4) The company's image has a positive and
significant impact on customer loyalty at PT.
Pos Indonesia (Persero) Yogyakarta.
5) Customer Satisfaction has a positive and
significant impact on Pelanggang Loyalty.
6) Customer satisfaction has a significant
influence in mediating service quality on
customer loyalty at PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero)
7) Customer satisfaction has a significant
influence in mediating the company's image of
customer loyalty at PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero)
Suggestions from this study based on the results of
testing the research hypothesis are as follows:
1) According to the results of the study, it is
recommended that PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero)
Yogyakarta to pay attention to variables on tangibles,
reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy
dimensions so that customer satisfaction can be
maintained and can provide services to customers in
a better way, so that each customer can feel satisfied
with the service they receive, and can also increase
the desire to continue to use the services of PT. Pos
Indonesia so that customers become loyal customers
of PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Yogyakarta. Excellent
service quality can provide satisfaction to customers
so that it will cause loyal behavior to regular
customers to continue to use shipping services.
Efforts to increase customer loyalty can be made by
maintaining customer satisfaction by striving to meet
customer needs, providing services that are felt to be
of direct benefit.
2) For further research, it is recommended to use
different analysis variables to enrich the results of the
analysis of what factors influence customer loyalty.
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www.//pos-indonesia//guide-do-complaints- shipments-