The Determinant of Student Attendance Discipline in Lectures with
Psychological Approach to Formation of Discipline Character
Through Punishment and Motivation: Survey on Management
Department Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business UPN
"Veteran" Yogyakarta
Agus Suryono, Sudaryatie, Sri Kussujaniatun, Anis Siti Hartati
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
Keywords: Psychological Approach, Disciplinary Character, Interest in discipline, Interest, Extrinsic Motivation,
Abstract: This study aims to determine and analyze the interest of student discipline in attending lectures in the
Management Department of the Faculty of Economics and Business at UPN Veteran Yogyakarta. The
population in this study were all Management Department students at the Faculty of Economics and Business
UPN "Veterans" Yogyakarta. The sampling technique used is Convenience Sampling. The sample size was
107 respondents. The analytical tool used in this research is descriptive and quantitative, using SPSS path
analysis. The results showed the determinant of student discipline interest in the Management department of
the Faculty of Economics and Business UPN "Veterans" Yogyakarta was built more through extrinsic
motivation than punishment.
Education is a planned, conscious effort to create an
atmosphere of learning and learning, so students
actively developing their potential to have religious-
spiritual strength, self-control, personality,
intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by
themselves, society, nation, and country. Collage is a
place for a student to developing abilities and forming
dignified character and nation civilization in order to
educate the life of the nation, develop science and
technology with paying attention and applying
humanities values. A student should ideally be
formed, embedded humanities values in a student. By
having humanities values, a student will have a
dignified character for his nation and country in the
context of applying the knowledge gained during
college in real life, because in the humaniform value
a student is required to be an academic discipline
student who studies the intrinsic value of humanity
(President, 2012). However, in reality, in the process
of forming a student's humanities in college, there is
still much lack of discipline and learning motivation
among students. This behavior has a serious impact
on the results of learning, this is in line with the results
of previous studies Suryono et al., 2019, 30% of
respondents in a study titled Analysis of Student
Discipline Level in Attending Lectures in the
Management Department of the Faculty of
Economics and Business UPN "Veteran"
Yogyakarta, there is a lack of Discipline in attending
lectures, the results of the study showed that there was
an absentee culture also called among students
creativity imitating the signature culture, and the
habit of late about was 1-20 minutes after class began.
The impact was a lower level of knowledge
absorption for students who have done an absence of
cheating and are often late. So that it will affect the
achievement of the goals of college as an educational
institution which has a very strategic role in the
process of character developing the of student
discipline through various activities both curricular,
co-curricular and extracurricular, so the output is a
bachelor who has high-tech science with a very
disciplined character, according to the humanities
value. Higher education as a system consists of
interrelated subsystems, namely students, lecturers,
bureaucrats, education personnel, and infrastructure
Suryono, A., Sudaryatie, ., Kussujaniatun, S. and Hartati, A.
The Determinant of Student Attendance Discipline in Lectures with Psychological Approach to Formation of Discipline Character Through Punishment and Motivation: Survey on Management
Department Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0009961502210227
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 221-227
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
facilities. Where these subsystems are interrelated,
mutually influencing, and interdependent with each
other to achieve goals. (Suryono, et al. 2019). Higher
education is an education unit that organizes collage,
which is obliged to take part in shaping the nation's
character. The younger generation has a strategic role
and function in the development of development for
the nation and state. One of the pros and cons of a
country can be seen from the quality of its youth,
because they are the next generation who must have
a strong character to build their country, have a strong
personality, a spirit of nationalism, able to understand
knowledge and technology to compete globally. To
achieve the goals of the tertiary institution depends on
two systems running simultaneously, on the one hand,
the role of bureaucrats in developing student
discipline The success of forming students with
strong disciplinary character is not only determined
by lecturers but also determined by other subsystems
in tertiary institutions. (Suryono et al. 2019). On the
other hand, it is the role of the students themselves
who have different disciplinary characters in the
effort to adopt knowledge from lecturers. So it is
expected that a student is considered to have a high
level of intellectuality, intelligence in critical
thinking, fast planned action, right is a trait that tends
to cling to each student, which is a complementary
principle. Higher education is a means to educate
students towards the formation of self-discipline as
individuals who are personal, whole, intelligent, and
have faith in God. Professional college educators
have a function as a teacher, educator, and trainer so
that they can develop cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor aspects of students. This is the entrance
for character education, especially the character of
discipline to be applied at the tertiary level in
Indonesia. Character education is an activity that
must be trained and practiced continuously, so it is
not enough just to be done by sitting in college.
