Marketing Innovation in Industry 4.0: Experiential Marketing
Practices in the Culinary Industry
Daniel Hermawan
Business Administration Department, Parahyangan Catholic University, Ciumbuleuit 94 Street, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Marketing Innovation, Industry 4.0., Experiential Marketing, Culinary, Social Media
Abstract: The increase of social media users has made Indonesian people experience changes in terms of consuming
products. This phenomenon also affects the marketing strategy of the culinary industry in Bandung to adjust
with millennial consumers. Capturing food before eating, posting photos with interesting captions, and
recording unique moments with friends and family in culinary places became a common sight that was seen
in several culinary places in Bandung. A culinary place that was originally focused on the taste and quality of
food now turned into a selfie spot that has its theme and brings a new experience to consumers. Through this
research, the author wants to know (1) how marketing innovations designed by culinary owners? (2) How do
consumers assess marketing innovations carried out by culinary places? This research uses qualitative
methods, namely using case studies and interviews with culinary owners and consumers in 6 Instagramable
restaurants in Bandung. The research found that marketing innovation is a useful tool in providing a
competitive advantage for the culinary industry. Consumers assess that marketing innovation carried out by
the culinary industry is good, but must be consistent with other factors, such as price, atmosphere,
maintenance of facilities, and quality of food offered
The increasing number of internet users in Indonesia
is an opportunity, as well as a challenge for
businesses, especially those engaged in the culinary
industry. Based on data from the Association of
Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII), the
number of internet users in Indonesia reached 171.17
million or around 64.8%. The majority of Indonesian
people who access the internet come from the age of
15-19 years. Therefore, businesses in the culinary
field must adjust the content to suit the tastes and
behavior of consumers (Pratomo, 2019).
The Bandung brand, as a culinary city also offers
promising opportunities for culinary businesses. They
are evidenced by the growth in demand for culinary
products in Bandung, which exceeds 10 percent per
year. This also makes the culinary industry
competition in the city of Bandung increasingly
stringent. No wonder many culinary industries are
closed because they cannot compete with other
culinary businesses. Therefore, culinary businesses
must provide added value in the products or services
offered (Lukihardianti, 2018).
Along with the increasing number of millennial
consumers in Indonesia, some culinary
businesspeople capture this opportunity by providing
a culinary place that is current and in accordance with
consumer tastes. The existence of selfie photo spots,
antique decorations in culinary places, "Insta-
friendly" culinary design, and attractive food
arrangements are expected to be able to attract
millennial consumers who make culinary as a means
to establish networking with friends or colleagues
(Sebastiá Company, 2019).
Not just turning culinary spots into photo spots,
culinary businesses also do marketing innovations,
ranging from promotions via social media,
promotions through buzzers or selebgram (Instagram
celebrities) in providing reviews of the culinary
presented, as well as providing discounts for
consumers who capture their moments in culinary
venues on social media (, 2019). It is
hoped that the marketing innovation step carried out
can attract consumers to come and taste the
experiences that are served at the culinary venue.
Through this paper, the author is interested in
observing (1) how marketing innovations designed by
Hermawan, D.
Marketing Innovation in Industry 4.0: Experiential Marketing Practices in the Culinary Industry.
DOI: 10.5220/0009958400430048
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 43-48
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
culinary owners? (2) how do consumers assess
marketing innovations carried out by culinary places?
2.1 Marketing Innovation
Marketing innovation can be defined as the
implementation of new marketing methods involving
significant changes to a firm’s marketing mix from
product design or packaging, product placement,
product promotion, to product pricing (Joueid &
Coenders, 2018).
Marketing innovation is essential for a culinary
business to do in winning the competition in industry
4.0. The bargaining power of consumers is
increasingly high with the number of culinary choices
that can be found in gadgets, making culinary
businesses have to be able to provide competitive
advantages that cannot be found in other culinary
venues. Therefore, the way to deliver products,
prices, prices, and promotions must also be adjusted
to the target market (Agustina, 2018).
