number of adults who have bank accounts only
reaches 36%.
According to Abdulloh Mubarok and M.
Faqihudin (2011), in general, SMEs ' problems can be
classified into external problems and internal
problems. Internal problems include the quality of
human resources, capital, financial administration, or
accounting, while external problems include the
business climate, market access and facilities, and
In general, the activities of SMEs only emphasize
the production and marketing fields, while the
financial reporting activities are ignored. The
activities of preparing financial statements, are still
considered luxurious and not yet comparable to their
uses. As a result, the SMEs do not know exactly how
much income should be received, how much
operating costs should be incurred, and how much
should be left, which they know is only the current
financial condition.
Yogyakarta Special Region is one of the
provinces with the highest level of financial literacy
number 3 in Indonesia, according to the results of a
survey conducted by the OJK in 2016. However,
according to the Head of the UMKM Office and the
Yogyakarta Special Region Cooperative, Tri
Saktiyana said that based on field observations,
almost 98% of SMEs do not understand how to
organize financial statements properly. Therefore, the
SMEs cannot calculate profits accurately, so that the
development of the business scale is hampered. Also,
according to Tri Saktiyana, the absence of a neat
checking account makes them unable to access the
People's Business Credit (KUR). The SMEs who
have been able to access KUR is only around 10%,
while the rest are still in the form of startup funded by
cooperatives and own capital.
According to the Head of the UMKM Division of
the Yogyakarta UMKM and Cooperative Office,
Agus Mulyono, there are still around 238,000 SMEs
in Yogyakarta. Of this amount, 60% of them are
micro-businesses, and around 30% are small
businesses, the remaining 10% are medium
businesses. Agus Mulyono said that the difficulty of
SMEs entrepreneurs to access the capital was because
the SMEs did not make business plans when starting
a business, because the majority of them only
followed trends the existing.
In general, according to the Yogyakarta Central
Statistics Agency (BPS), the business climate in
Yogyakarta is somewhat conducive, as evidenced by
an increase in production growth of large and medium
manufacturing industries (IBS) in the fourth quarter
of 2016 increased by 12.8% compared to the same
period in 2015. The increase in Yogyakarta's IBS
growth index in 2016 was boosted by positive growth
in almost all types of industries. Among them the
food industry, apparel, rubber, rubber and plastic
goods, machinery industry, and equipment and crafts
and furniture.
Many variables affect someone's financial
literacy, including demographic factors and financial
knowledge. Previous research conducted by Chen and
Volpe (1998) states that men have higher financial
literacy than women. It is supported by research
conducted by Jeyaram and Mustapha (2015) that men
have better levels of financial literacy than women.
Apart from gender, education, age of manager,
and length of business are also aspects that affect a
person's level of financial literacy. Also supported by
the results of a study conducted by Bonita and
Setiawina Nyoman Djinar (2017) that simultaneously
variables of education level, length of business, and
gender significantly influence the level of financial
literacy. But according to the results of a study by
Cynthia Nur Fitriana Ichwan (2016) found that
education affects financial literacy while
demographics and length of business do not affect
financial literacy. This was also supported by the
results of a study conducted by Mukhtar et al. (2017)
that found that the level of education, age, and length
of business did not affect financial literacy, but
training influenced financial literacy. Yogyakarta
Special Region Province is included in the top 3
provinces with a high level of financial literacy of its
citizens in Indonesia, especially SMEs in Yogyakarta
itself from year to year, always experiencing an
increase. One of the regencies that has the highest
number of SMEs in Sleman Regency, with the most
distribution being in Sleman District. To be a known
level of financial literacy of SME crafts and furniture
that is in the district of Sleman, the researchers were
motivated to research.
2.1 Understanding Financial Literacy
Education Development Center (ECD) states that
literacy is the ability of individuals to use all the
potential and skills possessed in their lives, not just
the ability to read or write alone. According to the
National Institute for Literacy, defining literacy is the
ability of individuals to read, write, speak, count, and
solve problems at the level of expertise needed in
work, family, and society.