Character education needs to be done by direct
practice in concrete life. According to Soemarno, the
character is the actualization of the potential from
within, and the internalization of moral values from
the outside becomes part of his personality. Character
is the values imprinted within us through education,
experience, experimentation, sacrifice, and
environmental influences, becoming intrinsic values
that underlie our attitudes and behavior. Character
means people who have personality, behavior,
character, character, or character. Personality is a
characteristic or characteristic or characteristic of a
person that comes from the formations received from
the environment, such as family in childhood, and
also innate from birth (Koesoema, 2007: 80). The
Liang Genie (1972) defines discipline is an orderly
situation in which people who are members of an
organization are subject to the rules that have been
there with pleasure. Discipline is the result of the
learning process, or in Latin disciples, which means
learning, the focus of discipline is teaching.
According to Ariesandi, 2008, the meaning of
discipline is the process of training the child's mind
and character gradually so that it becomes someone
who has self-control and is useful to the community.
Research conducted by Mussa 2015, which
researched the Effects of Student Penal Management
on Academic Performance, research findings
revealed that punishment plays an important role in
improving student academic performance by
ensuring that students and teachers follow school
rules. Punishment will perform well if applied fairly
and consistently. Conversely, if schools do not carry
out punishment fairly and consistently, then academic
performance is not as expected. Further adoption
reveals that when rules and regulations are
emphasized, in the long run, it will determine the
expected standard of behavior of students and
teachers. Previous research conducted by Suryono et
al., 2019 above found that 30% of students who were
respondents were undisciplined, even though they
had used the punishment approach, which was not
strict, as said by Lilian Mussa 2015. According to
Soemarno, 2001 the establishment of discipline could
begin from building the character of a student through
four corridors, two of which were planting values and
planting habits, it was also said by Susanto, 2017, the
process of disciplining habituation starts from
imitation, then habituation is carried out. This
research refers to the inculcation of the Soemarno
values system, 2001 linked to the elements of
disciplinary attitude assessment instruments in the
Qualification Framework The Indonesian National
(President of the Republic of Indonesia, 2012) is used
as extrinsic motivation (Hidayatullah 2010) to
encourage disciplinary habits in attending lectures
before the lecture begins. To increase student
discipline in attending lectures before lectures can be
pursued using two different ways first disciplinary
behavior is encouraged by fostering psychology
interest student discipline with motivation, so
discipline is carried out with joy and the second way
to improve the character of discipline is suppressed
by punishment, sanctions or punishment makes
psychological interest in a student's discipline
increase, but too severe punishment will make
students despair, and ultimately not go to college
again in one or several courses. Based on the
background above, this study wants to measure the
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
influence of the major who is able to encourage
student discipline interest through the extrinsic
physical motivation of students with attitude
assessment instruments in the IQF or through real
The purpose of this research is
1. to optimize the adoption of knowledge in the
learning process in the classroom, starting from
improving student discipline in attending
2. To measure the level of student discipline
interest in attending lectures, through
motivation or punishment.
3. To determine the method or way to build
discipline that will be developed.
2.1 Character
Etymologically, the word character (English:
character) comes from the Greek (Greek), namely,
harassing, which means "to engrave" (Ryan and
Bohlin, 1999: 5). The word "to engrave" can be
translated to carve, paint, carve, or carve (Echols and
Shadily, 1987: 214). A person's whole appearance
can be described by a symbol that contains three
layers. The outermost layer shows his personality,
which is displayed every day (which also contains
identity and temperament). The second layer is the
character, and the inner layer is identity. The process
of character development for the first time in the
family environment by instilling noble values and
positive norms for generations derived from religion,
culture, tradition. This is then followed by non-formal
education in the community and formal education in
the school environment. In building this character,
there are at least four corridors that need to be carried
out, which are planting values, planting what is and
what is not), planting habits, and the fourth set a very
important role in the development of character
(Soemarno, 2001).
2.2 Disciplinary Character
The etymology of discipline comes from the Latin
"disabled," which means follower. Along with the
times, the word has changed to "discipline," which
means obedience or which involves the order.
Discipline requires emotional integrity in bringing
about circumstances. Discipline refers to the pattern
of behavior with the following characteristics
Krishna, 2012:
1. There is a strong desire to fully implement what
has become the norms, ethics, and rules that
apply in society.
2. Controlled behavior.
3. Their obedience (obedience)
2.3 Discipline Character Development
through Habituation Process
Habituation (habituation) is the process of forming
attitudes and behavior that are relatively sedentary
and are automated through a learning process that
repeatedly (Susanto, 2017. Attitudes or behavior
becomes a habit assume the character; such behavior
relatively settled, generally does not require a high
enough thinking function, for example, to be on time
for college not because of motivation to get grades, or
fear of breaking the rules, or fear because of the
instructor, but because it is an essential human life
necessity that realizes the importance of discipline.
As a result or result of experience or learning, and
repeatedly appear in response to the same stimulus.