The objectives of marketing innovation are (1)
identify unmet and even unknown customer needs;
(2) understand the deep-seated drivers of perception
and behavior that are relevant to a product’s appeal;
(3) engage with customers through use cases and
benefits instead of functionalities and features; (4)
develop the entire customer experience ecosystem;
(5) use a go-to-market strategy that is appropriate for
the innovation and its customers (Yohn, 2019).
Marketing innovation is expected to be a bridge
for culinary business people and consumers in
designing and enjoying experiences in consuming the
products or services offered.
2.2 Experiential Marketing
Experiential marketing is a media mix promotional
discipline used to encourage sensual interaction and
physical fascination of the consumer into brands
(goods and services). Experiential marketing
provides real experiences to the customer with brands
(goods and services) that drive sales and increase
brand image and brand awareness among the
consumers (Sharma & Sharma, 2011).
The Fantasies, Feelings, and Fun (3Fs) principles
are the goals and criteria for successful consumption
in the experiential view. Experiential marketing is
also used to build relationships; to raise awareness; to
increase loyalty; to establish relevance; to encourage
interaction and product trials; to create memories; to
stimulate positive word of mouth; to change the mind
of dissatisfied customers; to create product desire; to
verify the target audience; to increase return on
marketing investment; to stimulate purchase; to guide
preferences; to develop positive perception; to show
off its attributes (Datta, 2017).
Experiential marketing is a process to identify and
satisfy the needs of consumers and profitable
aspirations, involving consumers through two-way
communication, which brings the brand personality to
life and add value to the target audience. Two-way
communication and interactive involvement are the
keys to create an impressive experience that triggers
word of mouth and changes consumers to become
brand supporters and consumers' loyalty towards a
brand (Sugiyarti & Hendar, 2017).
Through this paper, the author using a qualitative
method. Qualitative methods are used to find out the
truth of the data, respondents' feelings, social
interactions, and social symptoms through interviews
with respondents directly.
Author analyses 6 restaurants that are classified as
"Insta-friendly" in Bandung and interview the reasons
why consumers come to these culinary places.
Table 1. Instagramable Restaurants’ Profile
k Kaliki
Seeing the
phenomenon of
teenagers who
like selfies
Young people
who like
Ancient cave
students to
Taiwan and see
the park with a
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
Many school
children around
the restaurant,
the character of
My Little Pony
(1) How marketing innovations designed by
culinary owners?
Marketing innovations designed by culinary owners
are adjusted to the target market. Pickinick Kaliki
designed a comfortable coffee shop for young people
with an interesting place to take selfies. The
inspiration to make Pickinick Kaliki itself arises from
the fondness of teenagers who upload their photos to
social media. Besides, Pickinick Kaliki also
prioritizes the presentation of a unique coffee to
attract consumers. Through a unique selfie photo
taking place, consumers will feel free to spread
Pickinick Kaliki to social media and hope it can
become viral as the marketing of Words of Mouth.
Figure 1. Pickinick Kaliki (Isti, 2018)
One Eighty Coffee and Music gives the
characteristics of a particular pool area for consumers
who want to try the sensation of eating on the water,
such as a restaurant on the beach. One Eighty Coffee
and Music make marketing innovation in the
existence of live music every Sunday to attract
consumers. Because of experiential marketing
offered in the form of the sensation of enjoying eating
on the water, consumers of One Eighty Coffee and
Music reach 200 - 400 per day on weekdays and more
than 800 people on weekends.
Figure 2. One Eighty Coffee and Music
(, 2019)
The phenomenon of young people who hang out
while working on the task caught by the owner of The
Parlor to create a friendly café for students. The
Parlor owner designed a café with an art theme, so it
was interesting to be a spot to take photos. The
marketing innovation that has been made is a snack
bonus given to consumers who upload photos at The
Parlor and special discounts for students. Besides,
The Parlor also provides a comfortable culinary place
to relax and discuss with friends.
