2.1 Financial Technology (Fintech)
Creating development for the poor who are
vulnerable and able to access financial services, this
Fintech is one of the strategic solutions to realize
financial inclusion. This solution is dedicated to users
of financial services for payment, trading, capital
market activities, and much more (Ion and Alexandra,
2016). The process of technology substitution in it is
much better for encouraging long-term investment
and capital placement in various productive sectors
(Rong et al., 2013). However, many innovative
products have subsequently failed to reach critical
mass users and even do not exist anymore (Teja,
2017). Hyytinen, Pajarinen, & Rouvinen (2015)
stated that companies that focus their primary
attention on developing superiority products tend to
Fintech is a new financial technology product that
can facilitate various transactions, both payments,
investments, and insurance (Teja, 2017). Natural
features will produce a high level of comfort so that
the successful application of Fintech can be
optimized. The biggest challenge in developing
financial innovation is a superior product whose
function is accepted in the habit of using the user's
daily payment system without changing user habits
(Teja, 2017). Users do not need to go to banks
anymore and spend their time on credit arrangements,
currency exchange, and many more (Kalmykova and
Tyabova, 2016). These tools make life easier;
however, they pose a serious threat to banks; services
should be created more convenient and useful to
retain clients. Therefore, the bank and credit system
began to change actively (Kalmykova and Tyabova,
2016). This illumination of Fintech will achieve the
goal of user convenience, user comfort, and being
able also to minimize the cost of money creation to
various credit cards that are more familiar among
users (Teja, 2017).
2.2 Regulation
The Fintech market is proliferating, followed by the
emergence of new business start-ups every month,
but on the other hand, there are still no clear legal
regulations from the government related to the
development of this financial technology. Financial
technology is developing so fast that it is challenging
to manage all the innovative features of legal control
(Kalmykova and Tyabova, 2016). Users will
empirically consider the factors that influence the
expectations of both users and organizations in
adopting Fintech, including customer trust, data
security, the added value from fintech itself. Clear
regulations will increase customer confidence, data
security, and user design appearance, which influence
the implementation of FinTech (Stewart and Jurjens,
2.3 Collaboration
Sterman et al., In Teja (2017), stated that the strategy
of implementing Fintech, whose aim is to achieve
rapid growth, could create the risk of excess industrial
capacity. Thus the company needs to overcome these
problems by becoming a leader in a business
ecosystem through collaboration. By binding a user
network and changing the user's role into a developer,
the assumption is that the company will get more
acceptance (Lu, C., Rong, K., You, J., & Shi, Y.
(2014). Transforming users into developers can open
up new opportunities (Overholm, 2014; McKelvey et
al., 2015). The prospect of its application will grow
faster than competitors when using collaboration
between industry and the business ecosystem.
2.4 Financial Literacy
The Financial Services Authority surveyed in 2013
that the level of financial literacy of the Indonesian
population was divided into four parts, well literate
21.84%, sufficient literate 75.69%, less literate
2.06%, and not literate 0.41%. (www.ojk.go.id,
2017). The survey is based on the knowledge and
beliefs of Indonesians about financial services
institutions, including financial service products,
such as features, benefits and risks, rights, and
obligations related to financial products and services,
to their skills in using them. The potential impact of
Fintech on the financial industry, to create stability
and access to services (Philippon, 2016). Some
financial sectors and startups see Fintech as a gateway
to increase business opportunities. However, on the
other hand, there are also security threats increasing
rapidly and have become a challenge for Fintech
users if users are not equipped with a good
understanding of financial literacy (Stewart and
Jurjens, 2018).
Therefore, in this study, a research hypothesis was
formed relating to regulation, financial literacy, and
collaboration, and the application of financial
technology, as follows:
H1: Regulation has a significant effect on the
application of financial technology