The process of disciplinary habituation starts from
imitation, then habituation is done under the guidance
of parents, and lecturers, so that parents and lecturers
must also be able to emulate and accustom students
to discipline. There is little difference between the
exemplary process and the habituation process.
However, the two things support each other.
Exemplary is a positive connotation of words so that
the things that follow are behaviors, attitudes, and
actions that are normatively good and right. In the
example, there is an element of inviting indirectly, so
that sometimes it is less effective without direct
invitation in the form of habituation. Likewise,
habituation that directly leads to behavior, attitude, or
behavior that is expected, less able to succeed well
without exemplary. Students will be increasingly
accustomed to discipline, and if it has become a habit
that is embedded deep in his heart, the student will
later be difficult to change from that habit. This is
because the habit is an automatic behavior, without
being planned, goes on without thinking about it. The
process of habituation is actually about repetition.
Meaning that what is familiarized is something done
repeatedly and eventually becomes a habit. The habit
must be applied in the daily life of students so that
what is familiarized, especially related to discipline,
will be a perfect personality. Habits are formed
because of something that is accustomed, so that
habits can be interpreted as actions or skills
continuously, consistently for a long time, so that
The Determinant of Student Attendance Discipline in Lectures with Psychological Approach to Formation of Discipline Character Through
Punishment and Motivation: Survey on Management Department Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business UPN "Veteran"
actions and skills can really be known and eventually
become a habit that is difficult to leave. Habits can
also be interpreted as a movement of actions that runs
smoothly and as if walking by itself. This action was
originally due to the mind doing consideration and
planning so that later it will cause actions which if
these actions are repeated, it will become a habit.
Habits that are repeated over a long period of time and
continuously will form character.
2.4 Discipline
According to James Driver, from the psychological
side, discipline is the ability to control behavior that
comes from within a person in accordance with things
that have been set from the outside or existing norms.
In other words, psychological discipline is a person's
behavior that appears and is able to adjust to the rules
that have been set. According to Pratt Fairshild from
the side of sociology, discipline consists of two parts,
namely self-discipline and social discipline. Both are
interconnected with each other, so someone who has
a disciplined attitude is people who can direct their
behavior and actions based on certain standards or
limits of behavior that are accepted in their respective
groups or social sphere. These behavioral settings can
be obtained through education and learning channels.
According to John Macquarrie, in terms of ethics,
discipline is a willingness and deed of someone in
complying with all the rules that have been set up with
specific objectives.
2.5 Application of Discipline through
Familiarization with discipline in college will have a
positive influence on student life in the future. In the
beginning, discipline was felt like a rule that restricted
learners' freedom. However, if this rule is felt like
something that should be consciously obeyed for the
good of oneself and the common good, then over
time, it will become a good habit towards self-
discipline. Discipline is no longer something that
comes from outside that gives certain limitations, but
discipline is a rule that comes from within itself as a
natural thing to do in everyday life. The main
experience in the implementation of discipline will
provide a framework in the order of life later. "Self-
discipline will only grow in an atmosphere where
between lecturers and students there is an attitude of
friendship that is rooted in the basis of mutual respect
and mutual trust," (Rohani HM et al., 1991; 134). So
according to this opinion, it means that discipline
must be applied within a democratic framework and
boundaries and penalties that provide disciplinary
(pedagogical KKBI) benefits.
2.6 Motivation
According to Hidayatullah, 2010, the enforcement of
discipline can be done in several ways to increase
motivation, education and training, leadership, rule
enforcement, application of reward, and punishment.
Increased motivation can be used to improve
someone's discipline through two approaches to
extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. The
motivation that comes from outside ourselves is
extrinsic, while that comes from within us as intrinsic
motivation (Hidayatullah, 2010).
2.7 The Indonesian National
Qualification Framework
Indonesian National Qualification
The framework, hereinafter abbreviated as KKNI, is
a competency qualification gap framework which can
juxtapose, equalize, and integrate between the
education and work training fields, as well as work
experience in the context of providing recognition of
work competence in accordance with the work
structure in various sectors Learning achievement, is
the ability obtained through the internalization of
knowledge, attitudes, skills, competencies, and
accumulation of work experience (President, 2012).
One of the achievements in KKNI is the
internalization of the discipline of a student. To
increase the interest of student discipline, the method
can be pursued by providing the real motivation that
can encourage students to behave in the discipline by
utilizing one of the assessment instruments in KKNI,
namely attitude. The element of disciplinary attitude
assessment in attending lectures is used as a real
motivation to encourage disciplinary habits in
attending lectures before the lecture begins, students
who always attend before lectures begin will be given
a score of 7 points. The second method with a real
penalty in the form of if the student is not late for
more than 10 minutes, then it is not permitted to enter
so that the attendance signature cannot be detected, if
the student is found to be absent, then the falsified
signature and the student who is signed is considered
not to enter the meeting students not entering more
than two times without permission are not permitted
to take the final semester exams (Rector, 2018). In an
effort to build the discipline character of students in
attending lectures, it will be measured the
determinant of a greater influence between real
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
motivation or real punishment that is able to build
disciplinary interest in attending lectures.
