Effects of Fulfilling Psychological Contracts and Job
Characteristics towards Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Mediated by Perceived Organizational Support at the SMEs
Culinary in Yogyakarta
Istiana Rahatmawati, Yuni Siswanti, and Ernawati
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
Keywords: Psychological Contract Fulfillment, Job Characteristics, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Perceived
Organizational Support.
Abstract: This study aims to examine and analyse the direct influence of fulfilment of Psychological Contracts on OCB
(Organizational Citizenship Behavior), the direct influence of Job Characteristics on OCB, the indirect effect
of Fulfillment of Psychological Contracts on OCB through POS, and the indirect effect of Job Characteristics
on OCB through POS 68 employees from SMEs culinary in Yogyakarta. The method used in sampling is a
census, with a population of 68 employees. The analytical method used is Path Analysis. The results found
that: 1) There is a direct and significant effect of fulfilling Psychological Contracts on OCB; 2) There is a
direct and significant influence of Job characteristics on OCB; 3) There is an indirect and significant effect
on fulfilling Psychological Contracts on OCB mediated by POS; 4) There is an indirect and significant
influence of Job Characteristics on OCB mediated by POS.
In the development of human resource management,
many companies currently focus not only on roles but
also on the extra role of employees, including
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Organ
(1988) defines OCB as an individual's free behavior
that is explicitly or indirectly recognized by the
formal system, and in the aggregate of functioning
effectively and efficiently in an organization.
Kreitner and Kinicki (2014) stated that one of the
factors affecting OCB employees is the Psychological
Contract. In their research, Ahmad and Zafar (2018)
show that Psychological Contract Fulfillment leads to
increased organizational identification, employee
involvement, reduction in turn over the intention,
increased commitment, innovative work behavior,
employee performance, and Organizational
Citizenship Behavior. In the assessment conducted,
Organizational Citizenship Behavior also runs in
parallel with Job Characteristics. In the Ajgaonkar
study (in MajdAzar, 2018) conducted on a sample of
employees in the Indian industrial sector, and
examining the relationship between job
characteristics and OCB,
this study found that when providing greater
opportunities for employees to use many different
skills, reflected by showing higher OCB level. In
addition to Psychological Contracts, Job
Characteristics, and OCB, another variable examined
in this study is Perceived Organizational Support.
Defined as employees' overall beliefs about the extent
to which organizations assess their well-being
(Eisenberger et al., 1986).
This research takes the object at the SMEs
culinary in Yogyakarta, which is one of the many
companies engaged in the culinary industry.
Referring to the theory about OCB, one of the
indicators in OCB is Conscientiousness, which is a
behavior that goes beyond the requirements of the
organization's minimum role in terms of attendance,
and timeliness. Judging from the problems that have
occurred at SMEs culinary in Yogyakarta, its
employees have not fulfilled the Conscientiousness
by arriving late and not on time. Based on the results
of interviews with employees of the SMEes in
Yogyakarta head office in Sleman, it can be seen that
Rahatmawati, I., Siswanti, Y. and Ernawati, .
Effects of Fulfilling Psychological Contracts and Job Characteristics towards Organizational Citizenship Behavior Mediated by Perceived Organizational Support at the SMEs Culinary in
DOI: 10.5220/0009961602280232
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 228-232
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the company is considered to have not provided
sufficient space for employees to develop their skills
and abilities so that employees have high.
Competitiveness in the industry. This is indicated by
the rarely held training and development for
employees. This can be related to the psychological
contract fulfillment theory, in which one of the
indicators is the Development of External Work.
Some employees are also quite difficult with the
work rhythm that is in the company. This is due to
many employees who are placed in divisions that are
not following their educational background so that
employees are less able to maximize the use of
knowledge and skills gained from formal education.
This phenomenon can be related to the Job
Characteristics theory proposed by Hackman and
Oldham (in Mas'ud 2004), where two of the indicators
are the use of knowledge and the use of employee
skills. The low level of Organizational Citizenship
Behavior is also caused by the low level of Perceived
Organizational Support. Based on the results of the
interview, it can be seen that the company is
considered not able to respond to employee
complaints properly.
2.1 Fulfillment of Psychological
Rousseau (1995) defines psychological contracts as
individual beliefs formed by organizations and relates
to the provisions and agreements of exchange
between individuals and their organizations.
