
Based on the specimen of Variety 2, leaves
trifoliolate or imparipinnate, 12.5 cm long, 7 leaflets,
4 cm long, 1 cm wide, no prickles in the middle of the
leaf. Seeds: black, subglobose, 0.3 cm long, 0.15 cm
wide. Prickle: 0.3 cm long, 0.1 cm wide. There are
short prickles on the twig.
Andaliman has several local names in North
Sumatra: andaliman (Batak Toba), tuba (Batak
Simalungun), itir-itir” (Batak Karo) and
“sinyarnyar” (Batak Angkola) (Raja and Hartana,
2017). Generally, the fruit of Andaliman in North
Sumatra tends to be utilized by Batak people as a
unique spice. It can also be medicine for digestive
disorders (Purba et al., 2018).
Figure 10: Variety 2. A) Tree, B) Leaves, C) Fruit, D)
Andaliman (Z. acanthopodium) in India has
several local names: "mukthrubi andaliman or
toothache tree" in Manipur (Leishangthem and
Sharma, 2014; Singh et al., 2003), "tambul" in
Manipur (Ishwori et al., 2014), eyar-ma" in
Arunachal Pradesh (Ghosh et al., 2014), "timru" at
Garhwal Himalayas (Kandari and Gusain, 2001).
Local communities in India utilize the leaf, fruit, seed
and stem bark of Z. acanthopodium. Young leaf and
fruit as a medicine for fever, cough and bronchitis
(Leishangthem and Sharma, 2014). Leaf and fruit are
also used as a medicine for cancer, boils, female
contraceptive, headache, fever, wounds, swelling and
skin diseases (Ghosh et al., 2014). Fruit is used as a
medicine for dysentery (Kala, 2005). Leaves and
seeds as medicine for fever, dyspepsia (abdominal
pain), cough, bronchitis, rheumatism (Singh et al.,
2003). Seed powder and stem bark are used as
toothache and tooth decay medicine. Fruit is used for
spices and condiments, insecticides and pesticides
(Kandari and Gusain, 2001). Leaf is consumed as
vegetable (Gogoi et al., 2014; Konsam et al., 2016).
Moektiwardoyo et al., (2014) stated that there was
4.94% concentration of essential oil from Andaliman
fruit. The active compound contents in Andaliman are
reported to be used as an antibacterial (Ishwori et al.,
2014; Parhusip, 2006; Saragih and Arsita, 2019),
antifungal (Devi et al., 2015), cancer cell inhibitor
(Zhao et al., 2005; Kristanty and Suriawati, 2014),
preventing malaria mosquitoes (He et al., 2018),
antioxidant (Tensiska et al., 2003; Gultom, 2011),
antiradical (Suryanto et al., 2004) and
antiinflammatory (Yanti, 2011).
Further research related to the essential oil content
of each Andaliman variety and its ecological studies
ICEO 2019 - 2nd International Conference of Essential Oil Indonesia
are needed to support the cultivation of Andaliman as
a producer of essential oils in wider use and increase
added value for local communities in North Sumatera
in the future.
The conclusion of this research:
1. There were nine varieties Andaliman in North
Sumatera: Siholpu, Siganjangpat, Sihalus,
Sihorbo, Simanuk, Sirangkak and there were
three unnamed varieties.
2. Each variety grows in a different altitude and has
morphological characteristics.
3. Further research will be carried out, related to the
essential oil content of each Andaliman variety
and its ecological conditions.
We thank for by Research LIPI, the local
communities in North Tapanuli (Mr. Ferdinand
Manalu), Samosir Island (Mr. Prengki Sitanggang)
and Humbang Hasundutan (Mr. Darlen Lumban
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ICEO 2019 - 2nd International Conference of Essential Oil Indonesia