d. Indicator number 5, the online/ website
application design, matches the type of
e. Indicator number 6, e-commerce conveys the value
of competence. Competent to be a selling
f. Indicator number 7, e-commerce provides a
positive experience.
3. Quadrant C (Low Priority)
The indicators in Quadrant C are considered low by
the user, but their expectations or interests are not
considered important by the user, so they are not a top
priority for the application provider in improvement.
The indicators that are located in quadrant C are:
a. Indicator number 9, e-commerce provides reliable
b. Indicator number 12, e-commerce provides
information that is easy to understand.
c. Indicator number 13, e-commerce provides
complete and detailed information.
d. Indicator number 14, e-commerce provides
information in the right format.
e. Indicator number 15, e-commerce has a good
f. Indicator number 16, the user feels safe to do
transactions on e-commerce/ online applications/
g. Indicator number 17, the user feels safe about the
personal information stored in an online
application or website/ e-commerce.
4. Quadrant D (Excessive)
The indicator in this quadrant is the performance of
the website, which is considered very good, but its
importance is considered low by the user, so it is often
ignored. The indicators that are located in quadrant D
a. Indicator number 20, the user feels confident that
the online/ website application services are
running well and optimally.
b. Indicator number 18, e-commerce/ online
applications/ websites provide personalized
facilities for users
c. Indicator number 19, online/ website application,
provides communication facilities between
community members.
Recommendations for improvement that can be given
based on the results of the IPA quadrant analysis are
the indicators in quadrant A, C, and D. In order of
priority, the improvement of quadrant A is the main
priority, because the indicators in this quadrant have
less performance while their importance is considered
very important by the user
Quadrant C, which is a low priority, because the
quality of website performance is still considered less
by users, but its importance is considered less
important. Quadrant D, the indicators considered
excessive, because the performance of the website is
considered to be very good, but its importance is
considered low by the user so that its existence is
often ignored. In quadrant D, it is recommended by
the manager to allocate the available resources in this
indicator to other indicators that still need to improve
performance in order to create efficiency.
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