research by Sakai and Asaoka (2003) and Premuroso
and Bhattacharaya (2007), which concluded that the
implementation of CG would be able to support
companies to achieve good performance.
This study found no significant effect of
government ownership on bank profitability.
Meanwhile, foreign ownership has a negative
influence on profitability. This result shows that the
sample of banks used in the study, the greater the
foreign ownership has lower financial performance.
This finding does not support the opinion that
foreign-owned banks perform better, and banks
owned by the government perform worse. This result
is in line with the findings of Novado and Hartomo
Regression results from the model (2) show that
only profitability and foreign ownership have a
significant effect on firm value. Meanwhile, CG,
government ownership, and company size were
unable to influence firm value significantly.
As predicted, profitability has a significant
positive effect on firm value. This finding confirms
the signaling theory, which states that good
profitability is a positive signal for the market, so
when profitability achieved by banks improves, it will
be reflected in an increase in its stock price. These
results support the results of the study of Sumarno et
al. (2016) and Makhdalena (2016). This study
concluded that the profitability of companies has an
important role in influencing the value of companies
in Indonesia.
Meanwhile, CG does not have a significant
influence on firm value. But this influence becomes
significant when mediated by profitability. This effect
can be inferred from the Sobel test results (Table 5),
which show that the Sobel test value is significant on
the effect of RoA meditation on the influence of CG
on PBV. These results answer the findings of
previous studies, which found no significant effect of
CG on firm value (Nurfaza et al., 2017). This can be
interpreted as when the market finds that the CG
implementation of a company is good, but
profitability is not good, then that signal can not
influence the market decisions.
The results for the effect of ownership on firm
value also show different results. The effect of
government ownership on company value is not
significant, while foreign ownership has a negative
effect. These results are linear with the effect of these
variables on profitability. Foreign ownership has a
negative effect on profitability, as well as its effect on
the value of the company.
Good governance in the bank industry is very
important to implement. As an industry that receives
public trust to manage their finances, banks must have
accounting systems and procedures. Management
guarantee from the banking industry is influenced by
the monitoring function in the banking sector. This
monitoring function can be seen from the ownership
structure and corporate governance. This study aims
to obtain evidence of whether corporate governance,
the ownership structure of the bank industry, affects
profitability, and corporate value.
The results of this research show that there is a
significant effect of CG, foreign ownership, and total
assets on profitability. The better implementation of
CG will have an impact on higher profitability
achieved by the bank. However, this study does not
found the impact of government ownership on bank
profitability. Meanwhile, foreign ownership has a
negative influence on profitability. This result shows
that the sample of banks used in the study, the greater
the foreign ownership has lower financial
This study also found that profitability and foreign
ownership have a significant effect on firm value.
Meanwhile, CG, government ownership, and
company size were unable to influence firm value
significantly. This study found a mediating effect of
profitability on the effect of CG on firm value.
This study subject to several limitations. First, the
study only uses a proxy of profitability. Using more
than one indicator of profitability may give different
insights. Second, this study observes the ownership
structure as the monitoring functions of the
management. This variable does not impact
significantly on firm value. Further study can develop
other variables of monitoring function of the bank
that may effect firm value.
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