Figure 3. The Parlor (, 2017)
Goldstar 360 takes the theme of ancient caves
with various ornaments and properties made with
Greek nuances. The existence of Goldstar 360 around
Maranatha Christian University makes café owners
targeting students as the main target market. Public
interest in taking photos in "Insta-friendly" spots is
one of the important factors in consumer visits.
People who come want to feel the atmosphere of
eating while in ancient caves.
Marketing Innovation in Industry 4.0: Experiential Marketing Practices in the Culinary Industry
Figure 4. Goldstar 360 (Firdaus, 2018)
The exchange of students to Taiwan seems to
inspire the owner of Taman Kardus in designing the
café concept with the central theme of cardboard. The
division of themes between indoor and outdoor has
also become a unique feature for Taman Kardus. The
indoor section, the owner of Taman Kardus designs
with a cardboard theme, while for outdoor is designed
with a view of pine forests and pillows for relaxing.
It is expected that people who like to take pictures can
take advantage of existing photo spots in Taman
Kardus optimally.
Figure 5. Taman Kardus (Maulidia, 2018)
The My Little Pony character inspires love
Unicorn Café in the café's concept and design. The
walls are designed in pink, the number of ornaments
and dolls in each seat in the Love Unicorn Café, as
well as the striking and bright decoration colors, are
the main attraction for consumers to capture the
moments in the Love Unicorn Café. The existence of
a café near schools is also one of the factors why
restaurant owners take the theme My Little Pony.
Love Unicorn Café has also been covered in Si
Unyil's program on Trans TV because of the unique
place designed by the café owner.
Figure 6. Love Unicorn Café (Susanti, 2018)
(2) How do consumers assess marketing
innovations carried out by culinary places?
According to consumers, the concept and design of a
place that is "Insta-friendly" are not enough, but also
needs to be supported by the atmosphere, food
quality, and prices equal with the experience gained.
Based on interviews conducted at Pickinick Kaliki,
consumers consider that friends and social media are
the main factors that encourage consumers to come to
Pickinick Kaliki. The price of food that is worth the
experience gained makes consumers feel at home in
Pickinick Kaliki for 2-3 hours, and usually,
consumers visit in the afternoon. Besides, the unique
photo spots on Pickinick Kaliki encourage consumers
to post photos while on Pickinick Kaliki.
The unique, attractive, and Instagramable pool
concept is several factors that determine consumer
visits to One Eighty Coffee and Music. Generally,
consumers get information about One Eighty Coffee
and Music from friends and social media, especially
from the InstaStory feature that is shared with friends.
Consumers usually spend 1-2 hours at One Eighty
Coffee and Music, and the usual visit time is in the
afternoon or after going home from college.
Consumers usually capture the sensation of bathing in
this pool in the InstaStory feature. Customers not only
enjoy the food and drinks that are served but also
enjoy the pleasure of soaking their feet on the pool,
which creates its own experience for consumers.
Viral café aspect is also an important factor for
consumers to visit The Parlor. The existence of
attractive photo spots and a comfortable place to
gather with friends is a reason for consumers to visit
The Parlor. The prices of food and beverages are
relatively high, complained by consumers, especially
for students. Motivation "to be the update one" is also
one of the reasons consumers visit The Parlor, which
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
is identical to art. Consumers spend an average of 1-
2 hours while at The Parlor. The experience of
enjoying art and capturing moments with social
media is a pleasure for consumers.
The uniqueness of Goldstar 360 to take pictures
and enjoy the atmosphere of ancient caves became an
exciting experience for consumers to taste the
atmosphere that is unique and different from usual.
Besides, information obtained from friends and social
media is a factor that significantly influences
consumers to visit Goldstar 360. The average
consumer spends 2-3 hours enjoying the atmosphere
and experience offered at Goldstar 360. The sensation
of being in an ancient cave becomes a marketing
innovation that gives consumers a unique experience.