2.7 Research Framework and Results
Figure 1: Framework for research and results.
2.8 Hypothesis
1) The character of student discipline has a
significant positive effect on students'
disciplinary interest in attending lectures
through extrinsic motivation.
2) The character of student discipline has a
significant positive effect on the interest of
student discipline in attending lectures through
3) The determinant of the character of student
discipline influences the interest of student
discipline in attending lectures through
punishment, greater student interest than
through extrinsic motivation.
In this study the population was all Management
Study Program students at the Faculty of Economics
and Business UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, the sample
was part of the Management Study Program students
at the Faculty of Economics and Business UPN
"Veteran" Yogyakarta. The sampling technique in
this study uses convenience sampling. The sample
size was 107 respondents, descriptive data analysis
techniques, and quantitative analysis path SPSS
(Ghozali, 2013).
3.1 Research
a. Testing on structure model 1, EM = 0,674DC +
b. Testing on structure model 2, P = 0.652DC +
c. Tests on the structure model 3, ID = 0.392EM +
0.279DC + 0.236P + 0.544
d. Tests on the mediating structure model of indirect
influence (0.674DC.0,392EM) = 0.264, with
avalue of the sobeltest Sp2p3= 0.062 and the
effect of mediation with a value of t = 4.258>
1.96 with a significance level of 0.05,
concluded a significant mediation coefficient
means that there is a mediating effect, with a
total effect ID = 0.279DC +
(0.674DC.0,392EM) = 0.543, hypothesis 1 is
e. Tests on the indirect influence structure model
(0.652DC.0.236P) = 0.154, with the value of
the Sobel test Sp4p5= 0.057 and the effect of
mediation with the value of t = 2.701> 1.96
with a significance level of 0.05, concluded a
significant mediation coefficient it means that
there is a mediating effect, with a total effect of
The Determinant of Student Attendance Discipline in Lectures with Psychological Approach to Formation of Discipline Character Through
Punishment and Motivation: Survey on Management Department Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business UPN "Veteran"
ID = 0.279DC + (0.652DC.0.236P) = 0.433,
hypothesis 2 is proven.
f. Hypothesis 3 testing is not proven, the character
of student discipline influences the interest of
student discipline in attending lectures through
extrinsic motivation of 0,264, greater than
through a penalty of 0,154.
Based on the results of two indirect path analysis
mediated by extrinsic motivation or punishment, both
of them show path coefficients of significant value and
positive, and this shows that the better the discipline
character of students majoring in Management at the
Faculty of Economics and Business UPN "Veteran"
Yogyakarta, the higher the interest of student discipline
through extrinsic motivation or punishment, so
hypotheses 1 and 2 are proven.
Whereas based on the results of the study, the
coefficient of determination of the character of
discipline to the interests of student discipline through
extrinsic motivation produces a greater coefficient of
influence, than through punishment. This means to
improve student discipline in the timeliness of
attending lectures "before lectures begin," and
avoiding absenteeism is more desirable to students
through extrinsic motivation in the form of
disciplinary attitude assessment in the KKNI
instruments. The third hypothesis is not proven, this
research is not in line with that conducted by Mussa
2015, this research shows that building the character
of student discipline through real extrinsic motivation
is more desirable for students majoring in
Management at the Faculty of Economics and
Business UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta.
1. The character of discipline has a direct effect
on the interests of student discipline through
extrinsic psychological motivation.
2. The character of the discipline has a direct
effect on the interests of student discipline
through psychological punishment.
3. The determinant of the character of student
discipline influences the interest of student
discipline through extrinsic motivation, having
a greater effect than through punishment.
In building student disciplinary interest in the
timeliness of attending lectures before lecture begins
and avoiding attendance, a system or method or
method using an extrinsic motivation approach
should be included in the disciplinary attitude
assessment instrument in KKNI, in the form of giving
value to students who are always present before
lecturing started, the grading could use ranking, the
approach through extrinsic motivation was very
supportive of the curriculum system that had been
used by the Management Department of the Faculty
of Economics and Business UPN "Veteran"
Yogyakarta based on KKNI, in which there was an
assessment instrument in the form of attitude.
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The Determinant of Student Attendance Discipline in Lectures with Psychological Approach to Formation of Discipline Character Through
Punishment and Motivation: Survey on Management Department Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business UPN "Veteran"