H1: Fulfillment of Psychological Contracts has a
direct and significant effect on Organizational
Citizenship Behavior at SMEs culinary in Yogyakarta
2.2 Job Characteristics
Hackman and Oldham (1975), as the originators of
the theory of job characteristics, in their journal,
define job characteristics as a set of environmental
variables that are widely regarded as important causes
of employee influence and behavior.
H2: Job Characteristics have a direct and
significant effect on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior at the SMEs culinary in Yogyakarta.
2.3 Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB)
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is
included in extra-role behavior, that is, an individual's
contribution exceeds the demands of a role at work,
which Organ (1988) defines as individual free
behavior that is explicitly or indirectly recognized by
the formal system, and in the aggregate to function
effectively and efficiently in an organization.
H3: Fulfillment of psychological contract
indirectly and significantly influences Organizational
Citizenship Behavior, which is mediated by
Perceived Organizational Support at the Special
Office of SMEs culinary in Yogyakarta.
2.4 Perceived Organizational Support
Perceived Organizational Support (POS) can be in the
form of appreciation for employee contributions,
listening to complaints, feeling proud of employee
performance or achievements, and meeting employee
needs. With the POS provided by an organization to
its employees can provide satisfaction for employees
and increase commitment to work, Rhoades &
Eisenberger (2002).
H4: Job Characteristics have an indirect and
significant effect on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior mediated by Perceived Organizational
Support at SMEs culinary in Yogyakarta
The framework of thought proposed for this study is
based on the independent and dependent variables
described. To further facilitate understanding of the
research framework, this can be seen as follows:
Picture 1: Research Model
Effects of Fulfilling Psychological Contracts and Job Characteristics towards Organizational Citizenship Behavior Mediated by Perceived
Organizational Support at the SMEs Culinary in Yogyakarta
The research method used is a survey research
method, with primary and secondary data types. The
process of collecting data through interviews and
questionnaires distributed to 68 employees of SMEs
culinary in Yogyakarta Head Office in Sleman. The
instrument test used is the validity test and the
reliability test. Data analysis techniques used in this
study are Descriptive and Quantitative Analysis.
Quantitative Analysis in this study uses Path
Analysis. To test the role of mediators in this study,
the Sobel and Bootstrapping Test was used. The
Sobel Test Formula is as follows.
 = 22 + 22 + 22
5.1 Descriptive Analysis
In this study, primary data sourced from 68
respondents, then analyzed to determine its general
characteristics, which are obtained from questions
related to gender, last education, age, and length of
work. Here is a table that shows the results of a
descriptive analysis of research.
Table 1. Characteristics of respondents by sex
Sex Number Percentage
Male 29 43%
Female 39 57%
Total 68 100%
Source: Primary data is processed, 2019
Table 2 Characteristics of respondents by last education
Occupation Number of Percentage
SD 1 1.47%
SMP 0 0%
SMA 12 17.65%
DIPLOMA 6 8.82%
S1 49 72.06%
TOTAL 68 100%
Source: Primary data processed, 2019
Table 3 Characteristics of Respondents by Age
Source: Primary data processed, 2019
Table 4 Characteristics of Respondents based on Work
Period Work
Source: Primary data processed, 2019
5.2 Quantitative Analysis Model I Path
Model path I Analysis is used to analyze the effect of
Fulfilling Psychological Contracts (X1) and Job
Characteristics (X2) on Perceived Organizational
Support (Z). The pathway equation model I is Z =
0.308X1 + 0.637X2 + e1
The coefficient value of the Psychological
Contract Fulfillment path that can be seen in the beta
coefficient is 0.308, from the statistical calculations
the results of t count are 2.620 with a significance of
0.011, which is less than 0.05. This shows that the
Fulfillment of Psychological Contracts (X1) has a
direct and significant effect on Perceived
Organizational Support (Z).
The path coefficient value of Job Characteristics
that can be seen from the beta coefficient is 0.637; the
statistical calculation shows that t arithmetic is 5.409
with a significance of 0.000, which is less than 0.05.
This shows that Job Characteristics (X2) have a direct
and significant effect on Perceived Organizational
Support (Z).