The combination of the concept of Taman Kardus
with the nuances of nature becomes an experience
that is felt by consumers is very memorable when in
Taman Kardus. In general, consumers do not enjoy
the culinary presented, but rather the atmosphere and
beautiful scenery offered by Taman Kardus. The
beauty of photo spots in Taman Kardus makes
consumers interested in sharing their experiences
through social media. Consumers can spend up to 2
hours while in the Taman Kardus.
Enjoying quality time with children is one of the
dominant factors that can be found from consumers
in the Love Unicorn Café. The experience of playing
dolls and eating with children is a specialized
experience that is obtained by consumers when they
are in the Love Unicorn Café. The concept of My
Little Pony makes consumers who are, on average,
young parents happy to photograph their children
with various interiors and properties in Love Unicorn
Café. Consumers can spend between 2 - 3 hours while
in Love Unicorn Café, and the average consumer
comes during the day while accompanying children
for lunch.
Through interviews and observations conducted
to consumers in 6 "Insta-friendly" restaurants, it can
be concluded that the marketing innovations carried
out must have a clear storyline with the experience
that will be received by consumers. Creating
marketing innovations is not just adding interesting
atmosphere, decoration, and property, but also a
holistic process of value-added chains created by
culinary businesses, to provide a memorable and
enjoyable experience, both in terms of food quality,
comfortable atmosphere, and excellent service.
Based on the results of observations and interviews,
it can be concluded that marketing innovation plays a
very important role in providing added value to every
business person, especially in the culinary industry.
The use of social media as promotional media is very
effective in attracting consumer interest, especially
millennial consumers. Besides, the presence of spots
that take unique photos, attractive decorations, and
properties that are "out of the box" is the main
attraction for consumers to capture their moments.
Indirectly, experiential marketing experienced by
consumers becomes a free promotion method given
by consumers to their friends, family, and colleagues
from their social media account (e-Words of Mouth).
Experiential marketing has become a vital
business element to consider because millennial
consumers are looking for a new experience in
consumer products today. Culinary business people
can explore this consumer experience by inserting
marketing innovations in the various atmosphere,
decoration, and properties offered. Besides, the way
of serving food, food arrangement, and employee’
costumes can provide a specialized experience for
consumers, which adding value to the culinary owner
that implements it.
For consumers, the existence of an "Insta-
friendly" concept restaurant is not only enough to
present an exciting spot to take photos, but also must
be supported by the atmosphere, food quality, service
quality, and affordable prices. Consumers who come
in a long time in a restaurant can also be used by the
owner to increase the number of purchases per
consumer with attractive offers so that the duration of
consumer visits is also directly proportional to the
income obtained by culinary business owners.
The author can conclude that Instagramable
restaurant can be a promising business as long as it is
supported by maintaining facilities and regularly
updating photo spots. Restaurant owners must be able
to attract the tastes of consumers to come and visit
back to culinary places with various kinds of
experiences that will be obtained by consumers, both
in terms of services obtained, food quality, and
professional handling when consumers come during
peak hours, so it does not cause disappointment for
consumers who come.
Marketing Innovation in Industry 4.0: Experiential Marketing Practices in the Culinary Industry
In addition, experiential marketing that can be
done by Instagramable restaurant owners is to provide
renewal of the experience gained by consumers with
the theme of food or drink in a particular month. In
addition, the use of costumes, greetings, and
decorations can be modified periodically to provide
refreshment, especially for customers who have
visited more than 2 times to a culinary place.
Marketing innovations made can also be enhanced by
various interesting events or events that can invite
consumer participation, both in the form of giveaway
and testimonials, to increase public awareness of the
existence of the Instagramable restaurant.
This research is limited to the scope of
Instagramable restaurants in Bandung. Further
research that can be done related to this research is to
see how Instagramable restaurants can maintain
customer loyalty amid the many Instagramable
restaurants in the city of Bandung. Considering this
research was carried out within the scope of Bandung,
further research was carried out in other cities or on a
broader scale, for example, West Java or Indonesia.
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