The coefficient of determination (R2) by looking
at the Adjusted R Square is 0.857, which means that
85.7% of the Perceived Organizational Support
Age Number of Presentations
20 to 25 years 36 52, 94%
26 to 30 years 23 33.82%
31 to 35 years 7 10.29%
36 to 40 years 2 2.94%
Total 68 100%
Period Number of Presentation s
1 to 5 years 57 83.82%
6 to 10 years 10 14.71%
11 to 15 years 1 1.47%
Total 68 100%
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
variable can be explained by the variable
Psychological Contract Fulfillment and Job
Characteristics, while 14.3% is influenced by other
variables not included in the model this. The error
value in the path of model I (e1) is (1-R ^ 2) = (1-
0,861) = 0.373.
5.3 Model II Path Analysis
Model II Path analysis is used to analyze the effect
of Psychological Contract Fulfillment (X1), Job
Characteristics (X2), and Perceived Organizational
Support (Z) on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
(Y). The pathway equation model II is as follows:
Y = Y = 0.283X1 + 0.366X2 + 0.306Z + e
The coefficient value of the Psychological
Contract Fulfillment path that can be seen in the beta
coefficient is 0.283. From the statistical calculation,
the result of t count is 2,237 with a significance of
0.029, which is less than 0.05. This shows that the
Fulfillment of Psychological Contracts (X1) has a
direct and significant effect on Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (Y).
The path coefficient value Job Characteristics that
can be seen from the beta coefficient is 0.366. The
results of statistical calculations show that the t value
is 2.524, with a significance of 0.014, which is less
than 0.05. This shows that Job Characteristics (X2)
have a direct and significant effect on Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (Y).
The path coefficient value of the Perceived
Organizational Support (Z) that can be seen from the
beta coefficient is 0.306. The results of statistical
calculations show that the t value is 2,410 with a
significance of 0.019, which is less than 0.05. This
shows that Perceived Organizational Support (Z) has
a direct and significant effect on Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (Y).
The coefficient of determination (R2) by looking
at Adjusted R Square is 0.851, which means that
85.1% of the variable Organizational Citizenship
Behavior can be explained by the variables of
Psychological Contract Fulfillment, Job
Characteristics, and Perceived Organizational
Support while 14.9% is influenced by other variables
not included in this model. The error value in the path
of model I (e2) is equal to 1 (1-R ^ 2) = (1-0,857) =
By using the Sobel Test and Bootstrapping to test
the indirect effect of the X1 variable on the Y variable
via the Z variable, the following results are obtained.
t = 0.4116 / 0.0911 = 4.518112. Based on the results
of these calculations, the obtained value of t
arithmetic of 4, 518112> t table (1.9966), which
means significant at the 0.05 significance level.
To test the indirect effect of the X2 variable on the
Y variable through the Z variable, also used the Sobel
Test and bootstrapping, and the following results
were obtained. t = 0.3633 / 0.063 = 3.772586. Based
on these calculations, the obtained value of t counts
equal to 3.772586> t table (1.9966) which means
significant at the 0.05 significance level
Based on the analysis and discussion described in the
previous chapter, it can be concluded from this study
that :
Fulfillment of Psychological Contracts has a
direct and significant effect on Organizational
Citizenship Behavior at the SMEs culinary in
Yogyakarta, so the first hypothesis is
Job characteristics directly and significantly
influence Organizational Citizenship Behavior
at SMEs culinary in Yogyakarta, so that the
second hypothesis is supported.
Psychological contracts have an indirect and
significant effect on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior mediated by Perceived
Organizational Support at the SMEs culinary in
Yogyakarta, so the third hypothesis supported.
Job Characteristics have an indirect and
significant effect on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior mediated by Perceived
Organizational Support at SMEs culinary in
Yogyakarta Headquarters in Sleman, so the
hypothesis is fourth supported.
Because job characteristics have the greatest
influence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior, in
order to maintain and even increase the level of
Organizational Citizenship Behavior at SMEs
culinary in Yogyakarta, company management needs
to further analyze the characteristics, standards, and
requirements of the work, so that the employee can
work more optimally or even give more effort than
the company is targeting. Because Perceived
Organizational Support has a mediating role in this
research, the improvement of this indicator can be
made with the company assigning tasks according to
the expertise and interests of its employees, and the
Effects of Fulfilling Psychological Contracts and Job Characteristics towards Organizational Citizenship Behavior Mediated by Perceived
Organizational Support at the SMEs Culinary in Yogyakarta
company can also hold recreational events outbound
every six months. It is expected that with the increase
in job characteristics as the variable that has the most
influence, as well as the Perceived Organizational
Support, which has a mediating role, the will also
increase Organizational Citizenship Behavior.
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ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management